The Critical Drinker Talks Movies, Star Wars, and Soccer with Will Cain

Will Cain downed some drinks with Will Jordan… well, not really, but we can assume the Drinker had a few adult beverages on hand. The erstwhile Critical Drinker appeared on The Will Cain Show – where Gary from Nerdrotic guested in May – to talk about the movie industry and what’s wrong with it, as well as soccer, The Acolyte, the next big thing in Hollywood, the death of the movie star, and the few instances of positivity we can cling to in modern entertainment. It’s another more focused talk than the ones the Drinker and Gary do on Piers Morgan Uncensored, and it’s a fun watch, as everything with the Drinker is. You can see the interview below:

Every time someone recommends Cobra Kai, an angel gets his wings. It’s funny listening to conversations like these because while the seemingly interminable deluge of garbage coming out of Hollywood can be disheartening, you forget that there are some good things that slip through the cracks, like Cobra Kai, which I love. I also liked Dune quite a bit, and I’m really enjoying House of the Dragon, something I didn’t even plan on watching after the way Game of Thrones ended. (I’m also having a lot of fun watching Gary, Ryan, Mauler, and other rotating guests discuss each episode on Nerdrotic.) I mostly agree with the Drinker’s assessment of the motivations behind Hollywood’s turn to wokeness and DEI, although now that we’ve had a few years of it and the movie industry is barely standing, and they’re still pushing forward with this nonsense, I think it’s much more that they’re true believers in their ideology than that they think it’s good for business. Video game adaptations being the successor to the superhero movie as the flavor of the month in Hollywood seems likely to me, given how successful The Super Mario Bros. Movie and Sonic the Hedgehog and its sequel were. (Who knew keeping the movies faithful to the games would be the secret to success?)

I agree that social media killed the movie star, or at least held the pillow over its face while it was in intensive care, but I think Hollywood may want to bring them back; it feels to me like they’re trying to make Glen Powell the next one – notice how you don’t hear much about him outside of his acting career. I don’t know if it’ll work; I think it’s going to take someone very special to resurrect the movie star, and I haven’t seen enough from Powell to know if it’s him. I can’t say much about soccer or The Acolyte because I don’t watch either of them, although Cain’s observations about the difference between American and British culture remind me of something John Cleese once said about comedy: Americans want to be the coolest guy in the room who’s the center of attention, while the British want to be the quiet guy in the corner making observations. The Drinker is probably right about the “any attention is good attention” marketing strategy behind making entertainment woke and calling fans names, although, in The Acolyte’s case, it doesn’t seem to be working because they’re walking it back like a video on rewind.

This was another good talk with one of the best content creators on YouTube, and it’s always fun seeing guys from this side of the internet talk with more mainstream voices. (Although on that score, look at Will Cain’s subscriber count and then look at the Critical Drinker’s.)

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