2020 Election: The Final Days

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events 2020 Election: The Final Days

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  • #197040



    I’m curious about what makes you all so sure Trump is going to win. From everything I’ve seen it seems like everyone’s supporting Biden. And I know, fake news, fake polls, woke agenda and so on.

    But as far as I know: pretty much every poll, 99% of celebrities and the majority of normal American citizens I’ve encountered online (except for this forum) are in favor of Biden. Plus, pretty much everyone in my country support Biden, I know about 3-5 Trump supporters. I know this fact is irrelevant, but still. So I’m just wondering what makes you so sure when pretty much every evidence I’ve seen shows that Biden is more likely to win?

    And this is a genuine question so miss me with the SJW commie accusations 🙏🏻


    OK, let me see what I see (as a non-US citizen).


    From what I can tell….

    Biden’s and Kamala’s rallies are dead, with little to no excitement and few attendees.

    Trump’s rallies are the exact opposite – full of excitement and lots of people.


    When it comes to interviews, even with soft questions, Biden appears lost and confused.  And with actual racists comments like:

    “you ain’t black unless you vote democrat”.

    That line alone should lead to lots of the black US population to NOT vote for the dems.

    And then, the refusal to state what their policies will be under a biden/kamala administration is until AFTER they are voting in, is also shocking.

    Buyers beware alarm bells ring each time they make that or similar statements.

    Then the claim that they will lockdown the virus, but not lockdown the economy.  Really?  How?

    Oh yay, the refusal policy claim again.

    And that prominent dems are saying “everything is on the table” with a dem win, should scare everyone.


    Really packing the SCOTUS.

    Eliminating the Electoral College (and the reason it was created in the first place).



    Are they going to wave a magic wand to make the virus disappear?

    (Just like Obama stated that one can’t restart the us economy with a wave of a wand.  But Trump used the power of the pen, and did just that.)

    The obvious lies (more so than for a politician than most people would expect), is blazen.



    Celebrities (who are paid to act), when it comes to real life policies, are the last people to get advise from.

    They have no idea how the average citizen lives, so telling us how things “SHOULD BE”, I find insulting.


    The dems allow lawlessness (riots, loiting, etc.) in the places they govern.

    The dems are the welfare party.


    I think most American’s want to live the American Dream.  Work hard, have an item/product no one else has, make it rich.

    People from all over the world wants to immigrate to the US for those dreams, and of life living in a free nation.

    But citizens want that as legal immigration.  We have seen what happened in the EU with open borders, and how they were overwhelmed with unvetted massess.


    Trump is loud and abrasive, but he is a fresh air in the stale talk of career politicians.

    Sure, my country has had its share of Tramp’s rants.  But I see it as not an attack on its people, but as part of his love for the USA.


    I don’t see that same passion by Biden nor Kamala.  In fact, I see contempt for the average citizen.

    And don’t get me started on pelosi, a fellow dem.  How she can be speaker of the house and refuses to talk with the president is beyond me.


    Trump has acted when others would not.  (And I will not list them.  That others can do if they want to.)

    A person of action.


    And like it said in another thread, the SCOTUS ruled on mail-in ballots differently, based on the constitution and laws of the various states.

    Yet all I hear is how biden/kamala wants to ignore state constitutions for mail-in ballots.


    If they want to do that at the state level, what would they do at the federal level.


    I just don’t understand why anyone not on welfare would vote democrat.


    Heck, I live in a country where we have three major national parties and one special interest party (that only represents one part of the country).

    We have left, right, center, etc.  And minority governments and compromising is more the norm.

    I understand were each comes from, even if I personally disagree.


    But in the US, the two party system, and how each side has move farther from each other (and the center), that need to do what is best for the nation is NOT in their best interest.  Politics over people.  And sadly, I see the dems doing that more so than the republicans.


    I do not see how the dems can win (without questionable means).


    And don’t talk about the polls.

    They are about as in-accurate as they were in 2016, if not even more so biased now.

    With so many people afraid to reveal the truth because of how the left attacks them.


    See the USA, the nation that in principal stands for freedom and democracy, what I see happening from the left threatens that right down to its core.

    If censorship by big tech was bad going into the elections, with a leftist gov in power, that is only going to get worse.

    CCP style of security laws I can see the dems introducing if they can get ahold of all three (congress, senate, wh.)


    And I don’t see the republicans acting like that at all.


    Well, only a few days to go.


    There is no hard evidence that Trump is going to win, true. It’s simply a palpable feeling that Americans on the ground are getting – Tons of enthusiasm for Trump, little to no enthusiasm for Biden. It’s hard for non-Americans like ourselves to get a proper read on the country because we don’t live there, but it seems to be basically 2016 all over again – A majority of Biden’s voters are not voting for him because of any inspirational message but because he isn’t Trump: That didn’t work for Hillary, not sure why it should work for Joe now.

    You have to keep in mind the different States, which are almost like different countries unto themselves – The people you’ve been speaking to probably come from coastal regions like New York and California, which are always Democrat safe havens. I can safely bet the mood is quite different in middle America, especially in, say, Texas or Montana. Then there are the “swing states,” like Florida, which most of the electoral outcomes depend on. If Biden takes Florida, for instance, than his chances of winning the presidency become almost-certain. If Trump wins it, though, it becomes a toss-up. There’s no real way of knowing until election night, though.

    I said I think Trump is going to win, but I admit that comes from thinking I’d rather not believe that there would be enough Americans to be so beleaguered by the media into thinking that a senile grandpa, who is so obviously prepped up by those looking to protect their interests, is somehow preferable to a man who upends the status quo – The reason he got elected in the first place. In all honesty it’s probably going to be a close call, and not the landslide victory that either side is hoping for (it’s going to be a disaster if neither candidate gets the 270 electoral votes that they need).


    >President Trump: 5 rallies a day.

    >Sleepy Joe: 5 naps a day.


    Hope everyone’s ready for a massive drama show in the following days (weeks?).

    Mail votes will mess everything up. Police case.

    I’ll get popcorns.


    Heck, I live in a country where we have three major national parties and one special interest party (that only represents one part of the country).

    We have left, right, center, etc.  And minority governments and compromising is more the norm.

    I understand were each comes from, even if I personally disagree.


    That was how America was designed to function. This two party bullshit was feared by the founders nearly as much as losing the revolution was.

    Below you mention polling; there you are correct as well they are wrong as they refuse to talk to anyone outside of DNC strongholds like the Gay area and NYC.


    3rd attempt to post this. Got logged out the previous two times I hit submit.


    In George Washington’s Farewell Address, he warns against the formation of political parties saying it would foster a “spirit of revenge” and enable the rise of “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men” who would “usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”













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