30-day FB ban for making fun of TLOU2😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Geeks + Gamers Forums Gaming General Gaming Discussion 30-day FB ban for making fun of TLOU2😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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  • #170819

    Tell me something, Zuckerberg. Did giving me a 30-day ban for laughing about
    buttfucking the Ma’am Tranny in The Last of Us 2 actually STOP the bad reviews?😎😎😎 LOL, I LAUGH. MY. ASS OFF. At you
    Marxist pieces of 💩💩💩 as you flail about in the deep end as your SJW narrative INEVITABLY. SINKS. TO. THE BOTTOM😎😎😎 The Last of Us 2 is OFFICIALLY a FAILURE as a videogame😎😎😎 The ending of The Last of Us 2 is now OFFICIALLY THE! WORST! ENDING! In videogame history 😎😎😎 No 30-day ban, no 60-day ban, NO 90! FUCKING! DAY BAN!!! You give me is EVER going to change that😎😎😎
    I end this victory speech–AND IT IS!!! A VICTORY SPEECH! MAKE NO! FUCKING MISTAKE ABOUT IT!!!–with, ironically, a quote from the TV show that has the worst ending in the history of TV shows:
    “When you tear out a man’s tongue, you are not proving him a liar. You’re only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”😎😎😎

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by WeareChaoS. Reason: submitted in wrong forum

      Wow, what a rant!!  ♥️


      Unfortunately people can’t stand criticism and life in their own imagination were nothing can hurt and will remove anything that can year them out of dream land


      Heads up! I’m moving this thread over to general gaming since it has nothing to do with announcements or rules.


      Not only worst ending, but worst story telling too

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