300 Florida COVID Test Sites Reported False 100% Positivity Rate

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    Huge Scandal: 300 Florida COVID Test Sites Reported False 100% Positivity Rate

    RUSH: This is a huge, huge story, and it was started by a Fox station in Orlando. Fox Orlando, Channel 35, reporting that Florida hospitals are making massive mistakes with coronavirus case reporting. The biggest story in the country, and you can’t find it. You literally can’t find it, certainly not anywhere in the Drive-By Media.

    More than 300 COVID testing labs in Florida reported 100 percent positive rates. That simply isn’t possible. Every person they tested was reported as positive. Upon investigation, the actual positive cases were 10 times lower.

    Now, this opens the question, how many other states have been reporting fake numbers? Alex Berenson, the former New York Times reporter who has now become a Twitter expert on the virus, is saying that Texas’ numbers are also off the rails, that they are not accurate.

    Much more at the linked page.


    Yep this won’t be reported on.

    My wife was an RN for 25 years down here in Fl.  She just recently lost her job because of all the lying going on in the medical industry down here.  You either play ball or you are done.  Along with any benefits you might have been able to get.  Some of these people have a choice in their life now.  You can either play along with the big lie.  Or you can stick to your morals and do the right thing.

    Mind you doing the right thing will cost you.  We are making plans and preparing for what is to come very soon.

    I can’t say much due to the nature of this story and the kind of corner they put her into.  I am trying to talk her into joining the forums to speak openly about it.  I however trust her sense that people will just call her the liar and claim she is a “conspiracy theorist”.

    Shit is getting crazy out here.


    Edit:   Every single time we have tried to warn people about this we are suddenly turned into the bad guys.   Something deeper is going on here, I have never in all my life seen things like they are right now in the world today.  It is honestly creeping us both out to the core.  We are counted among the lucky ones, as I own my house and we own our vehicles.  We don’t need credit or credit scores anymore.  Anyone who is young and just starting out with nothing under their belts are really screwed with what is coming down the pipe line.



    What I can say is this is a huge racket with insurance claims and money coming into hospitals and other places that have been exposed by these false tests.  Lots of money is exchanging hands here.  The higher ups don’t want anyone speaking out on this as it is a direct teet to the some big money.

    Now we are not claiming this virus is 100% fake or anything like that.  It is a real virus that is being over played and used to make the suits a lot of money.  Insurance claims getting big pay outs.  Hospitals getting huge cuts of this money for each Covid death that is being lied about.

    The ones not playing ball are afraid to speak up due to a list of reasons.  Ridicule is a powerful tool.  Threats on families by taking away their paychecks.  losing a job you invested your life into.  Just to name a couple.


    Here is another example of how bad things are down here in Fl with the medical industry and their out right bold face lies.

    You’re being lied to on a massive scale.  And people are buying it hook line and sinker.


    I dedicated 10 years of my life earning a BS in Biology and working in the medical field. I can guarantee you that it’s not a mistake.

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