“35 Year Old Women Are Uglier than 25 Year Old Women”

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube “35 Year Old Women Are Uglier than 25 Year Old Women”

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      I watch this channel from time to time.  While not the most eloquent speaker or the most learned (she is young she will get there)  she brings up some very good points and talks about some of the most heated things in culture.  Yes I know, some call her a grifter.  Maybe she is.  Does not matter, she speaks truths most of the time.

      This original statement she made and this video about it are really interesting and she makes valid points.  But I think she misses the big picture.

      The lies of feminism has very much harmed women and men.  Some of these lies have entirely obfuscated what was considered common sense. Which is this.

      In the “sexual market place” or lets say the societal point where men and women collide looking for husbands and wives, women are prized for their beauty and fertility.  Men are prized for their resources.  It’s been this way since day 1 of humanity.  Grug had a very small cave so when he asked the prettiest girl in the tribe to come live with him she said no and instead went to live in Bhur’s much larger cave which was right by the river.

      There is nothing at all wrong with this paradigm.  It is actually very equal and balanced and each side of this has its pros and cons.

      – Women

      Your “power” you are born with and you don’t have to attain it (maybe maintain it) and from early on you have many many options.  The downside is that this fades relatively quickly and by your mid-30’s your options have been limited by a good degree.  Now women used to know this ,I assume because they were taught by their mothers, and they planned and acted appropriately.  But now feminism tells women lies which has them believing the influence they are born with will be there in their 40s and beyond.


      Born without almost any influence or power because from the start you have few resources.  In your younger years you are often overlooked and higher value women will select older men with more resources. However, you come into your own later in life if you do well and do indeed gather resources.  You can end up being one of the men a younger higher value woman will choose.



      I’ve been following the rise of the redpill/manosphere movement lead by Andrew Tate for a while now because I find it unhinged how bad so much of the ”advices” and topics are stumbled onto JustPearlyThings. She is obviously a grifter and a pick me girl, as she desperately wants to be ”not like other women” and keeps shitting on women for attention.

      What made me 100% certain was when she first said people who do not sign up for the draft should ’t be able to vote, and later said women should not serve in the military and shouldn’t be able to sign up for draft.

      Basically she wants to regress society to when women were just birth machines. She also supports criminalizing divorces and thinks divorce is worse than domestic abuse.

      I’ve never seen a single debate where she comes out on top, she keeps getting slammed by everyone, even Ethan fucking Klein.

      My prediction is she’s gonna be forgotten in a couple years when the manosphere movement cools down, especially if the Tates get locked up (and I believe they will) they lose their frontrunners


        I find it very telling you reply to a post where an argument was laid out with just name calling, accusations and a bunch of stuff that I am certain is not true.  In fact you never addressed any points I made even once, you just attacked the person in the video.  I did not even really reference the video except to say I think she missed the big picture.

        All the hate vomit you just typed out is equal parts ad hominem and just not true. If you don’t like her.  Fine.  If disagree with her fine.  But attacking a person you disagree with by impugning their character repeatedly really only harms your character not theirs as perceived by anyone who is thinking logically.



        with just name calling, accusations

        oh no


        Yes I know, some call her a grifter.  Maybe she is.  Does not matter, she speaks truths most of the time.

        I did reply to this with my opinion that she 100% is a grifter and most of the time has no idea what she is talking about.

        accusations and a bunch of stuff that I am certain is not true.

        I do not practice intentionally misrepresenting things someone says. And if I get something wrong I have no trouble admitting it. But I don’t even need to misrepresent her, just look up her content. She had a debate with Ethen Klein and even recently was on Piers Morgan to justify her take that women should not be able to vote and that divorce should be illegal because ”during the wedding vow you promise to stick together through everything”. I think she’s a massive grifter for the redpill movement.


        the debate with Ethan goes more into depth how lost in the sauce she is but this is a quick recap on her positions


          “oh no


          You speak often and openly of people you disagree with being motivated by hatred of one group or another.  But when you exhibit similar behavior that you typically point to as hatred it signals to me that your initial accusations of hatred are disingenuous and most likely are strategic.

          “I did reply to this with my opinion that she 100% is a grifter and most of the time has no idea what she is talking about.”

          As I said initially, grifting is possible here but even if it is, this does not auto invalidate what is being said. I am not sure how you can claim she has no idea what she is talking about.  She speaks of young women’s issues and she is a young woman.  Also, 95% of what she states is opinion so you can disagree with it but this not make her incorrect.

          I agree with her overall theme and her big picture takes but I disagree with her on some points.  She is not Jordan Peterson but she is not going to be at this juncture.  She is very young and has a lot to learn.  If she keeps her mind open and stays with this she will be a force ultimately in my opinion.

          “I do not practice intentionally misrepresenting things someone says.”

          Misrepresentation is pretty simple to avoid when you mention very few facts and is by no means the only tools of subterfuge.  Now, what you do practice is invalidation through character assassination which you have done repeatedly in this thread.

          “But I don’t even need to misrepresent her, just look up her content. She had a debate with Ethen Klein and even recently was on Piers Morgan to justify her take that women should not be able to vote and that divorce should be illegal because ”during the wedding vow you promise to stick together through everything”. ”

          I don’t have to look up her content.  I am not saying things about her from an uneducated position.  Yes, you are correct.  The 2 things you mentioned are indeed things she has spoken of but not exactly like you stating.  She did not say divorce should be illegal or I have never heard that.  What I have heard her say is that she does not believe in divorce and especially no fault divorce.  I disagree with no divorce at all but I agree 100% with ending no fault divorce.  And she is also correct about the typical wedding vow.  You DO promise to stay with that person no matter what.  Historically the exceptions to that rule were abuse and infidelity.  Again, something I agree with.

          Now to the statement of no female voting, yes that one I have heard. I do not agree with that.  If limitations on vote were to be legislated I don’t think that should happen along any lines of immutable characteristics but I would possibly agree with it based on other factors. For example, losing your vote while on any sort of public assistance. That is something I could possibly support depending on how it was done but those are discussions point I would have to see to make that decision.




          You speak often and openly of people you disagree with being motivated by hatred of one group or another.  But when you exhibit similar behavior that you typically point to as hatred it signals to me that your initial accusations of hatred are disingenuous and most likely are strategic.

          not really the same. People I speak against are most often hateful towards groups of people based on their identity and aim to suppress their rights. I make fun of people who are disingenuous with opinions based on lies, but I don’t wanna take away their rights or anything. I just wanna make them reflect on their views while having a bit fun at the same. The only exception is Putin, who can just straight up go to hell as there are not many other options.

          I am not sure how you can claim she has no idea what she is talking about.  She speaks of young women’s issues and she is a young woman.  Also, 95% of what she states is opinion so you can disagree with it but this not make her incorrect.

          Her opinions yes but her opinions are based on misunderstanding facts and leaping into wild conclusions. And she doesn’t have much idea of what she is talking about. She claims family court is based on balance of probability and not evidence, failing to realize that the standard of proof in family matters is a preponderance of evidence which, in fact, is based on evidence. Balance of probability is based on evidence. Which makes me believe she doesn’t know what she is talking about, she just parrots stuff she hears from other people who are wrong to appeal to the redpill movement.

          Another thing is that she supports punishment for false rape accusations because women can use it to destroy the reputation of the man even if he beats the case. But simultaneously, she opposes no fault divorces and thinks women should only be able to divorce in extreme cases of domestic abuse, which would lead to women who want to divorce having to charge the man for domestic abuse in order to divorce. And her response to the follow up question of ”wouldn’t that hurt the reputation of the man?” is ”not if he beats the case”, which takes away the ground away from her false rape accusation opinion.

          I just think she doesn’t have a lot of knowledge or actual fundamental groundings and reasonings for her opinions, she just wiggles and changes her stance depending on what is more beneficial for her at the specific time.

          She is very young and has a lot to learn.  If she keeps her mind open and stays with this she will be a force ultimately in my opinion.

          I think the complete opposite. She is just plain wrong on many topics, doesn’t have a stable stance and thus far she has been obliterated by everyone in every debate. She can’t defend her positions at all. And as the redpill fad is slowly losing steam with the Tates being away, I think she’ll be gone pretty soon. She is now seen as a useful token for the redpill movement as the ”see? We’re not anti-women, this woman agrees with us!”. Kinda like how Milo Yiannopoulos was the token gay guy and Klandace Owens and Ye were the black meat shields.


          She did not say divorce should be illegal or I have never heard that.

          She changed her stance on that, at first she agreed with MLD or whatever the name is of the whatever-podcast about women needing to suck it up. But after that she has corrected her position to no fault marriage, which I still oppose as there are numerous things that can make someone pushed away other than abuse.


            “not really the same. People I speak against are most often hateful towards groups of people based on their identity and aim to suppress their rights”

            It really is the same.  And “speaking against” and intentionally being very hateful are 2 different things regardless how you want to sugarcoat it.  Just because you claim well it’s not hateful when I do it is does not mean that’s the case.

            And no one is suppressing anyone’s rights that is entirely a false statement. Simply having a desire for something does not make it a right nor does that mean you are entitled to it or that others have to support it in anyway.

            When folks like yourself say “identity” you actually mean you want to force other people to act as you wish them to regardless of whether they disagree or don’t want to.   If you want to “identify” as a cat.  Go right ahead, think every thought about cats that makes you happy.  Put a litter box in your house and buy a giant ball of yarn, maybe your neighbors will even allow you to help them with their mouse problem.  No one is stopping that nor can they.  But that’s not what you want.  You want to be treated like a cat and for people to go along with that via force.  Well, too bad because you don’t get to control other people and that is not a freedom anyone has.

            Now as far as JustPearlyThings.  If you want to think she is wrong, go right ahead.  You are entitled to your opinion.  But I am entitled to mine and I disagree with you overall.  I think she says many things that are correct and she is actually doing young women a service by bringing these things up because they desperately need to be discussed as society is having a a very difficult time due to the very poor situation between men and women.

            “And as the redpill fad is slowly losing steam with the Tates being away, I think she’ll be gone pretty soon. She is now seen as a useful token for the redpill movement as the ”see? We’re not anti-women, this woman agrees with us!”. Kinda like how Milo Yiannopoulos was the token gay guy and Klandace Owens and Ye were the black meat shields.”

            People coming to the conclusion that decades of lies and subterfuge was actually very bad for them personally is not at all a fad.  In fact it’s really just beginning.

            Milo and Candance were token nothing.  Grifters?  Maybe, but they are both highly intelligent folks saying a number of smart things.  This does not mean they are perfect or even well intentioned but this does not take away from some of their positions.  See, it’s actually very possible to be nuanced and try to understand folks without drawing a line in the sand and throwing rocks at everyone on the other side.  This seems something you are incapable of doing.  I am quite certain if I mocked a black person for being black like you just did you would launch into a tirade.


              So i like pearl. She is not worse than anyone else in the redpill space. People got mad because she went on FNF and decided to do that the same thing but in the UK. There is nothing wrong with what she said. its just science. People find reasons to hate people. and for pearl they seem to have a hard-on for getting her canceled.


                “People find reasons to hate people. and for pearl they seem to have a hard-on for getting her canceled.”

                “When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.” – Thomas Sowell

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