3M PFAS Forever Chemical – Contamination of Public Water Supplies

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    Imagine taking meticulous care of yourself only to find out you’ve been slowly poisoned for years. Granted in this case they’ve stated that it “may” have health impacts, just think about what else is going on that has not yet been detected.



      “Imagine taking meticulous care of yourself only to find out you’ve been slowly poisoned for years. ”

      What do you mean imagine?  That’s is exactly what’s been going on for decades in much of the west and probably 50x over.  I am sure there are a number of sources but if you simply take into account food production (that should not even be a phrase we use) between the processed natural stuff and the inorganic human chemicals I am not at all shocked we are all sick.

      Remember the old Alex Jones meme, “they’re turning the frogs gay!”.  That’s actually entirely true (Atrazine) and I honestly think he probably got people with a lot of money to focus on him with that one statement because if we prove just 1 chemical is having long term effects on organisms it opens the door to realizing how many of those things there are out there that we eat or are exposed to all day every day.



      You hit the nail on the head there, both of you.

      The rise in mental illness, the drop in IQ, and yes even “the frogs turning gay”, much can be attributed to the chronic poisoning by all kinds of chemicals in our air, food, water and buildings.

      The research so far hasn’t been able to prove a causal relationship between the rise in homosexuality (and by extension gender misalignment), but that’s because they’re looking for direct links. They’re looking for hormonal effects. What they haven’t been looking for is immunological effects.

      As linked to in another topic, homosexuality is primarily caused immunologically, by the maternal immune system activating against specific proteins that form the fetus’s sexual cortex (at least in males, in females it’s a different pathology).

      The environmental chemicals all in one way or another trigger our immune system. From PFAS to wood preservatives to formaldehyde in our furniture to mold spores in homes to pollen. Our immune system deals with things all day long. Some substances it’s better able to deal with than others, and not everyone reacts the same way to all substances. Some people are dealthy allergic to peanuts, others aren’t. An activated immune system will produce inflammatory responses, antigens and so on.
      Homosexuality has been linked to prenatal stress. Aka immune activation.

      The chemicals in our surroundings most likely play a role in triggering the prenatal immune reactions that then directly cause homosexuality. And probably a myriad of other conditions as well, like personality disorders, psychopathy, low IQ, aspergers, etc. It’s slowly but surely degenerating generation after generation.

      To fix this, you have to look at the causes, not fixate on symptoms (i.e. railing against gays or trans individuals)


      Along with forever chemicals, I few years back, there was a report saying the the rise of illnesses like cancer in the west/developed nations have been rising at a faster rate than in less developed nations.  Why?  The number of chemicals the west has in their foods.

      If you read the labels, especially on processed foods, the majority of the listed ingredienses are chemicals.

      Why are so many people needed vitamin suppiments?  Because they are no long in the foods we eat/not in the quantities we need.

      And there have been studies linking soy to decreasing levels of testosterone / sperm in males.  (which are buried as not fitting the narrative.)

      So yes, I do think it is all related.

      The attack on the west, western society, the family unit, marriage, masculinity, sexuality/gender, obesity, diseases, supply chain issues, destruction of farms/agriculture industry, etc.


      We are only seeing individual pieces so far.  And every now and then two pieces come together.



      The puzze is pretty complete by now. The only real piece missing is “why”.

      I wonder if even the people in charge know.


      > Why are so many people needed vitamin suppiments? Because they are no long in the foods we eat/not in the quantities we need.

      I believe this is one reason why many people stay hungry, even while overweight. That, of course, benefits Big Food, just as a sickly population benefits Big Pharma.


        “The research so far hasn’t been able to prove a causal relationship between the rise in homosexuality (and by extension gender misalignment), but that’s because they’re looking for direct links.”

        Research?  You mean the “studies” typically funded by the very organizations making obscene amounts of money for producing the chemicals that poison us?  Oh yeah I am sure they are going to all research themselves right out of trillions of dollars.

        Y’all remember “Johnny Mnemonic”?  The whole we caused the sickness and found the cure but we are going to keep it to ourselves to keep making money type plot.  Great flick if you like B sci-fi or cyber-punk stuff.  I actually love that movie.  Ironically it was set in 2021.

        “To fix this, you have to look at the causes”

        No the fix is to stop poisoning ourselves and get back to growing food and animals and stop doing stupid sh!t like lab growing “chicken”.  Food can be grown without treating the Earth like a factory.  Ironically as I understand it the Dutch farmers they are trying to run out of the areas they want to build a  mega city on do a great job at cultivating food efficiently with as little negative effects as possible.


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