80’s Sci-Fi & Blade Runner

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies 80’s Sci-Fi & Blade Runner


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    I’ve been really hooked on 80’s science fiction films lately. Rewatched Blade Runner (1982) and I fell in love with it all over again. I’ve watched it every day this week can’t get enough of it. I really feel like this film was way ahead of the time it was released. The atmosphere and set design alone were phenomenal but adding in the soundtrack and the acting…chef’s kiss. Rutger Hauer’s portrayal as Roy Batty gave us one of the best, if not THE BEST, monologues in the history of cinema. Sean Young was gorgeous as the replicant Rachael. This is probably my favorite of Ridley Scott’s films, though I didn’t like it much when I first watched it as a young teen. Teenagers are stupid and I was no exception. Now I’m in awe when I watch it.

    Are there any other fans of this film or 80’s sci-fi? What’s your favorite? I understand if this forum is for new films, but I honestly don’t watch many new releases nowadays. Nothing catches my interest anymore.

    Blade Runner compilation trailer: https://youtu.be/6QLZR0k_RC8


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by SeaWeird7293.

      I don’t know your age but growing up in the 80’s/90’s as I did was pretty dang cool. SciFi was a wide open field at the time. So many great movies.  Hell even the bad ones then were good!


      I grew up in the 90’s/00’s :)

      80’s movies were always a great interest of mine. You are right, even the bad ones were good lol


      The Thing



      Wrath of Khan


      Heavy Metal

      Empire Strikes Back/Return of the Jedi

      Mad Max 2/Thunder dome



      80’s Sci-Fi is better than the majority of Sci-Fi today. It was creative, innovative, and even the bad stuff still captured your imagination.

      Have a watch of these movies (some are earlier than 80’s but still worth a mention):

      Saturn 3 (Kurt Douglas, Farrah Fawcett, Harvey Keitel in sci-fi…yep. It also has a fantastic soundtrack)

      Runaway (Tom Selleck)

      Life Force (make sure you watch the directors cut, and it’s NOT for kids. Many people from the Star Wars crew worked on this)

      The Wraith (Charlie Sheen)

      THX-1138 (George Lucas at his finest. Make sure you watch the Director’s Cut)

      Battle Beyond the Stars


      The Last Starfighter

      Close Encounters of the Third Kind

      Alien Nation

      Outland (Sean Connery)

      Zardoz (also Sean Connery, a very bizarre dystopian movie too)

      Lawnmower Man

      The Black Hole

      The Abyss (Extended Cut)

      2001 and 2010





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