A Brief Review – The Last Airbender 2010

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies A Brief Review – The Last Airbender 2010

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      I am sure everyone here knows about the Avatar series.  Which was an awesome series in my opinion.  But how many have seen the movie based off it?  Clearly it would be tough to take that whole series and story and make a movie based off it.  But it was done and I believe it was done very well.  Sure it only tells part of the story and it is not near as in depth as the series but the story telling is consistent and the acting good.

      I very much enjoy this movie and it’s also very kid friendly.



      You mean the Shyamalan movie? I remember seeing it when it came out. I knew almost nothing about ATLA at the time, so I had no way to compare. But from what I’ve seen and heard, a lot of people who are fans of the animated series are very unhappy with the movie.

      If you want to listen to a fairly recent discussion about the movie, one that’s often amusing but also shows their frustrations with the movie, here’s one from a podcast called The Bottom Shelf.


        I am sure there are some unhappy fans.  That is always the case.  The series is so good and so deep unless you made a 4hr movie you are going to have to leave out a lot.  But for what it is I very much enjoy the movie and I am fan of the series as I own both the movie and the entire series.


        New Netflix version is out. Heard Tyrone talking about it. After listening to Tyrone, I gotta say, please sell Star Wars to Netflix. Please.
        Liked the opening scene so far. Glad they kept at it and took another shot at it.


          If Netflix was a restaurant, I would have gotten food poisoning so many times at this point I would never eat there again.


          Here is the opening. I liked reading about it on Fandom at one time. Was never much into it.
          As for food poisoning, I feel like I get it almost every time I go out. Franchise fast food and sports and entertainment has all been tainted with devious people who want to persuade and influence the public into doing things harmful to themselves. There is very little that I am into anymore. It is all very blatant propaganda. The last movie I went to, I walked out of, but feel it was a good year in terms of my selections prior to that. I am currently on a hiatus from movies again, as I have no interest in any of it. I just read The Holy Roller, a comic book by Andy Samberg, and I loved the idea for the character, but, once again, just like Rob Reiner, the enemies in the the story were white nationalists. This is why I am not into the wars. We don’t see the same animosity towards arabs and islam that google and Hollywood show towards white people, so no, I don’t support these wars and certainly, not Israel.


            Back to the restaurant analogy.

            If you ordered a burger at Chez Flix;

            Netflix would make you 25 hamburgers.

            10 would give you food poisoning.

            10 would make your stomach hurt and send you to the bathroom an hour later.

            3 would be edible but not taste great

            1 would be decent

            1 would be pretty darn good

            Rough odds for getting the good one :P

            • This reply was modified 1 year ago by Vknid.

            It is true, and funny, too, but it has always kind of been that way. The “1 Percent” is there for a reason. It’s been like that.
            This is also my experience in life now, too. One out of ten, at best, might be good to eat or good to see or good to hear.


              It is true, and funny, too, but it has always kind of been that way. The “1 Percent” is there for a reason. It’s been like that.


              No this is not true.  The current situation where .5 out of 10 shows made, might not induce uncontrollable vomiting is a relatively new situation.

              When Netflix was still a content aggregator, the studios made shows/movies and put them on cable and Netflix.  Then the studios ripped all their content from Netflix because they thought they could be Netflix.  No one realized no one studio had enough content to keep people subscribed.  And that point Netflix would make any script regardless of how bad it might be because they desperately needed content.  That is how we arrived at the current paradigm.

              The good news (kinda) is that it will all fall back to 1 or 2 aggregators.  Amazon will be it as I mentioned previously.


              Had high hopes for the Netflix version after the success of One Piece but the result was average at best. Back to having zero expectations for Netflox adaptations, only exception being second season of One Piece


                Had high hopes for the Netflix version after the success of One Piece but the result was average at best. Back to having zero expectations for Netflox adaptations, only exception being second season of One Piece

                LOL “Netflox”.  Sounds like Netflops :P

                They are bad at creating.  Some of the few things I actually liked they cancelled. They are a mess with making content.  But it makes sense, they are a streaming platform not a studio.


                @Vknid lol Netflox was a typo but eh whatever

                The quality has been drastically dropped on Netflix and they are getting greedier each year. The One Piece live action is honestly one of the few shows I enjoyed in a long time, otherwise it’s mostly mass produced content I put on to have something in the background when I’m grinding video games

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