A Few Honest Suggestions

Geeks + Gamers Forums Support & Feedback Forum Suggestions A Few Honest Suggestions

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  • #173230

    I have no idea what the paid members subscription gets you, but I’ll add these anyways…

    1. When I come to this site, there seems to be very little “premise” besides the title. There also seems to be very little directing me towards any

    specific or unique content from “Geeks and Gamers.” There’s no definitive “about” nor is there any contact info, and if I didn’t know what

    Geeks and Gamers was from Youtube, I would have no idea what this site was, other than some random reviews and the title itself. It’s difficult to tell

    what one gets from a paid account. Is this even for the general public?

    2. With some promise, the profiles offer some stuff, but as to how the ‘blog’ function works, who knows, and why the ‘approval?’ Weird. Is it automatically

    approved if you’re paid or what?

    3. It is rather strange that there is very little information about what can be done here on this website with the ‘social media’ applications provided on it.

    4. I’d like to see a message from Jeremy or one of the “Geeks and Gamers” on this site, perhaps in video form, as to what the vision here is. Perhaps that exists

    for paid members.

    5. A Fan wiki would probably be a good thing as the fan wikis from all the other sites and sources out there are slowly caving to that horrible ideology that is spreading like a plague, one which won’t edit out details which those others are working diligently to edit out. This could include entire databanks of movies, games, etc. With reviews by ‘members.’

    6. Certainly there’s promise here, but it’s difficult to say from using this site the last week what real value it has, the number one observation I have is that it is

    very, shall we say, empty, as if nobody’s using it. We’ll see given time what will happen, there’s a lot here that can be done, and we’ll see if anything transpires.

    7. The issues with posts mysteriously disappearing is an odd one…


    How about a new merch design suggestion forum? There are so many ideas that could be submitted. I have an idea to add to the hoodies. I want no royalties or credit. I just am offering a cool suggestion. A green flame element to the black hoodies. It would definitely be a hoodie I would buy.


    Right now the premium membership exclusives are private streams and videos along with an exclusive part of the forums. We’re going to be adding more as we go along.

    For the time being we’re having to manually approve blog posts cause we’ve had someone abuse the blogs by posting some pretty gross stuff, to put it lightly. Being a premium member doesn’t bump you to the top of the list to having your blog approved though.

    We’re taking in all suggestions, but it’s going to be a process to implement what is being asked, but we’re listening. What we can do is write out a list of what is being planned and update everyone as soon as we update/add/change something.


      I just joined the premium membership and I’m just wondering if you archived the private streams and/or videos. I work during the day and I can only catch the stuff on nights. Is there anyplace on this website that has it.

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