A frank discussion about the Rippa situation

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    I don’t know if this community is ready to talk about the elephant in the room, but Rippaverse wasn’t and isn’t ready for prime time. Eric has no prior experience making comics, and thus far has shown no exceptional ability to do so outside of exploiting business acquaintances and creating a hype machine. The longer we delay this discussion, the more of a negative impact this entire situation is going to have on this entire community.

    Let’s be straight up here. Though well meaning, the FNT crew are not creators. They don’t draw, they don’t write. They are FANTASTIC critics and personable personalities, I don’t say this as a slight, they are all top tier talents who could be utilized to push a quality product and be a force in the culture war for good.

    Rippaverse ain’t it.

    I’m a big fan of Rippa’s, WHEN HE’S IN HIS ELEMENT. When he’s discussing politics, when he’s rallying his fans, when he’s a guest on these shows. And i’m going to be frank here, and even reserved. He is a TERRIBLE businessman. He is a terrible comic creator.

    He’s cheap, he doesn’t respect the art form, he’s an absolute control freak, he’s obsessed with dominating and controlling the entire platform, and he doesn’t care about the other creators he’s going to  trample in his crusade to own the comics business.

    I could respect this if he was good at what he did. If he artfully found cheap and top tier artists who produce amazing art for pennies, if he was creating an empire that made a lot of money and made lots of talented people money, if he were rising everyone else up, employing Az and Disparu as writers, buried the axe with EVS and made art through adversity.

    This entire scene is suffering because of Rippa’s allyship with Geeks and Gamers. The blatant pandering of Az, listening to Jeremy and Rippa always talk about “friendship” and crap. THIS IS A PRODUCT, THIS IS A BUSINESS!

    You know who else had a lot of friends on set!? Kathleen Kennedy.

    Do we care about art? Do we care about good stories? Do we care about the little guy busting their ass to create the bits and pieces of these productions to make great things?

    Or does the only thing that matter is that we and our friends are making money? Was this all just paper thing grandstanding and grifting to exploit an audience?

    No. There was a time Rippa genuinely thought he was going to create a great comic, his friends put their faith in him as friends should do. But many of us saw this coming from the start.

    Everyone’s a critic. Creating movies, comics, video games is a different beast entirely. In fact one could argue that being a good YouTuber, having a great personality and being influential is counter productive to locking oneself in a cave for decades to get good at these disciplines.

    This whole situation is a bummer. We want to positively impact the culture war, we want to make this space great again with amazing entertainment IPs. We want to succeed with our friends.

    The cold reality is these realm isn’t easy, and we have to be more careful with how we approach big endeavors. It’s easy for G&G and the FNT crew to promote their friends and ask their fans to put their hard earned money into these ventures. It doesn’t cost them anything. But these gambles burn the good will of the fellowship, they do damage to the cause of creating quality content that can go the distance.

    A lot of what happened was rookie mistakes, you can’t fault them. But here’s where I do take issue with Rippa, G&G, and the FNT crew in regards to creating custom creations: They never try to utilize their talent pool. They never bring on fans or content creators to do writing, never try to find that diamond in the rough to create something great. They gatekeep and blacklist others, and these ventures become the very same monopolistic type BS we see elsewhere that have destroyed others’ lives and mediums. The lack of transparency, the back room deals, the grifting and saying everything is based on “friendship” and that $$$ isn’t a factor.

    Lots of money have already been made, but who knows what the fallout will be, and this animus builds and builds and builds. No one is addressing the elephant in the room, everyone’s acting like everything is fine while the good will of the fans are being exploited, while shady business practices are being made.

    Again, I don’t think this was fully done with malice or purely out of greed, but this is the same story that happened with Star Wars. Strange to see these guys cover the destruction of one medium for so many years, while seemingly learning nothing from it. Nepotism, hubris, greed, jealousy. Everything but hard earned talent doing their craft for the fans and love of the genre.


    Maybe you should direct this at Ethan Van Sciver? You know. The guy who is acting like a 2 yr old creating drama nearly every single day now? I have supported EVS for years, used to watch him all the time,. But recently? NO! I am done. I have now unfollowed him, as of today, because of his continual drama (that he seems to be obsessing over) with Eric/Rippa. I find it utterly childish. These people need to keep their drama to themselves. EVS has gone off the deep end imo. He needs to focus on his fraking comics, RELEASING THEM ON TIME, and not making video after video and stream after stream about Eric and the drama. It’s absolutely ridiculous. I waited a YEAR For one of the comics I purchased from him, and they didn’t even come bagged and boarded. The comics I have got from Eric/Rippaverse came quickly and were bagged and boarded.

    I agree, yes. Eric needs to make less videos rambling on about the personal drama and his little jabs at EVS. But, Eric does make decent comics man. I have them all, and they aren’t the best, but they don’t suck either. I also prefer him when he is being political and talking about things like he did before he started this venture. But, Eric has learned a lot and it is interesting seeing his journey. I think his heart is in the right place, he just needs to take drama and put it offscreen.


    Ok, at the risk of sounding silly I have some crazy theories after just hearing Rippa saying they’re expanding big time and lots of faces being together in florida tomorrow as well as some collaborations on Youtube going on. Here’s some predictions for tomorrow:

    Ryan and Star Wars Theory (and maybe Mauler) are collaborating on a star wars/ sci fi comic book.

    Az and or Disparu may actually be working on comic books within Rippaverse, (what’s that superhero that sees through the undergarments of women?).

    Might be a few ghost writers helping along since these guys would all be new to this.

    I know this is silly to post after my last post, but it’s not the first time I’ve ping ponged.

    I do like this crew of people, I hope they find a way to create quality content that’s sustainable and doesn’t take advantage of the audience.

    I could be pessimistic, but if i’m being honest, which I try to be, we haven’t seen the full extent of this venture yet, and I’m just thinking back to prior streams where we saw tons of great fan art, and knowing this crews connections, I’m going to give them the benefit of the doubt. But I think it’s smart to be a little more frugal with our wallets and more discerning with future products.

    I mean, these guys would have to be STUPID to not put out some comics and collaborate and put some good artists on these books. I think it’s entirely possible this crew of people can piece it together and start turning public opinion around.

    And if I want to be REALLY honest, it was kinda smart of Eric to put out the CHEAPEST damned book he could, marked up AS HIGH AS HE COULD and just profit the hell out of it while duping his rabid customers. It was the smart move, he’s got bills to pay. But that doesn’t mean the customers should respect it. I suppose if in the long run this ends up being a sustainable venture, the argument could be made that the ends justify the means.

    (Oh, and I never expected it to happen, but I saw this post going around on twitter. Go figure, I make some neckbeard post on the corner of the internet, and that’s the thing I do that ends up getting traction on the internet :P)


    I don’t know if this community is ready to talk about the elephant in the room, but Rippaverse wasn’t and isn’t ready for prime time. Eric has no prior experience making comics, and thus far has shown no exceptional ability to do so outside of exploiting business acquaintances and creating a hype machine. The longer we delay this discussion, the more of a negative impact this entire situation is going to have on this entire community.

    No Company that just Started is Ready for 3+ million dollers.

    Eric has shown nothing but improving. he has done nothing but hire People with experience  in comics.

    Let’s be straight up here. Though well meaning, the FNT crew are not creators. They don’t draw, they don’t write. They are FANTASTIC critics and personable personalities, I don’t say this as a slight, they are all top tier talents who could be utilized to push a quality product and be a force in the culture war for good.

    Funny i could of sworn they create hours of entertainment daily for people to escape from life.

    They entertained thousands daily giving them escaped and laughs from things gone on and make fun of morons ruining things they used to enjoy.

    You done Need to Write or draw to be a creator.

    He’s cheap, he doesn’t respect the art form, he’s an absolute control freak, he’s obsessed with dominating and controlling the entire platform, and he doesn’t care about the other creators he’s going to trample in his crusade to own the comics business.

    Eric has done nothing but invest his own money to start up. He could of done kick stater or another to grift money to make the comcis years later. but he invest his own money to get the finished product before selling pay for a warehouse for quick shipping and staff to, Customer support for issues. Hired Industry vets fired or let go for Beliefs.

    Can you point out one thing eric has tried to control about the “comic Business” or the platform whatever that means.

    Eric has supported other creators, he shouts out Jay used to give EVS props and many other all the time.

    I could respect this if he was good at what he did. If he artfully found cheap and top tier artists who produce amazing art for pennies, if he was creating an empire that made a lot of money and made lots of talented people money, if he were rising everyone else up, employing Az and Disparu as writers, buried the axe with EVS and made art through adversity.

    So he didnt hire who you wanted evsIs the only one that needs to bury that axe. evs has done nothing but attack Eric for weeks on any stream he can get on.

    Eric has hired. People that are known for Writing and Art. People better than EVS at Art and can actually get there projects done.

    Eric is building an Empire that is making people money. and Hiring people wronged like kara at the same time. You just want it done your way or its wrong.

    This entire scene is suffering because of Rippa’s allyship with Geeks and Gamers. The blatant pandering of Az, listening to Jeremy and Rippa always talk about “friendship” and crap. THIS IS A PRODUCT, THIS IS A BUSINESS!

    The Scene is suffering because people wont invest in making there product better and shipping faster. because its easy to work on a comic every few weeks and stream every night. while attacking everyone that wont bow to you like EVS does.

    Late products with “quality” of that writing is not going to keep people for 3 years.

    You know who else had a lot of friends on set!? Kathleen Kennedy.

    Oh i didn’t know Eric took over a popular franchise and ran it into the ground pandering to a few people.

    You are Right Eric needs to listen to people that have been doing nothing but attacking him and even Evs for years. maybe EVS needs to take Criticism that late books are bad.

    A lot of what happened was rookie mistakes, you can’t fault them. But here’s where I do take issue with Rippa, G&G, and the FNT crew in regards to creating custom creations: They never try to utilize their talent pool. They never bring on fans or content creators to do writing, never try to find that diamond in the rough to create something great. They gatekeep and blacklist others, and these ventures become the very same monopolistic type BS we see elsewhere that have destroyed others’ lives and mediums. The lack of transparency, the back room deals, the grifting and saying everything is based on “friendship” and that $$$ isn’t a factor.

    Beardo, geroge the giant slayer, disapru, people with creative and entertaining personality get utilized every day.

    G+G hiring people that made a fan Side-scrolling game, erpicverse making movies. Rippa hiring people canceled and asking fans for people they enjoy in comics on twitter/fan art contests with employment possibly in the end.

    If you want people to get noticed shout them out point these channels to them suggest to check out there work.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by WadeTheWater.


    I stand by the summation that the first iterations of ISOM was a poor value to the customer as a result of Eric’s hubris. I can’t fault him too much, it was his first comic, he wanted to do it his way. We’ll see if he learns to respect the medium more, hire competent artists and maintain a standard while getting story and writing of a quality that is worthy of purchase, particularly if it’s 35$ a darned comic.

    It’s not going to be a cakewalk, he now has critical eyes on him and lost a good portion of his built in audience who are going to have to be coaxed back by a quality product.

    You can have your opinion, I have mine.  I’ve worked in professional, high volume art houses as well as several other full functioning creative teams tied to writing and art and have commissioned artists myself. The art was not up to standard, the writing was not up to standard, and the bar wasn’t THAT high. Rippa’s first ventures were not impressive to me, Shad IMO did better with less as found a better artist to handle the entire pipeline.

    Here’s hoping they turn it around. Rippa has some great qualities as a salesman and a personality as well as being bull headed that can hurt in the creative process but help in other areas, so the potential is here for the Rippaverse to turn it around, this makes him the kind of guy that you want heading the venture. It’s why he clashes so much with EVS. They both want control, they both want ownership of the market, and if they’re successful, that’s the guy you want to be working for.

    With that in mind, it’s evident what EVS’s strategy is. He wants to be the “Right Wing” comic sphere. He wants half of Eric’s audience, well more I’m sure, just as Eric wants the whole pie. It’s clear where the FNT crew placed their bets, we’ll see how it plays out. This is the free market in action. EVS is putting a fire under the Rippaverse to do better, and it’s not a bad thing, because they should be doing better.


    If you just said isom was bad fine But you attacked eric as a business man attacked G+G and FNT for promoting and not promoting smaller guys claimed it was all for gifting money from fans.

    You made claim that are factually untrue and said he needs to do it this way or bad.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by WadeTheWater.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by WadeTheWater.

    Eric employed these artists, writers, and mismanaged quality talent. He’s now going uphill to gain fans back and has to prove that future books will be of better quality while having substantial unnecessary financial drains. He also has a pretty big reserve well of cash to rely on and figure things out. He billed this all as one interconnected Universe without getting his feet wet first, so he’s now in a weird position. Does he redo a lot of things that many feel aren’t working, or does he just carry on? Should he be making the creative decisions? If others are handling the art and writing and creating characters, what % of the revenue should he be keeping? These are things that can lead to bad blood down the road. It’s not as simple as generating huge profits and renting warehouses, but it’s still early days so everyone is going to be on each others’ good sides. In the short term, they need to find a means of creating quality comics, and long term they need to find an internal structure that can facilitate that without burning quality talent or ruining their image as it’s so tied to fan perception.

    He did some things right, he also did some things wrong, as did others in this sphere. They’re not beyond redemption, but this could also deteriorate further. It’s not always easy managing creatives and entertainers, especially when there’s a lot of money in the wings and everyone feels entitled to it while demanding, creative work needs doing. That said, it’s only comic books, they should be able to pull it off.

    We’ll see.

    Here’s the big problem: These guys are not professionals. It’s not as easy as they thought it was going to be, but that said, it’s also been more lucrative than they thought. So it’s certainly not the worst situation for them presently. Truth be told, they’ll probably be able to throw some money at some good art, they’ll get some good comics made that do pretty well. Will they create a creative machine that can pump out great comics? Will they lose their drive as the money pumps in? Your guess is as good as mine, my gut tells me Rippaverse will make some pretty good comics and be around for a long time, but I don’t think it’s going to take over the world, but who knows? Woke Hollywood seems to be dying, we’ll see how quickly they can make this transition to creating comics.

    Who knows, maybe the stars align and Goerge Lucas buys back star wars and hands it to Star Wars Theory. Maybe Critical drinker puts out an incredible movie, and they decide to create a visual novel that goes along with it. Maybe Jay’s next book will have actually decent art in it. Who friggin’ knows? It’s exciting as heck to think about these things and these guys are small enough and agile enough to consider these things.


    Glad you came to see eric is working on making his product better and its not just “shady business practices”

    Every issue you seems to have with Eric or G+G FNT you need to go take up with EVS and his groupies.

    EVS is putting a fire under the Rippaverse to do better, and it’s not a bad thing, because they should be doing better.

    Because this is not happening if anything Rippa is getting them to do better because evs is actually working on his comic once a month if that. and he just apparently hired some dude to help him write cause he read a gay fantasy book he liked.

    Eric was hiring and working on his book before EVS ran to Dick and his buddy that likes defending pedos.



    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by WadeTheWater.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by WadeTheWater.

    It’s kinda been like seeing The Last Jedi. I had a weird feeling about it, but everyone seemed to think it was great, so i just figured I was crazy. But as time went on people started seeing the same issues I did and the flood gates opened. Maybe we’re a bit TOO critical at this stage.

    That’s how this goes, you take a ton of people’s money, you tell them it’s great and they should be super excited for the next one and that you’re providing them with quality they can’t get elsewhere, but if the customer realizes that they’ve been lied to, they’re going to be a bit miffed.

    They should be miffed.

    It’s kinda funny to ping pong between these two communities, both sides treat the other so utterly terribly. Both sides would do better if they could bury the hatchet, but if i’m being honest, I sympathize with EVS, he built a lot of this, he showed the economic model, he tied it to the fandom menace, then he gets in one argument and he’s cut off from everything he devoted his life to and then a group of friends pick up the fanbase and guide it all towards their venture and it’s not very good.

    It’s an unfortunate web of politics and business and hurt feelings that put Eric in the position he is now to benefit most over EVS, while doing the least creative work within this sphere. Sure, you could argue EVS is kind of a dick, but you can say the same about Mr. July… Or Walt Disney for that matter.

    Anyway, rambled enough and said enough controversial things for one day. Final thought. Both Eric and EVS are in great positions, both have a fire under their ass, and they’re both going to try to demolish the other by putting out the best damned comics they can by finding the best damned talent they can. And you know what? That’s fucking awesome. THIS is how you build back entertainment: brutal capitalism and creative powerhouses slugging it out for dominance like the good old days.


    Only one will be putting out comics the other will be screaming into a void every night about the one that “betrayed him and attacked” him. EVS could Shut up about all of this and it goes away but he wants the Drama money because he wont put out Comics.


    Rippa artfully utilized YouTube to monetize his company in every conceivable way, he didn’t outright attack Ethan, but he did appear to subvert him by leveraging his associates and fans against him through back room politics. EVS is not entirely in the wrong IMO, and most importantly to the paying customer, he puts out a damned good comic book. Starting to repeat myself at this point. Point is, no side is without blame here. Let’s learn from our mistakes, and get to making great shit.


    Eric did nothing EVS had issues with Almost everyone around rippa before he decided a dm that they talked over the phone about was an issue 2 months later.

    Fans noticed EVS Being a drama farmer From the G+G stuff then calling FNT Losers and all the other drama he has had. And they all started ignoring him but Eric.

    Also EVS puts out trash tier writing with ok Art. but no one has attacked him in the way Ethan and his groupies have eric. But you keep your once in 3-5 year “good book” ill take my 6+ books that keep getting better.

    Yes there is one side to blame in this.

    The One streaming about Eric almost every night- Going on any show he can to trash eric – Laughing at people messing with eric IRL. making false claims that eric wants to end crowdfunding and that hes attacking it because a thumbnail they pearl clutched over.


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by WadeTheWater.

    Well, you guys have got Jeremy to notice enough to mention/show this thread on his recent Cobracast. (HAIL THE 199!!!!!!!!!!).

    Anyway. You have got some eyes on you, if that is what you were wanting.


    What I felt needed to be said was said, won’t be blathering about this e – drama anymore unless there’s a need for it. It wasn’t my intention to feed the trolls trying to tear down Rippaverse and it’s a testament to you guys to leave this up because you don’t know who’s who or what the intentions are, just a random neckbeard viewer and fan of the channel.

    My goal with this thread was to try to be a voice for the fans within this community. When we create something whether it’s a youtube channel with friends, or a comic book, that venture becomes our “baby” and especially when we’re new to that endeavor, we aren’t always the best at gauging the quality of that content.

    Kinda crazy to see this on the cobracast, had it been one of the later streams I woulda caught it live. Was bracing to have Jeremy go off on this thread, but hey, he thought it was a good convo!

    Anyway, these are solveable problems, the people here are passionate and want to do right by the fans, and that’s what matters. All my best to everyone in this thread. Truth be told when I saw this blowing up on twitter I was kinda like “oh shit, this isn’t what I was aiming for”, I’m not the biggest fan of Vito’s TBH.

    Gonna just get back to lurking. I take a bigger interest in the bigger productions you guys do hence the sporadic posts, and still hoping Rippaverse becomes successful. As they say, the opposite of love isn’t hate, it’s apathy. In a perfect world, Rippaverse could combine with comics gate and you guys would all be unstoppable, EVS’s incredible talents and associates with FNT and Rippa’s audience and salesmenship. It would be a force to behold. But I also know these guys are stubborn as hell and there’s some bad blood. The real shame is that both sides are so angry for good reasons, Ethan is a dick who doesn’t give anyone any respect outside his immediate sphere and the Rippa people don’t have as much passion for the genre and hard fought talent for the medium. Rippa is the ultimate hype man, EVS is the ultimate comic creator, and neither respects the other as much as they should.

    Rippa had some pitfalls, but it’s hardly over, and drama’s good for the algorithm! Hail the 199.


    Ethan is a dick who doesn’t give anyone any respect outside his immediate sphere and the Rippa people don’t have as much passion for the genre and hard fought talent for the medium. Rippa is the ultimate hype man, EVS is the ultimate comic creator, and neither respects the other as much as they should.

    Rippa was Working with Comics gate and would still be cool with EVS today if he didn’t try to cry victim over 1 DM that they talked on the phone about and settled the issue.

    Then EVS Attacks Eric and his company for weeks after everywhere he could. To now trying to Cancel Soska Sister before Yaira lanuch.

    Eric has done Nothing but show passion for Comics the man has stepped back from youtube to work on his Comic company and every day they are working on making comics with Veteran and respected story writers and artist.

    While EVS sits in his Room streaming while having Years Late campaigns with hundreds of thousands of dollars of fans money.

    You Talk about Hype man CG is a Hype group it is made to Promote what they want and who they want so they have power over indie creators if they want to be promoted by CG.

    Talk about passion and Compare EVS work load since being “ran out” and making millions off his fans to just make comics.

    Or Eric wanting to change things in comics for Employs and readers since Marvel and DC went downhill using his own money to start it a Company that is going to put out 9+ books in the first 2 years.

    ISOM with amateur artist did 3m+ and turned that into multiple writers and artist to make Comics and 6+ planned book next year.

    Eric has a Passion and is working to that goal building his comic company not just a brand to wave around power in.

    EVS has a passion for Money and drama farming.



    • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by WadeTheWater.
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