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I think the leftist type folks believe that Trump is worshipped. I am sure that is true in a few cases but I believe most people behind Trump support the ideas and the anti-establishment push and not the man himself. This is my own reasoning for voting for Trump. I am more interested in breaking the hold of the establishment more than anything else. I don’t care who does it because unless that happens things only get worse for a long time to come.
The parallels between “V for Vendetta” and current times are frightening to me. Recall in the movie the poem (it’s a whole poem they just speak a couple lines of it), “remember, remember the 5th of November”.
How insanely ironic is it our election is the 5th of November. Surely, we will indeed remember the 5th of November for a long time to come.
I rewrote the first bit of the poem for “current year”.
Remember, remember
The fifth of November,
The establishment’s final act,
I know of no reason
Why during voting season,
“The People” should ever elect a hack,
Who schemes to enslave and make you a naive
while stabbing you in the back