ACE/Webtoon Targets 170+ Pirate Streaming Sites

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    The Failing brand “WebToon” which had seen a huge drop in subscribers in the past two years.

    After going public on June, 2024 sounding the closing bell at the Nasdaq exchange.


    They celebrated it by going after 170pirate site domains though a DMCA subpoena.

    In their hopes of a  clear path to the future growth.

    WebToon had a rough start they had been losing stock. Despite the crackdown on the Pirate Streaming and Manga Free Reading Sites/Others they had been losing steam in the Market.


    WebToon wasn’t the only one targeting Pirate Streaming Sites.

    (ACE) The Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment had targeted several Streaming Sites/Services. The ACE is  a prominent entertainment companies like Apple, Netflix, BBC, Disney.


    Webtoon Targets 170+ Pirate Domains Through DMCA Subpoena

    For the company’s management, it would’ve been easy to point at piracy as a contributing factor. However, piracy wasn’t mentioned once in the official earnings report. It did get a brief mention during the conference call; Webtoon CFO David Lee mentioned that piracy is a concern for all user generated content services.


    ACE Goes After Fmovies Sister Site ‘Successors’



    Companies like WebToons and Disney that keep losing subscribers keep suggesting that the reason they keep losing subscribers  and users is because of “Piracy”

    But these same companies will not blame their own weak content or lack of content or even region locked content in some cases.

    And in some cases like Cuckflix they keep removing,deleting shows/series.


    The Crackdown on Anime Streaming sites was even led by Sony/Crunchyroll.While the crackdown on the Manga Reading streaming sites was led by Failing WebToons.

    Considering the finical issues that WebToons had been having recently its amusing that they would blame Piracy Sites for their own failures.








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