Advertisers now pulling from Rumble due to Russel Brand

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      So now large advertisers are pulling their ads from Rumble for not financially censoring Russel Brand.

      The radical left and the controlling establishment must be near orgasmic. They get to smear and harm one of their most effective detractors based on their own investigation and prompting,  and simultaneously get to smear and harm the largest free speech competitor of CommieTube.

      I am not saying this was their plan all along, but I will say they are opportunistic and would 100% take that shot given the chance.


      Russel Brand have dared to ask the question and point out the fact the extremely toxic far alt left lunatics agenda/narrative.

      They went after Alex Jones.  They went after Milo Yiannopoulos.  They went after doctors who opposed the vax.  They went after parents who opposed the indoctrination of this kids.  etc.

      Yes, we are in an info war, a culture war, a social-economical war, an ideological war.

      And by them trying to cancel people they oppose by just accusations (not proven in court, but by their legacy media court of public opinion), they are saying:  do not oppose our toxic agenda/narrative, or not only will we go after the big voices (Alex, Milo, Trump), we will go after the little people to (freedom convoy, j6, parent terror watch, etc).

      Johny Depp was cancelled but once the US court case proved HE was the real victim… is the exception to the rule of these leftoids.


      Very good comments above about war. This is why you can pretty much chuckle at anyone who says they are going into advertising or marketing because it is big time consolidated and borderline monopolized.
      This is why, for all the talk of rights and the Constitution, if the “globalists” do not like you, they will simply sanction your region and starve you out with any number of resource streams that are under total control. I never really knew that supply lines are maintained in a certain way and that things are not as independent and free market as we have been taught. It really does not matter if you are in the right with the right arguments and the right case when the opposition has total power of DA, judges and even your defense lawyer is on the take and will say the same lame monologue about “fog of war.”
      You can see why they want that chip and that digital currency and those smart cities to ween down their sanctions to an individual level. Force you into an EV with fear of climate change. Trust me, it’s for the worst.


        “This is why, for all the talk of rights and the Constitution, if the “globalists” do not like you, they will simply sanction your region and starve you out with any number of resource streams that are under total control.”

        As I have said before.  They know if they ask, you will say no.  They know if they tried to force you, you would fight back. So instead they motivate you through fear and economy.

        I am sure most folks here ,when asked, would state they would not not eat less meat simply because that is what the WEF wanted.  Well, most of us are doing exactly just that.  Not because someone asked but because it’s now getting very expensive, especially red meat.  These thoughts of restriction are not new and have been around for some time.  I remember several (or more) years ago they tried to label red meat as a carcinogen.  Understand the insanity there.  So eating animals = cancer.  But go ahead and absorb all those chemicals we made, we promise they are safe.

        That same idiocy is taking hold now with lab grown “meat”.    So raising animals and consuming them is somehow bad.  But knocking down a forest to make a “meat” factory with who knows what chemicals and industry garbage is A OK.  Insanity.

        ” I never really knew that supply lines are maintained in a certain way and that things are not as independent and free market as we have been taught.”

        You are conflating a few things there.  Supply lines inside of the USA would be within a free market (it’s not really any more) but that does not extend out to other countries.  The global economy is not at all a free market in the least.  A supply line in general is probably not all that fragile.  But a supply line that depends on other supply lines that also depends on other supply lines is an accident waiting to happen.  The global market is not redundant or highly available.  It is a house of cards.

        We are about to feel that again as I understand it.  While supply lines are still restabilizing from covid shenanigans, the Panama Canal is having problems.  I am not 100% sure why but I heard drought and less water such that they are having trouble getting ships through.  This means to deliver some goods to North America they have to go all the way around South America.  It’s perfectly doable, it just takes a lot more time, fuel and money.



        BK food tastes like crap anyway. Good riddance.

        Add them to the list of woke companies to boycott.


        Should not comment on this because it’s gossip and a rumor, but heard some guy the other day said that every french fry from McD’s comes from a potato from a farm owned by Bill Gates? I’ve only eaten there maybe twice in the last 5 years, but I was like, oh no.

        Also, there was a story about mRNA shrimp. Like, they put stuff in the food. It says below that they call it Pharma Food.
        It might get to the point where if big advertising and Madison Avenue promotes it, healthy people want nothing to do with it.
        Huge apologies to even mention this, because it is doom. It is pessimistic. It’s just something to consider. Just something to think about.

        Catherine Austin Fitts-Somebody is Still Trying to Kill You, Don’t Let Them

        The data is out on the CV19 bioweapon vax, and it is crystal clear it did not help a single person. In fact, the CV19 vax is causing massive death and disability, and it will continue for years to come. Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report, financial expert and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says, “I said literally on the first day way before they had a vaccine, I said don’t worry about Covid, worry about the injection. I said that immediately because I could see it coming. The goal of this thing was to get people injected. The other goal was to steal a huge amount of assets, which they did quite successfully. The reality is you can’t navigate this unless you can face what it is. It’s not a mistake, and it’s not betrayal. Somebody is trying to kill you, and your job is to figure out how to make sure they don’t. You have to reorganize how you manage your time and how you manage your money where you have disaster capitalists coming at you and can make money from killing you.”

        The latest plan by these evil demons to separate you from your life and cash is something CAF calls “Pharma Food.” CAF and company has done a deep dive on corporations putting “biotech on your plate.” Spoiler alert — this has nothing to do with the benevolent job of feeding the masses, it’s about using food to control the masses. CAF explains, “I am always telling people to invest in their local fresh food not because you want to make money, you do it because you don’t want to eat insects. You don’t want to eat lab grown meat. “Pharma Food” is one of the most frightening reports we have ever written. We don’t like to scare people, but you need to see how much money is going into creating the capacity to feed you things in a million years you would not want to eat. This is serious. They are trying to build complete control of the food system. This includes delivering you food out of a manufacturing plant and not out of a farm.”

        CAF goes on to say “If we can sustain ourselves with barter ,the financial transaction control won’t work. That is why food is so critical. You have to control food because if you control food, you can get financial transaction control. . . . If you look at the venture capital investments, it is absolutely illogical for them to spend this kind of money for a consumer product nobody wants.” CAF says what could happen is the demonic powers might mandate you eat their factory made “Pharma Food.” This is why CAF is pushing everybody to get serious about growing and procuring real food without corporations and Big Pharma getting between you and your table.

        CAF also talks about the Fed, Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the Fed meeting in Jackson Hole, the razor accurate destruction in Maui and how to fight back and stay alive in a world where people are dreaming up ways to kill you for cash.


        All of this should be illegal.

        An accusation is not a proof of guilt. All someone has to do nowadays is make an accusation, and then it’s a dog pile on cancellation. It’s wrong. This is what has happened here. Someone made an accusation, with no proof, no court case yet, nothing. And here we are with the Government of UK getting involved and his livelihood being shut down, all over an accusation. Yes folks, that’s all it takes.



          The truly scary part to me is this is not some random person coming forward.  This was/is a planned and coordinated hit job.  Some number of “journalists” got together and went out and interviewed all the women in his past they could find. They found 4 with some sort of complaint.  And then of course they put that into the media and fed it to the other outlets so they all attack at once.   And then the attackers springboard off of that and attack Rumble.

          None of this is organic.  It’s a weapon then are using intentionally.


          @Vknid : But, are we surprised? No. Alex Jones, Johnny Depp, Michael Savage (quietly), others. Our modern society is a mob. Anyone who steps slight outside the narrow road we are “allowed ” to walk now days is gone after like flies on shit. Guilty until proven innocent, but innocence doesn’t matter even after being proven because your life is still destroyed from all that happened before. Kids are being raised to be this way.

          It is all disgusting.


            I agree it is disgusting.

            Leftism is not the actual practice of morality but is the performative action of pointing out the “sins” of others for personal gratification and financial gain.


            Seems like fear mongering for the moment but ThatUmbrellaGuy has a video out exploring the possibility of Rumble Execs being arrested under new “Internet Safety Laws” over this situation.

            Wouldn’t put anything past them though…



              DO NOT put ANYTHING past them.  Normal precedent, law and common sense has been shed.  You can point that out all day and point out the hypocrisy but they don’t care.  The entire agenda is the ends justifies the means.  It reminds me of a story of Alexzander the Great.  I forget the exact details but there were a number of battles he won because he violated the normal battle rules/procedures that everyone else followed.  When the opposing armies saw this they initially were confused and had no idea what to do.  They did not know how to fight when the usual procedures did not occur.  This is where we are now.

              But understand all the examples we already see.  Take “Sound of Freedom” for example. They (corp media) has lobbed sexual allegations at Tim Ballard (who the movies is based on) as well as one of the investors in the project. In fact he just got cleared in court of sexual allegations as they were determined to have zero evidence.

              As James O’Keeffe said.  “The process is the punishment”

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