Afghanistan 1 QUESTION.

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      This is a simple question, I have seen a lot of people posting about it but NONE not one, has answered this question when asked. They have diverted from it, distracted from it, hid from it, even said they did not want to debate it if I refused to acknowledge what they said which was to “divert, distract, hide and rinse and repeat”.

      So to those here, here is the question:

      What should we have done?

      Meaning what more should the USA done to keep the Taliban from taking back over a country, we built, we armed, we trained, we helped instill freedom and liberty etc etc, that the second we left refused to lift a finger to stop them>


        The withdrawal itself was the correct move. It is a move I agree with and I wish we would do it in more places. HOWEVER, you don’t just leave in the middle of the night, turn the lights out hit the road. So things have to be done properly and with a plan to protect your own folks and those you wish to protect.

        However, with that said, clearly training the people there was a total failure and as such the end result was going to be the end result regardless. But it still could have been done without risking those whom we need to protect directly.

        It could have been done much better but it was going to result in the fall of their country no matter what in my opinion.



          This started May 1st, so 100+ days ago. This did not just happen this weekend as the news is trying to make it out.

          The afgan army had 180,000 troops, plus estimated 10,000 police in the country, we also know the civilians over there have weapons. They either crumbled, surrendered or let it happen. The Afgan Gov wanted us an the UN gone. We cannot stay where we are told to leave.

          This was going to happen our annalist all were predicting how long it would take, best estimate was 6 months from May 1st start of the take-back. Only thing shocking is how fast they folded.

          But my original question is still unanswered.

          What more should we have done?


            The draw down was started under Trump but it was slow and successful. From what I understand we started with something like 10k troops there under Trump and drew down to about 2500. I think what has happened now is we pulled the rest out all of a sudden and all at once.

            But to answer your question, what should have been done is a slower and more planned withdrawal with the remaining folks. But even that would have resulted in the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban at some point. It would have been ugly regardless is my point.

            But notice something. How long have we heard other countries complain about the US being the police for the world? And now many of those same countries are complaining we are not policing Afghanistan.


            Remove equipment and personnel first. Or at least wire all the equipment to blow and push up warning signs. Noor Bin Laden said that this was all intentionally done this way, so that the USA can be blamed and this blame will be used as cover to flood the USA with more refugees.


            What should we have done? The simple answer is nothing. Don’t get involved in endless foreign wars. Don’t get involved in nation building. Don’t be a pawn for the globalists who are like Palpatine who played and financed both sides of the Clone Wars, he was helping the Old Republic and the Separatists. Don’t help the control freaks divide and conquer. Don’t help destroy a country like Afghanistan so they can then have that as an excuse to flood Europe and America with millions of refugees which is happening at an acceleration in 2021 especially.


            But at the same time or moreover, your question is a loaded question depending on what you think happened in history as a backstory and setting to your question. There is a lot of fake news, a lot of things taken out of context, and more importantly there is a lot that is not said when you learn history at the main stream public schools and when you tune into the main stream news. There is a lot that is censored on main stream social media. History is complex and simple. So, there are many things connected to your question. For example, it would seem like there were these giant problems that they say America must fix. But what they don’t tell you is the origin to those problems in the first place. What they don’t tell you is the pattern in history regarding who funds who and certain things found happening again and again in world history. Follow the money to find out who Palpatine is in real life.


            They could have killed all the Taliban guys if they wanted to, problem solved. They chose not to. Taliban is not a big problem. Globalists infiltrated the military to stop them from doing their own job.


            As it was stated, under the Trump withdrawal plan, it was all based on a conditional withdrawal.

            When a certain milestone was meant, we could safety remove x-number of troops/personel/etc.

            The biden admin, in their TDS, threw out all such notes/procedures and declared we want out NOW, and damn the consequences.

            *** *** ***

            As for what should have been done?

            The military generals/commanders have complained for ages that without clear objective to defeat an enemy, you cannot defeat the enemy.

            The original goal was to go in, and go after Bin Ladin and his terrorist organization.

            And some have said they took their time on doing so, to the point US citizens were beginning to wonder WTF is going on?  How can he be eluding the US for so long.  Then all of a sudden, his location was “DISCOVERED”, and his was taken out.

            Mission finally accomplished.

            But the troops remained.


            This was one point I have to say biden did get right.  If the US had withdrew it troops ten year from now, twenty years from now, or five years ago, the end results would have most likely been the same.

            But the execution of the withdrawal was pure stupidity!


            What should have been done?

            “We came, we found our target, he died, we return home.”

            That is what should have happened.


            How long did the us stay in Kawait after their war with Iraq was over?

            They had a clear mission, accomplished it, and went home.


            The Soviets spent 10 years in Afghanistan and could not wait to get out.

            The Americans stayed for 20 long years, and the nation is about to fall back into the same state – a country ruled by extremists.


              What I find interesting is how many people think this happened over the weekend when the major offensive started May 1st, but in truth the Taliban had control over much of the country prior to that. I know that because I do have a step-son in the service, I have friends with loved one in the service and they were very worried about this.

              I think from reaction people are having, they had no clue what was going on over there, sure did not hear much on our local news (here) about it. Now everyone is up in arms about it.

              They (Afgan-gov) wanted us gone. Cannot stay where you are not wanted in another Nation. By-enlarge the American people wanted us out as well. Politicians have been elected on that recently.

              Here is my answer to my own question:
              We could do nothing else. We were not wanted there by the Elected Government, The Taliban (true government) or even a Majority of our people here at home. We could not stay. We equipped them for success they threw it away. You can lead a horse to water, you cannot make him drink.

              As a student of History, I know the problems and culture that causes this over there is 1500 years old. I know that no matter how much people in the west think they can change it, they cannot. I had history teachers that taught it, the truth un-political and never knew their politics.


              Osama Bin Laden’s real name was Tim Osman.

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