Afghanistan is about to fall.

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    5 million Afghanistan refugees to come to Europe and thousands coming to Texas soon, some will be terrorists, open borders are designed to divide and conquer.


    The Military Industrial Complex and the Lies We Were Told
    Dinesh D’Souza
    Why would military generals like Milley and the top brass of the intelligence community lie to Americans for 20 years about how the war in Afghanistan was going? The reason has something to do with Eisenhower’s striking concept of a “military industrial complex.”



      I saw that video from D’souza earlier. That was a great explanation of things. The only thing he left out is the fact that the Biden Admin could not care less about that happens to those people. I think their reaction to the world reaction proves that.

      This is another good video about this situation.


      The Scale of Humiliation

      This was not America’s failure, it was the failure of the self-styled “national security right” who flattered themselves into believing that they dictated reality with their words. Afghanistan is the neocons’ failure. It is AIPAC’s failure. Genuine Americans never wanted, supported, or endorsed the concept of an empire in the Middle East.

      To quote one veteran who served in it: “My friends died for nothing. My soldiers died for nothing. I served for nothing. And the communists took over at home.”

      anyone in the future who wants to blame those whom Steyn euphemistically labels “the national security right” for the US defeats in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan will be absolutely correct. This was Bill Kristol’s war. This was Paul Wolfowitz’s war. This was Richard Perle’s war. This was David Frum’s war. This was Max Boot’s war. This was Michael Ledeen’s war. This was Jennifer Rubin’s war. This was Ben Shapiro’s war.

      Did Iraq pose an immediate threat to our nation? Perhaps not. But toppling Saddam Hussein and democratizing Iraq prevent his future ascendance and end his material support for future threats globally. The same principle holds true for Iran, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan and others: Pre-emption is the chief weapon of a global empire. No one said empire was easy, but it is right and good, both for Americans and for the world.
      – Benjamin Shapiro, WorldNetDaily, Aug. 11, 2005

      But it was not America’s war, and no American should ever forget that. These second- and third-generation immigrants have systematically labored to destroy what was once, briefly, the greatest nation, the greatest Christian nation, on Earth. Now, imagine how much worse the situation would be today if the cursed neoclowns had gotten their way and US troops were also trapped in Iran and Syria and Pakistan and Ukraine.

      But their time is passing. Their failure is inevitable. Those who corrode and corrupt their way to influence and power will never be able to hold on to their positions, because with power comes responsibility and neither corrosion nor corruption are capable of serving as a foundation for building anything but chaos and Hell on Earth.


      Taiwan is Nervous

      And China not only knows it, it is openly mocking the fears of “the secessionists” in the aftermath of the US collapse in Afghanistan. From Global Times, the English-language Chinese newspaper that should be on your list of daily reads these days.

      Translation: Cut a deal while you still can. The US military isn’t going to even try to stop us, so we will take the island whenever we decide we’re willing to pay the price.

      UPDATE: With some amazingly bad judgement that is only exceeded by his astonishingly poor timing, a presumably senile US Senator appears to have just handed China a casus belli to invade Taiwan. On Twitter, of all places.

      If there are US troops present on Taiwan island, China will crush them by force: Global Times editorial

      “If that is true, the Chinese government and the Chinese people will never accept it. It is believed that China will immediately put the Anti-Secession Law into use, destroy and expel US troops in Taiwan by military means, and at the same time realize reunification by force.”

      I wish I could say that even the converged gay generals in the Pentagon couldn’t possibly be that stupid. But as unlikely and as ridiculous as a secret stash of US troops on Taiwan sounds, it’s exactly the sort of Smart Boy strategery that laid the foundation for the recent Afghan debacle.


        America has NO Business in Nation Building!

        Show me one time its ever benefited us? Show me one time it hasn’t bit us in the ass?

        We have enough problems here at home, I do not go help others work on their house if mine is in need of repair. I do not give strangers food or water if my own family is going without. I sure as hell will never lift a hand for Muslims as if you know one thing about their religion you would know that Infidels must die! Why would you ever trust them, knowing that? Can you not look at thousands of years of history to see they will say anything but the second your back is turned or you are away they go back to what they are?

        You know why The Western World is so stupid and fucked up?
        Because we NEVER play the long game, The Arab and Oriental Nations learned a long time ago play the long game even if it might be decades. The West is to stupid to understand Thousands of years of history “they wont change” but sure the hell will take our dollars, tech and help improving their lives.

        Its time to say enough an put out house in order, and it starts with removing the 535 biggest problems and work our way up from there.


          I think the ONLY time there was ACTUAL nation building was directly after WW2. Every time since then the excuse was nation building but it was just an excuse and not performed any more than half heartedly if at all.

          Just like the “wars” we have fought in the last 50 years. They were not wars, they were protecting resources or something of the like. In war you demolish your enemy completely you don’t f around for 20 years.


          One question.

          With all this going on. Where is the first female black vise-president Kamala Harris? “crickets”


          One question.

          With all this going on. Where is the first female black vise-president Kamala Harris? “crickets”

          OH, you missed the circle back girl.

          What’s her name, Jen Psaki.


            Not sure where Cameltoe is… anyone checked under Hunters desk?


            There are as many as 40,000 Americans stuck in Afghanistan, the Taliban is blocking airports right now.


            OH look, bubbling biden admin is actually doing something right for a change!

            The U.S. is blocking Taliban’s access to Afghanistan financial reserves

            The U.S. froze Afghanistan’s reserves and is halting shipments of dollars to the country…

            Can give all that money into the hands of actual terrorists.

            All central bank assets that the Afghanistan government has in the U.S. will not be made accessible to the Taliban, the official told CNBC on Wednesday. This freeze will extend to all accounts overseen by the Federal Reserve or any other U.S. bank.

            One positive story about Afghanistan’s fall.

            Afghanistan is set to receive about $450 million USD worth of SDR (Special Drawing Rights) reserves next week.

            Not no more, thank goodness!

            “I believe local banks have told customers that they cannot return their dollars — because DAB (Da Afghanistan Bank) has not supplied banks with dollars,” Ahmady wrote. “This is true. Not because funds have been stolen or being held in vault, but because all dollars are in international accounts that have been frozen.”

            That was one reason there was a run on the banks, as people were trying to get their money out as the country was falling by the botched pullout.

            The take over was NOT gonna happen.  It was all planned.  Nothing to worry about.  But that was last week, it does not count today!

            This is just another example of the expert foreign policies of sleepy joe.


            Joe Biden’s Afghanistan DISASTER is UNACCEPTABLE


            EU says no recognition of Taliban, no political talks

            BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The European Union has not recognised the Taliban, EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Saturday, nor is it holding political talks with the militants, a week after they seized control of Afghanistan.

            Yet the world is still waiting to see who will be the first to “formally” recognized the terrorist occupied country’s government.



            Going over old movie soundtracks and stumbled upon Patton. There was another one for MacArthur, who supposedly had a plan to defeat the entire east and was told not to by the globalists. Patton, MacArthur, John J. Pershing…we used to have winners and now? Woke and broke and weak generals and weak, woke Secretary of Defense. As these clowns talk about white rage and critical race theory, China will take Taiwan and crush any interference and I don’t even think modern generals have a clue. They will be at Obama’s house dancing and smoking weed.

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