Afghanistan is about to fall.

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    A government official helpfully clarifies that whatever Creepy Joe happens to blurt out should not be confused with actual US foreign policy:

    A senior Biden administration official said Thursday that American policy on Taiwan has not changed despite Joe Biden appearing to suggest the United States would defend the island if it were attacked.

    In an ABC Interview, Biden grouped Taiwan in with countries that the U.S. is committed to defending.

    “They are…entities we’ve made agreements with based on not a civil war they’re having on that island or in South Korea, but on an agreement where they have a unity government that, in fact, is trying to keep bad guys from doing bad things to them,” Biden said.

    “We made a sacred commitment to Article 5 that if in fact anyone were to invade or take action against our NATO allies, we would respond. Same with Japan, same with South Korea, same with – Taiwan. It’s not even comparable to talk about that.”

    In case you are unfamiliar, Article 5 is an agreement which states that an attack on one NATO member is an attack on all.

    As reported by Reuters, a senior Biden official said the policy has not changed, however, and Biden simply misspoke.

    Indeed, the U.S. is required by law to provide Taiwan with the necessary means to defend itself, but has followed a policy of “strategic ambiguity” on whether it would intervene to protect the island if there were a Chinese attack.

    Bonnie Glaser, a Taiwan expert at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, called Biden’s apparent mistake “unfortunate.”

    “The U.S. had an Article 5 commitment to Taiwan from 1954 to 1979. The Biden administration isn’t considering returning to that commitment, as indicated by public statements by Kurt Campbell.”

    Translation: the USA has not had a commitment to defend Taiwan since 1979 and is not, under any circumstances, going to make any attempt to defend it from an attack by Chinese military forces. Not that the USA has any intention of honoring its “sacred” Article 5 commitments either, you understand.

    Xi and Putin certainly do.


    The Derelict Didn’t Do His Duty

    American lives are now held hostage by accelerating Taliban Wahhabi rule in Afghanistan. There are reports that the kill list is long as identities and bank records of Americans were retrieved from the US Embassy. As the outer perimeter outside the airport becomes a chaotic hunting ground.

    Meanwhile, It has been 11 days with only a disaster of an interview between Biden and questions from the Democratic operative George Stephanopolous and this debacle.

    Biden ignored the 10 trillion dollar terror Cell he just created. Ignored the tough details to send in special forces to rescue Americans behind enemy lines. Biden then implicated our allies in his disaster. Lied about the rest of the world’s reaction. And then let the cat out of the bag that the questions were pre planned after an NPR reporter changed his question. And then the Vice President, The Secretary of State, and the President turned their backs on America.

    Either they are merely hiding from a mistake they can’t arrogantly talk their way out of or worse, they are preparing future operation rhetoric for the bloodbath and refugee invasion that is coming. As the Pentagon Office of the Inspector General recently verified that The Taliban has continued to maintain its relationship with Al Qaeda and has provided safe haven in Afghanistan. And while Congress sleeps the world is up in arms.

    The monstrous crisis has revealed that Biden’s Administration is just as inept as its leader. The chaos and lack of planning has gradually revealed the horrible possibility that maybe, just maybe an arrogant, barely cognizant, corrupt, compromised 78 year old foreign asset is actually calling the shots.

    And should be hastily impeached for dereliction of duty and corruption.


    Woman fleeing Taliban says militants are searching for sex slaves and having sex with dead bodies: Report

    A woman who fled the Taliban in Afghanistan reportedly said militants are searching for sex slaves and having sex with corpses.

    What happened to “believe all wah-men”?

    Oh yay, the cover-up legacy media/biden admin does not want these reports to get attention.

    The woman was a police officer in Afghanistan before fleeing to India following the group’s insurgence into Kabul, she said.

    Women were either taken or shot, she added.

    “They rape dead bodies too,” the woman told News 18, according to a report from India’s North-Eastern Chronicle. “They don’t care whether the person is dead or alive. … Can you imagine this?”

    Yes, we can.

    “When we were there, we received numerous warnings,” the woman, only identified as Muskan, continued. “If you go to work, you are under threat. Your family is under threat. After one warning, they would stop giving any warning.” “When we were there, we received numerous warnings,” the woman, only identified as Muskan, continued. “If you go to work, you are under threat. Your family is under threat. After one warning, they would stop giving any warning.”

    This is the taliban afterall.

    She said the Taliban wanted to “get their hands on every woman from every family,” according to the report.

    …reports of Taliban militants beating people for wearing Western apparel surfaced this week, as well as a report of a woman being killed for not wearing a burqa.

    One woman was “put on fire because she was accused of bad cooking for Taliban fighters,” said former Afghan Judge Najla Ayoubi.

    But what of their promise to respect female’s rights?

    Though Taliban leaders have said they would respect women’s rights in Afghanistan…

    It was, it you see the WHOLE clip, or read the WHOLE transcript.

    Afghan women to have rights within Islamic law, Taliban say … The rights of women in Afghanistan will be respected “within the framework of Islamic law (Sharia law).”

    And you all know what they want to do with females.

    As they stated earlier:

     …the Taliban declared a general amnesty across Afghanistan and said it wanted women…”

    They can’t have sex slaves or wives or breeding stock for future terrorists without the reproductive system of the human female.  🐐



    Biden’s FAILURE Continues As Afghanistan Falls

    89.2K subscribers


    The terrorists are making a statement.

    Leave by Aug.31, or you can expect more of this.

    This is what the taliban has always been and will always be… a terrorist organization, to terrorize and bully any and all those around them.


    An Afghan official has confirmed at least 60 Afghans were killed and 143 others were wounded in the attack, which the Islamic State has claimed accountability for.

    Over a dozen US marines were killed and some reports have 72 civilians killed by these attacks by cowards… may the suicide bombers burn in the eternal fires of hell for committing murder.  Satan itself approves.


    I know there is the temptation to look at the events in Afghanistan as some major failure of the Biden Administration, but it is not. This is who Biden has always been, what he ran on in the election, what everyone knew he would do, how he would sell out to the communist regime in China, do their bidding when he got into office. It was why they had to steal the election, because so many of us knew what a traitor, what a corrupt politician he was, that there was evidence of the bribes he took, verified by the courts in Ukraine. The fact of his mental incapacity only seemed to cement that he could not and should not be placed in control of the nation and its military forces. We now see why.

    This is on the Republicans. They knew of the election fraud, but none of them wanted to acknowledge it, because it would benefit Trump, someone getting between them and their graft. They knew of Biden’s mental limitations and Kamala Harris’ constitutional problems (not a “natural-born” citizen). Without that counter-balancing force of politics, voted for by the people to maintain a contentious political system to ensure that no political party is allowed to operate in the dark, there is no republic. The Republican Party failed its obligation to act as a control to fraudulent and absolute power.

    Trump symbolized the American people who raised him up, voted for him, because he was not like all of the other corrupt, bought-off politicians on that stage during the first Republican primary debate representing nothing other than a false choice. Trump promised to secure the border, to make America great again, to disengage in useless wars and rebuild the military, the way it had been up until the uniparty began to control every election, playing musical chairs with the presidency and using Dominion to secure it. For many, Trump was finally the solution to the corruption in Washington DC.

    The debacle in Afghanistan is just a symptom, a by-product of crooked politicians and traitors, if they are not, in fact, the same thing. If we allow the Republicans to come out and rail against the Democrats, we’re just falling for the bait and switch that allowed our nation to fall into the disarray it suffers from today.

    None of the military higher-command can do anything other than take full responsibility for this mess. They swore an oath to defend the constitution, the proper and rightful elections that secure for us the leaders we deserve and that works both ways. Where we elect corrupt, inept and ridiculous leaders we get corrupt, inept and ridiculous policy, but when the vote is manipulated, it is a coup, treason denying the people the ability to rectify their mistakes. Joe Biden was forced on the nation through fraud. He was not a mistake made by the people, but by the politicians, especially the Republicans, who did not effectively and immediately challenge that fraud.

    The recall election in California is further evidence of this corruption and the institutional nature of it. A man was found with 300 unopened recall ballots in his car, in possession of a handgun that his felony prohibited, passed out from drug use. This is going on all over California and Larry Elder, the beneficiary of the people’s goodwill has the impertinence to say that there was no election fraud in the 2020 election? It’s happening to him right in front of his eyes.

    I had hoped that long before this, that something would matter. I had hoped that the people taking oaths would take those with a serious heart and stand behind them. No one asks for an oath to a grocery store, or a gym, or a manufacturing plant. Those are just jobs; they don’t require one to swear allegiance, because violation of that allegiance does not expose American lives to forfeit or the subjugation of foreign powers, but protecting election fraud does.

    The pandemic was a loyalty test. Were government officials loyal to the constitution, or the dictates of the federal bureaucracy? I had hoped, during the pandemic lockdowns that people would reject these extra-constitutional measures, refuse to comply, overwhelm government and businesses with non-compliance, making all of it moot. Too few did. “If everyone complies, we can beat Covid and all will go back to normal.” It didn’t. “Get the vaxx and it will all go back to normal.” It didn’t, it got worse. Those who have gotten the vaxx are now, with destroyed immune systems, the super spreaders. Still, the narrative is: “Those who haven’t gotten the vaxx are super spreaders.” They’re not. Even if a non-vaxxed person gets Covid, they probably got it from one of the vaxxed! The narrative is the same. Ignore election fraud this time and all will go back to normal. It WON’T.

    I don’t know how any of this continues to be an argument. I don’t know how masks continue to be argued over. All of it has been debunked and by the CDC itself at different times, then backtracked and changed, due to political pressure, or pressure from the vaxx manufacturers themselves. The FDA just “approved” or so it said, the Pfizer vaxx. But read the letter carefully, because it didn’t really. None of what we’ve seen from these organizations is normal. None of it is backed by science, or even in line with their own protocols. The governments at all levels have allowed for the people to be used in a clinical test and are now being made to participate despite exertion of constitutional rights against participation, because the truth has been let out of the bag. The CDC admitted that 95% of the Covid-recorded deaths were not from Covid. What is there left to argue about? These are unjustified mandates, illegal and immoral beyond being unconstitutional and very few have stood up to take the abuse of a system designed to drive America into an openly communist nation.

    In an America not so far distant as one might think, we would have told them to pound sand. And yet, this whole discussion is irrelevant to the greater dangers this compliance, this willful treason, has caused. Fear and compliance of the pandemic allowed for the stolen election of 2020. Inability to address that treason resulted in the steal in Georgia. One flipped the presidency and the other flipped the senate. Everyone in office in 2020 is guilty of treason. There was enough evidence produced by December to hold a new election. But none of the Republicans in office were remotely interested in a new election, with verifiable votes counted legally. NONE of them. Since they did not, they are complicit in the events taking place in Afghanistan right now, the failure of leadership, right now. Afghanistan signals weakness to China and Russia. That expresses a calculated and intentional failure of national security, i.e., treason.

    I see Republicans in the House and Senate berating the events in Afghanistan, but their silence, their treason, enabled it by allowing a stolen election to install a mentally incapable president and a constitutionally incapable vice president to take control. Even if it’s known that Biden isn’t running the show; it is an act of treason to allow him to retain office. That places Kamala Harris in office, but she is not “duly elected” and because she is not a “natural-born citizen” and therefore not constitutionally capable of assuming the presidency even if she were. Where are the Republicans raising these concerns? Where is the military?

    The American Army is on its own. The American Army has a constitutional right, even an obligation, to stand up and demand reconciliation of the election, first and foremost and to vacate the seats of those guilty of violating their oath of office. It has to happen before our corrupt government gets us all killed. One might turn these issues around any way they want, but without recognizing the fraud, the treason and working to rid the government of traitors, it will only get worse.

    It’s a clear path, but not without danger. When the federal government cannot or will not protect and defend the people of America from communist ideology, either by treasonous leaders allowing it to take place, or who, by their projection of weakness before the enemy, encourage an attack or invasion, they have forfeited their authority and power. It then falls on the military to recognize the federal government is acting in violation of their oaths to defend the constitution and the people of the United States and insert itself, upholding their oaths to protect and defend the people and the constitution. Failing that, when neither the federal “elected” officials will obey their oaths and the military will not intercede to defend the constitution and the people of America from such treason, it falls to the states to recognize that those in the federal government have succumbed to treason and are called upon by their oaths to stand in defiance of the federal government in all its manifestations. If they will not defend the people of their states from a hostile federal government in Washington, it falls to the counties and ultimately to the people themselves. If no one will recognize their obligation to defend the people, there are constitutionally protected actions of the people to defend themselves. Those sworn to office can stop the people from taking matters into their own hands at any point, simply by doing their job, obeying their oaths and returning to a strict understanding of a constitutional republic.

    Politics might shade politicians in the understanding of life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. What it means, though, is that I have a right to live. The government cannot take that life from me without due process and maybe not at all. I have a right to liberty, to move about, do as I want, while remaining civil and unthreatening except to defend my life, liberty or property. I have a right to my property (this is where property taxes are a “taking” as it stands, but an argument for another day) that the government cannot take without due process of law. I have a right to pursue happiness (something that is wholly sacrificed during a lockdown or invasion) which is a way of life that makes me happy, i.e., choosing where to work, who to work for, whether or not to recognize that compensation as just, where to live, where to shop, what to buy, etc. Due process of law requires that the laws be passed by those holding office, duly sworn to defend the constitution and the people it serves. Most are in violation of that oath, placing “due process” open to subjectivity. Illegitimate laws passed by those in violation of their oaths cannot constitute “due process.” The whole framework of this government relies SOLELY on just and accurate elections and the obedience to the oaths taken prior to taking ANY seat in government of any level.

    If there is no political will to reverse the damage already done, no political will to keep it from progressing, the American Army is left to sort it out. I wish it could be sorted out by the military, the second in line to constitutional authority, rather than the states as that leads to some sort of secession, either physically or effectively, but if not the military and not the states, the people themselves are forced into action of one sort or another. That acknowledges that the police and the military are adversaries in the quest for constitutional governance, but a rock remains a rock, no matter how many times it’s turned over.


    This is on the Republicans. They knew of the election fraud, but none of them wanted to acknowledge it, because it would benefit Trump,

    I would disagree.

    Those where the RINO’s, republicans in name only.

    And all those activist judges who refused the lawsuits to look into election fraud over “technical” issues, and not the merits of the case.


    As for the rest, why would the ‘elites’ care, if someone is illegible or not, so long as they can claim to be the FIRST.

    Some people still believe the first POTUS of color, due to copies of birth certifications, was NOT a “natural-born citizen”.

    Some wanted the first female POTUS (who was a commie bought traitor and not fit to hold the title POTUS), but was stopped by a populist.

    So then, we got a hyena who had to drop out of the preliminaries (because no one LIKED her in her own party), to become the first POC and first female VP, who’s parentage includes being slave owners.

    So the least popular VP in history will (not can, but will) become POTUS (via the 25th) even though she is unqualified and incapable to serving the position.


    But these is all about being the first, and being in the history/record books.

    It has nothing to due with who is best qualified, or whom the voters wanted in.


    And remember, the US and its alphabet community, has been known to giving weapons to various groups if it was to the benefit on them.  So all those military equipment, vehicles, arms and weapons left behind in Afghanistan is just the latest example.

    As some have been reporting, even thought things like aircraft the taliban have no one who can maintain and operating them, other nations hostile to the US would be more than happy to BUY (and reverse engineer) them.  Why steal US military secrets when you can just buy them.

    I can’t wait to hear in the news the CCP has purchased ALL those items from the taliban.

    And while the CCP is throwing money at the taliban, they will do the same with all the mineral resources and use their leverage to buy up what they can while the taliban subligates the population… just like what the CCP does to its occupied lands.


    I don’t know if it is true, but it sure sounds like it.

    Ponder this ….

    Stick with this read to the end…”AFGHANISTAN is “the Saudi Arabia of lithium” – a metal that is essential for electric vehicle batteries and battery storage technologies.

    The Taliban now control one of the world’s largest lithium deposits worth an estimated $1 to $3 trillion.

    The Taliban announced that China will be their ‘main partner’ in rebuilding Afghanistan.

    The Chinese company, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited (CATL), is the world’s largest manufacturer of lithium-ion batteries.

    Hunter Biden’s investment fund , Bohai Harvest (BHR), was funded by Bank of China Ltd and other Chinese-government owned financial firms.

    Bohai Harvest lists the lithium-battery giant, CATL, among its portfolio of investments.

    In other words, the Biden family is set to personally benefit from China gaining access to Afghanistan’s lithium deposits.”

    And now we understand the “method to his madness”.


    Saw this yesterday and almost laughed myself silly! The world is going to hell and all they’re worried about is diversity in their government? LOL!


    Has anyone ever seen any of the 6-7,000 Americans that were rescued
    Received this from a friend and can’t say I have!

    Something to think about.

    Has anyone ever seen any of the 6-7,000 Americans that were rescued – Or any of them reuniting with family or being interviewed on TV
    September 2, 2021
    Just a short note of something rather insignificant in the grand scheme of things….

    We are told by the powers that be – that approximately 6,000 to 7,000 American citizens were rescued by daring efforts of the U.S. State Department and U.S. military in evacuations from Kabul airport.  Okay, fair enough… that’s a good outcome.  Happy to hear it; we can debate the other 116,000 at a later time.
    However, it seems a little odd now that there’s no videos of the survivors of the Afghan crisis arriving at airports.   No crowds or families greeting the extracted American residents; no human interest stories and local broadcasted news coverage of relieved Americans, husbands, wives, daughters or sons arriving back in their hometown…. nothing.
    Six to seven thousand Americans saved from the clutches of the Taliban, and not a single story of those Americans arriving home to the waiting arms of their loving family.

    Who were those people on those planes?

    The silence is deafening!

    Circle back incompetence will never give the public the truth.

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