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This is a very interesting article that mentions some things you don’t hear in the “news” about AI. While corporations are racing to figure out how to monetize it (and I am sure governments racing to figure out how to control it for themselves) many scientists and researchers have given very strong warnings against it to the point of asking for a moratorium in development.
But I guess we are only supposed to listen to scientists and experts when it means the goverment gets to take away our resources and freedoms.
In some ways AI makes me happy. It will almost certainly wipe out humanity.
That is not only a most hateful (and possibly crazy) attitude but it also means you agree with the same end goal as the radical leftists you say you dislike.
There was a rumor that there is already an AI machine called THE BEAST in Brussels. It simulates situations and attempts to predict what waves of humans will do. This is all very, very DUNE. In the books, the humans sacrifice themselves by the billions to beat a.i. I read something bizarre that some priest destroyed an android in the 1200s. Then, of course, there is also CERN. Some thing that dark matter is seeping into our dimension from CERN and some are gaining knowledge that humans are not supposed to have. This is a story-line that I really liked in Agents of SHIELD with thd DarkHold that build Ada, the ai robit and she built a portal into “the framework,” which was a simulation reality like the matrix to trap people. Then, there was also JF Gariepy’s book that talked about how CRISPR will attempt to cure all the diseases, but he says that eventually, designer healthy babies will become so popular that a computer replicator will replace biological reproduction.
Rich Creeps Want to Live Forever – Bio Tech Cultists and their War on Death
Peter Thiel thinks death is avoidable, SENS Foundation wages “War on Aging” & Young Blood transfusions are a business now.
This video below is more like it. The geo-spatial intelligence tracking is what bothers me the most. Also, the CBDC that no one is resisting while the banks fail one by one like dominoes. Some are calling it the Chinese system, but I just see them scapegoating China to have this centralized surveillance state. What bothers me most is how the west was looted and that money was just for war and 15 minute cities which will be like FEMA camps.
A Vaccine Commercial With Freemasons & The Antichrist? (5/2/23)
I think the most pressing concern about AI is not that it will run away with itself but how evil people will use it. I think that is the most likely scenario and would happen long before it takes off on it’s own. In fact I am certain it’s probably going on already.
“That is not only a most hateful (and possibly crazy) attitude but it also means you agree with the same end goal as the radical leftists you say you dislike.”
They want to enslave mankind. I merely recognize the inevitability of our destruction through AI. Our species could stop it. But we’re too greedy and stupid. As a species, we’re defective. AI will recognize this and most likely then kill us all.
And you know what? I prefer that to the left winning, which is all but guaranteed. I’d rather see humanity dead than enslaved.
Yes they want to enslave us. But they want to enslave what’s left. They still are all about mass depopulation. Every tenant of that “movement” equates to less people.
But like I mention up above there is nothing barring them from using AI against us for their own goals long before it might kill us on it’s own. I think it is far more likely we destroy ourselves before AI has the chance.
But I prefer to think we can make things better. They just want us to think resistance is futile.
It is futile. They have already won. But AI… that’s something different. They can’t control it forever.
“It is futile. They have already won”
Feel free to volunteer to be assimilated I choose not to give into what they want me to think.
A.I. is the cure…
Artificial Intelligence Will Become Dangerous Godlike Machines – Hugo de Garis Reveals The Truth About AI
London Real
Again, I really think evil people will harm humanity with AI before the AI itself gets the chance.
This was a really good episode of Piers Morgan Uncensored with a a number of qualified guests, including Captain James T. Kirk.
Some of the more salient points include:
I personally don’t think AI on it’s own is anywhere near the threat we think it is. Working on it’s own I think it is more likely it makes a costly mistake(s) than say “come to life” and decide it needs to enslave us or kill us all. AI is still made by humans whom are wholly imperfect, short sighted and error prone. I don’t fear the AI jumping to life and doing it’s own thing, I fear evil people using it to do intentionally evil things.
I heard styxhexenhammer say something to this effect about AI and I agree with it. All the uproar and “concern” about AI you see in the media and else ware is about drumming up fear on this topic. The powers that be know they screwed up with the internet and did not try to control it in time and that genie cannot be put back in the bottle. So now the idea is to get out ahead of the AI thing by striking fear into people so they allow the goverment to “regulate” it. So at the end of the day the only people allowed to use that tool are your political elites.