Alan Wake 2 or Alan Woke 2?

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    I’ve been waiting for an Alan Wake game for a long time, got on the 360 and absolutely loved it.

    When I heard Epic games had financed this game I got annoyed, I don’t use Epic games and them buying timed exclusives is annoying so I was just gonna wait, however.

    I’ve heard some mixed report’s about Alan Wake 2, I watched a few minutes of Az’s stream and he seemed bored, the chat said Mauler gave up on his playthrough, I don’t want to watch any more gameplay but I got showed a pic today of someone in the game complaining about a white man telling people what to do…

    I’m not gonna deny, I’ve become cynical to culture and sensitive to the woke shit, I see it as malicious and cultural vandalism.

    Has Remedy become a captured company?

    Am I being overly sensitive?

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Cerabelus.

      “Am I being overly sensitive?”

      Yes and no.

      You cannot get beaten over the head with something over and over without beginning to look for it so as to try to avoid it.  It is human nature.  But we do need to be careful not to overplay it because then it’s no different than calling everything white supremacy.

      When I watch movies or play games, an element or 2 of “woke” does not bother me.  What does is when that movie or game is about the woke.  Then I avoid it.

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