Alex Jones literally choking on his lies after getting exposed

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      “I rest my case, Alex Jones got clapped hard and I’m enjoying every bit of it and seeing conservatice snowflakes try to spin this to them being the victims again, just like I enjoyed the backfire on Amber Heard.”

      There is a stark difference between wanting justice and reveling in someone else’s agony.  Clearly your point of view is the latter.  And this is a point in which you are not thinking through matters logically or in an unbiased fashion.

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by Vknid.

      No explanations. No coincidences. A picture is worth a thousand words.

      Anyone can vote, but judges are appointed. Voters and judges are nothing alike. Judge is an authority position. Supposedly, voters at the polls can not wear activism on their attire, so MAGA hats would not be allowed.


        He will Appeal and have it overturned on appeal…. There is so many grounds for the appeal its both Scary and Sickening. This Judge should NEVER be on the bench.




        There is a stark difference between wanting justice and reveling in someone else’s agony.  Clearly your point of view is the latter.  And this is a point in which you are not thinking through matters logically or in an unbiased fashion.

        it’s a bit hard to take these comments serious when the same people create threads about Amber Heard and ejaculate out all the memes they have been sitting on about her and celebrated when she got clapped.48E7FD1C-2721-403D-8AEC-B5E06868C0C7802FDBC8-2FEB-4DC5-ACAD-E4BE34861363

        do you think this is also reveling in someone’s agony and very problematic or is it justified because it’s not one of your people getting exposed? To me, everytime someone gets their ass rightfully served,  no matter if they are killers, pedos or people like Alex Jones and Amber Heard, I am happy.

        Alex Jones made his money through lying and tried to maintain his money through lying in the court but he’s getting exposed now. It’s 50 million he owes the first family, the second and third family trials are yet to begin and I’m all for it.

        And the best part is that Alex Jones’ lawyers basically handed all the evidence which might be crucial in breaking through the Jan 6th terrorist coup attempt and I have no doubt Mr. Jones was a part of organizing it.


        Alex Jones made his money in media entertainment. Robert Barnes said that Texas law has a cap on such damages. The NY Times and other media covered for hoaxes and false flags that got us into trillion dollar wars and lost thousands of lives. The NY Times covered up for the Clintons giving military technology to China. Who is suing the NY Times?

        Another reason that judges and voters are nothing alike is ballot initiatives. There have been numerous cases in blue states where voters voted on way and one judge threw out the will of the people and the people’s vote and this shows that another lie is that we live in “a Democracy.” The people never voted for gay marriage and never voted for open border invasions. Never.

        Alex Jones does not make as much money as Pfizer. Vaccine mandates made many new billionaires and Big Pharma sponsors all the mainstream news. When the truth about vaccines comes out, will mainstream news be sued out of existence? They deserve to.


          i thought you were just misinformed but comparing Amber heard to alex jones isnt even close to the same thing, and i would explain this until i saw your Jan 6th comment. A terrorist plot with no weapons, 75 year old grandma wandering around an office is not a terrorist plot.. I swore i was done explaining things to Jan 6th people and im gonna stick to that promise. Im out, good luck and have fun.


          @BeardedMountain One of the acquired rules of the forums everyone eventually learns…it’s pointless to engage Soynic.


          Amber heard to alex jones isnt even close to the same thing, and i would explain this until i saw your Jan 6th comment.

          Please do. Obviously they are not identical, but both are defamation cases where person A spreads misinformation about person B and the fans of person A attack person B and makes their life more miserable. Both deserve to be clapped.

          A terrorist plot with no weapons, 75 year old grandma wandering around an office is not a terrorist plot..

          I hope you do know that the definition of terrorism is not ”when a brown person shoots or bombs white people”. Here you have the official definition:

          “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives”

          Let’s see if we can check the boxes:

          unlawful use of force and violence against people and property ✅ – people used impromptu weapons like stolen riot shields, poles, baseball bats and whatever they could find to overpower the resisting police and kicking in windows.

          to intimidate or coerce a government ✅ they were literally shouting hang Mike Pence and attacking a governmental building, with the goal to intimidate the people in power

          in furtherance of political or social objectives ✅ well the goal was to keep Trump in office by using force because of ”election fraud” without any solid evidence, so it checks the political objective.

          So yes, the Jan. 6th domestic terrorist attack fills exactly the criteria of terrorism and no matter how much it hurts your feelings because your people did something wrong, that’s the reality.


          One of the acquired rules of the forums everyone eventually learns…it’s pointless to engage Soynic.

          because your snowflake feelings can’t handle big facts?


          When Kate Steinle was shot dead by an illegal alien in California, no media cared about the emotional damage to her parents.

          When Trucks of Peace mow down people at Christmas parades in Europe, it’s not Jan. 6th protesters. When people are stabbed in London, it’s not Jan. 6th protesters. When grenades go off in Sweden, it’s not Jan. 6th protesters. When stores are looted and clerks assaulted, it’s not Jan. 6th protesters.


          When Kate Steinle was shot dead by an illegal alien in California, no media cared about the emotional damage to her parents.

          Was any crazy conspiracy theorists claiming Kate Steinle was a paid actress and the whole thing was a hoax and an inside job by corrupt government to frame illegal aliens? Did her parents get harrassed and attacked, mentally and physically by supporters of the crazy person claiming this? I think not.

          When Trucks of Peace mow down people at Christmas parades in Europe, it’s not Jan. 6th protesters. When people are stabbed in London, it’s not Jan. 6th protesters. When grenades go off in Sweden, it’s not Jan. 6th protesters. When stores are looted and clerks assaulted, it’s not Jan. 6th protesters.

          Nope, but they were definitely there when the crazy psychos tried to overthrow the government and keep Donnie boy as president through force by breaking in and trying to hang Mike Pence and hurt others. Like what kind of argumemt was that? Do you think I support terrorists? No matter if it’s brown people blowing things up or Maga hats wearing people trying to break into governmental buildings and kill high status politicians I think they all deserve to get locked up fro being psycho freaks.

          The amount of biased whataboutism on this forum is unbelievable.

          ”Hey, Alex Jones is guilty of defamation and fraud. And the Jan 6th people committed acts that fit the description of an act of terrorism”


          ”uurrrrhhh fake news media lie too and brown people do bad things too 🥴”

          Like, no shit. It’s just insane how biased y’all are so it’s hard to take it seriously when you always find a way to deflect the fault and blame on others when people on your side are at wrong. It’s hilarious.


          Sandy Hook parents were physically attacked?

          “trying to kill.” Sure, Ashli Babbitt was the one killed.

          What would anyone in Finland really know? Besides Hot tubs and awful tasting fish?



          Screenshot 2022-08-07 at 10-31-05 0c73a1ce873fa4f4.jpeg (JPEG Image 759 × 929 pixels) — Scaled (86%)


            Sonic how old are you?

            Because you come off as a 14 to 25 year old child at best with most your replies, you are full of anger and hate and just cannot ever seem to rationally talk to anyone. Why even come here if you cannot speak civilly to people and throw insults at them?

            There was NO attempt to overthrow the government.  That NEVER happened. What Jan6th was, was no different than the summer of mostly peaceful riots “without the Looting and Burning.” Had there been burning, the Capital Building would been burnt to the ground. Had their been an attempted overthrow of the government people would have been armed and not given up without a fight.

            Insurrection would require Weapons and a few shields and bats are not weapons especially as the Capital police had GUNS. Anyone with half a brain would understand that. It would require arms that could be used against the police, People did not bring those.  And in the US it is very easy to get Guns.

            Anyone who thinks it was an attempted coupe or attempted overthrow  is a MORON, plain and simple. It was people who got overly emotional and did stupid shit. But  since then we have seen actual violations of our  Constitution by Law Enforcement and the Courts “People held without Bail” People denied the right to speedy trial and Charges that absolutely do not fit the crime. This is purely political as is the Jan 6th panel.

            If  you knew anything about U.S. Law you would see that.

            Yes those who went in to the capital are guilty of Criminal Trespass, Theft of Government Property in some cases, Destruction of Government Property in some cases. But NOT terrorism and certainly not insurrection. The latter two charges should never be filed for the actions that took place on Jan 6th, as the Definition of insurrection has a requirement of “ARMED” uprising.

            The people who went in the Capital were NOT Armed. And as no Terror charges have been brought its not applicable to what you said, nice try but does not fit the definition. Those currently convicted are appealing their convictions as is their right. I would also bet they will Sue the Government for violation of civil liberties by the government, and they will win. You pick and choose your words carefully and the law you cite I notice, but when doing so and not citing the actual definition its a LIE.

            Here lets look at the TRUE definition of Domestic Terrorism: 18 U.S. Code § 2331 – Definitions
            The term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—
            (A)involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State;
            (B) appear to be intended—(i)to intimidate or coerce a civilian population;
            (ii)to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or
            (iii)to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and
            (C)occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States

            Why didn’t you cite the actual full Code? Just curious. I know the quote you used, popular with the media and FBI press releases but NOT the actual definition for Domestic Terrorism.

            They did NOT act in a manner dangerous to Human life, 5 people died on Jan 6th, Ashli Babbitt, 35 years old, Trump supporter. Cause of death – Gunshot, Homicide. Unarmed shot by a Capital Police officer. UNARMED! The other 4 were Natural Causes.
            The actions were never going to intimidate anyone or coerce anyone.
            The act sure did not influence policy
            And No Mass destruction occurred.

            It reminds me of when you tried talking about gun control. You could not tell the same gun was used in pictures with only minor modifications. You seem to spew the talking points of the media and reports they put out. And when confronted by people resort to name calling. But eventually you spew enough BS everyone just laughs at you, which is normally your first post to any thread.

            As to Alex, he will appeal without doubt. There is more than enough grounds for it, the judge alone was clearly bias and made many rulings that could be overturned for violation his civil liberties.


            It’s no use trying to convince them about Jan 6th isn’t an insurrection but I appreciate the effort and the constitutional facts you’re showing, to them Donald J. Trump is worst than Hitler just because the Far Left media says so, they don’t know history they just repeat their bias point when challenged, If only they just dig a little about history and science they’d understand.

            Talking about history I’m sure If China-Russia wanted to start WWIII the woke US and Europe have a high probability of losing this time.


            Sandy Hook parents were physically attacked?

            the parents of the first trial got shot at their car

            “trying to kill.” Sure, Ashli Babbitt was the one killed.

            It was unfortunate to lose lives but the second you breach inside a governmental building you should be prepared for it. If you support Kyle Rittenhouse and defending your property with firearms the you should think she had it coming.
            And when hundreds of people break windows and attack police using fences, improvised spears from metal rods, baseball bats, shout ”hang Mike Pence”, drag a police in the crowd and beat him up until he got head trauma, tased him with his own taser, stole his pistol and shouted ”kill him with his own gun” then yeah I would say it was more than just grandmas walking around peacefully. And there’s video material before you start with the fake news bullshit again.

            What would anyone in Finland really know? Besides Hot tubs and awful tasting fish?

            Come on, that’s a poor attempt at provocation. First of all get your facts straight, surströmming is from Sweden. And while you are at that mindset, maybe use it at people like Cold Feet Crowder who lies through his teeth and present inaccurate information about countries outside America, relying on the fact that his audience don’t know/care about stuff outside America and are too lazy to check his sources and just gobble up anything he says. Also a reason why he debates children (and got owned once) and runs away from people who know what they are talking about.

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