Alex Jones literally choking on his lies after getting exposed

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  • #278404

    Alex Jones was not exposed, for Alex Jones is the Great Exposer.

    He exposed Bohemian Grove and other stories. He was been on the air for 28 years. The judge is a literal chubby,  blue-haired SJW.  In her spare time, the judge is basically TrigglyPuff. The trial was a farce.

    I would have gone to Jan. 6th, but it was too far. I know people who went that didn’t even know that people went into the building. You also have harmless, proper and professional people like Dr. Simone Gold, who were invited into the building to protest.  Even the Shaman guy with the Buffalo on his head had a spear and did no harm to anyone.  It’s an odd situation because there is so much footage on multiple sides, that it’s hard to tell what really happened, but it is clear that an angry mob of that sheer size could have taken a lot of lives and done a lot of damage and they did not do so.

    You people who spout mainstream media NPC talking points deserve a paycheck. You should get top social credit score for your propaganda efforts.

    Alex Jones is a hero.


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    Again you are caught lying. You cannot say one was <one was more or less spur of the moment than the other while also in the same sentence saying you believe it was planned.

    what? My argument was that the Jan 6th was in no way a spur of the moment situation unlike what you claimed, and that it was way more planned out than the BLM riots. However, the BLM riots were not a fully spur of the moment either. But the whole thing started because of the death of George Floyd and people started wilding out and going on the streets. It was an on the spot decision of collective people, but later the BLM movement started to organize marches as far as I know. In the Jan 6th, I don’t think anyone would’ve gone to the capitol without people telling them to go there and ”show their strengths”.

    Claiming the shooting was a Hoax, is an Opinion about an event. It is not defaming any singular person or group. An event cannot be harmed and as such cannot be defamed.

    You’re right, but claiming the parents of the children made a deal with the corrupt pedo government to stage a shooting and that they were all paid actors by the government 100% fills the requirement of defamation of singular people or groups, especially since their identities were revealed. And this lead to people harrassing and gathering in front of their houses so they had to move out 7 times and some were even shooting and and admitted they were inspired by Infowars. This is textbook defamation. Also, I repeat that Alex Jones also committed perjury during the trial. That’s another dunk on him.

    As to what his fans did, people are Responsible for their own action. He did not tell anyone to go attack anyone, nice try but did not happen.

    But he is responsible for defamation, leading to his fans attacking them. It’s exactly the same with Amber Heard’s fans attacking Depp and his sponsors, leading to him getting kicked from movie projects. Amber Heard didn’t tell anyone to attack, she just ”told her opinion”.


    He exposed Bohemian Grove and other stories.

    it’s the mentality of ”he was correct in these 2 cases so he must always be correct”. His tactics is to base his conspiracy theories on things that almost have solid evidence and ”half truths” and then he misrepresents the fact a little bit and then pops off on his rampages. Like the gay frog theory who someone claimed to be true when he took something that was almost true (frogs being able to change gender) and connected it to the government putting gay chemicals in children’s juice boxes.

    If I compare this again to the Amber Heard case, she was right about one defamation case. But the rest were just lies. Alex Jones is right on some cases, but on some real dumb shit on the rest.

    Alex Jones is a hero.

    he’s guilty of defamation, perjury and dumbfuckery and he got clapped


      Ok Sonic, I am going to address several things in this reply to you. Try reading them multiple times, and try to understand them.

      First, let me address this quote by you from post #278384 “all the people who have a problem with me on this forum.”

      The people on this forum that have issues with you is because of your constant lies and deflection along with calling people names and labeling them. Now I am board today so lets just look through this thread only, to show it.

      Post #277970 “Just a couple months ago all of you guys here were circle jerking at the Depp vs Heard defamation case”

      “The hypocricy and biases here are insane.”

      Post #278097 “it’s a bit hard to take these comments serious when the same people create threads about Amber Heard and ejaculate out all the memes they have been sitting on about her and celebrated when she got clapped.”

      Post 278127 “no matter how much it hurts your feelings because your people did something wrong,” and “because your snowflake feelings can’t handle big facts?”

      Post #278159 “Like, no shit. It’s just insane how biased y’all are so it’s hard to take it seriously when you always find a way to deflect the fault and blame on others when people on your side are at wrong”

      Post #278210 “I expose people’s double standards and they are the ones who call me gay communist leftist. Like NicoBellic and the guy with the cowboy hat, but both of the, disappeared after the Jan 6th thing. Makes me wonder. My bet would be they are in jail or mental hospital. Go figure.”


      Now lets just stop right here for a minute, I am not sure who “NicoBellic” is and I did search Members on here and Discord, so you will need to be more specific to who that is, as some of the features still need work. But the guy with the Cowboy hat is Mr. Bidwell, and he is busy with real life. Not in Jail or Hospital to my knowledge, but way to Slander a person and defame the person accusing them of committing a crime. You understand what you just did is actually directed at a person, not an event or the government but a person.

      Ok lets continue on.

      Post #278336 “but there are many on this forum (or rather, there were many before they self destructed).”

      Post #278337 “The forum smells like an echo chamber.”


      Those are just from this thread, You like to throw around insults and even defame people with lies. Do you like liars? Because for me and the vast majority of people I know, people do not like liars. They sure the hell do not like people calling them names or putting labels on them.

      But your statement “all the people who have a problem with me on this forum.” Is one I have heard from children who do not get their way or get called out for inappropriate action. It is not that people do not like you or do not want you on the forum. They do not like your lies and insults you throw at them.

      There are people on this forum I have strong disagreements with and great debates with coming at a topic from different points. My God this world would be a boring ass place if people all agreed about everything. But adults oh hell even many teenagers understand you call people names and lie and no one will want you around. It is your own words / actions that people do not like.

      You are the Beast you Hate man. You either refuse to see it, or you damn well know it and only come here to stir up problems. I tend to lean toward the latter at this point. Again using your own words and no one elses. When I asked you this

      “Sonic how old are you?

      Because you come off as a 14 to 25 year old child at best with most your replies, you are full of anger and hate and just cannot ever seem to rationally talk to anyone. Why even come here if you cannot speak civilly to people and throw insults at them?”

      Your reply: Post #278210 “I’m tired of politically biased people.”

      You say you come here because you are tired of politically biased people.

      But then in post #278230 you state: “I usually stay out and roll me eyes to most of the posts here but sometimes I step in to give my two cents to see if anyone here realizes how insane their hypocrisy and biases are but I always end up with the realization that everyone is too blind to try to look at things objectively and admit that there are faults on their own side.”

      Yet YOU are the one who started this topic, so you clearly like political topics, you keep responding to people in it and this is far from the only one you have got involved in. so I clearly you are not being honest about staying out of them.

      You even retracted some of what you said in;

      Post #278384 “yeah it was a hyperbolic expression as I didn’t mean literally everyone but rather all the people who have a problem with me on this forum. So I can for sure say I take it back as I don’t mean literally every person in the world.”

      You understand Alex and others in the Media after saying something had to retract it as well. You understand you saying Alex keeps making things up etc etc. Is EXACTLY what you have done many times on this forum?

      But now lets get to your last reply to me.
      Lets look at my EXACT QUOTES on January 6th in this thread.

      Post #278175 “There was NO attempt to overthrow the government.  That NEVER happened. What Jan6th was, was no different than the summer of mostly peaceful riots “without the Looting and Burning.” Had there been burning, the Capital Building would been burnt to the ground. Had their been an attempted overthrow of the government people would have been armed and not given up without a fight.”

      So please there is my opinion on what January 6th has been since day one. You also damn well know I said those who did criminal acts are guilty and I listed what charges they should have been charged with. Others and even in testimony it has been shown the people were let in. So the Trespass charge excluding those who went in to private areas of the Capital building should not be applied.

      Those protestors would NOT have “stormed” the capital arguably had they not been given free entry by Capital police. Seriously How stupid would anyone be to try and go up against armed Police at the Capital. The police could easily keep them out. Stop lying man, the evidence is all over even from left very left reporters’ videos that were there. That was a spur of the moment in the heat of passion and emotional event.

      BLM AND Antifia both have a nice long history of in-sighting violence and riots; you are standing up for two groups who actually do fit the definition of Terrorism and Sedition by some of their members. BLM IS actually a fundraising Org for Democrat and Progressive (liberals) that was proven and then they have tried to lie and hide and misdirect that little fact that was found out. Though I am sure you will try to defend that as well.

      As to Alex’s fans, I have already addressed that. They not He is responsible for their actions.

      This can go on forever, you just keep circling back to the same lies and insults you always do. But your poor me no one likes me or wants me, just makes us laugh at you. We see through it, we see who you are, your words speak volumes to it across so many threads. You might not see it, maybe this very long post might open your eyes. You might even do some soul searching. But I doubt it, you thrive on this and the attention, and for that reason, I think its time I stop giving you attention at least for now.


      @Mustangride1 Just to fill in the forum lore for you, since I was there:

      Nicobellic was a bombastic hardcore right leaning guy, who tended to get explosive with his thoughts, sometimes going into conspiracy theory territory in his arguments, and while he was usually right with his historically based arguments, he got too salty too quickly over stuff which made it hard to deal with him. He meant well, but he was not good at clean arguments and had a temper. At some point during COVID he deleted his account, so he doesn’t show up as a forum member anymore.

      Any references to Cowboy is probably to @MrDragonbane, who also had a quick temper and tended to lean towards name calling. He usually had good points, but he got too salty and could not argue cleanly, either. He was a hardcore real Star Wars guy, so I admit I gave him the benefit of the doubt with his intentions.

      And since he is one of the mods for my channel, anyone taking a pot shot at @MrBidwell can fuck off. He’s a good dude who never has said a bad word to anyone on these forums. He’s literally living his real life right now, so that’s why he’s absent.

      And before I go back to what I was doing, @SuperSoynic_Speed

      Calling me a snowflake, my friend? All our past debates from over a year ago before I got bored with you are still here on these forums. I crushed you every time. You are not worth my time nor my attention. Mustang has done a more than capable job of reminding me with this debate why you are boring and an unworthy opponent: because you are one dimensional child who has next to no experience with the real world or life in general. You prattle on with your borrowed Leftist catch phrases that you think make you sound witty and smart, but in fact reveal you for the uneducated fop that you are. Paired with your poor attempt at name calling (you really need to up your game if you want to actually make someone angry instead of laugh with pity) reveals you to be the whiny child that screams at clouds.

      The reason no one likes you is because since the moment you arrived on these forums, you have been a negative personality that purposefully behaves like a spoiled brat because you crave the attention such behavior fosters.

      Grow up, kiddo, learn a few more things, then maybe you’ll be tall enough to get on the ride of life.




        @Roas, That would explain why I could not find Nico, also why I cannot remember him, people like that are forgettable to me. Mr Dragonbane pretty good dude, temperament i do not recall him being fast with it, but hey I tend to give the benifit of the doubt on the Internet has words on a screen are often hard to get the actual “intent of them” at many times. I have been guilty of people thinking I was quick tempered when I simply was joking or being passionate.  One of the problems with the net since the early days…. This is also why I watch people talking to each other over time, it gives me a feeling to if its just two acquaintances /friends giving each other crap, or if its possibly really a fight brewing, or a Troll.  Its why I watch a lot and get understandings of people. Anyway. Thanks for the Clarification.



        your constant lies

        give me examples. I truly am capable of taking back my words if I notice I got something wrong but most of the time when people here ”expose” me of lying it’s that I state something and they call it fake news and leftist propaganda. That’s not enough to make me take it back. And I want to make it VERY clear to everyone that I am by no means a leftist. Economically I lean more to the right and in social issues I’m pretty comfortably in the middle. I despise and resist leftist snowflakes crying about everything being racist, sexist, ___phobic and their pronoun bullshit but I equally despise snowflakes on the right who cry that everything is woke (like DDaycobra who got mad they made pride cereal but not Trump cereal). I try to consume news from different sources, and I watch content on the internet from both people on the left like Sam Seder as well as on the right like Crowder, Shapiro etc. I want to give both a fair shot and not only consume leftist or right content to avoid being a part of the echo chamber.

        but way to Slander a person and defame the person accusing them of committing a crime. You understand what you just did is actually directed at a person, not an event or the government but a person.

        It’s just speculations, I didn’t propose it as a fact. And I doubt it caused them any kind of damage, especially since no one knows his real identity. Go ahead and sue me.

        You like to throw around insults and even defame people with lies.

        again, point at the defamation and the lies. I happily take back my words if there is evidence of my statement being lie, other than ”that’s fake news, you’re just a leftist”.

        It is not that people do not like you or do not want you on the forum. They do not like your lies and insults you throw at them.

        nah I’m pretty sure some people here really didn’t like me, like NikoBellic who always responded with ”you’re probably a gay commie”. But yeah my statement can come across as whiny or bitchy, but I meant people in general who oppose what I say.

        My God this world would be a boring ass place if people all agreed about everything.

        this is exactly why I usually disappear or am inactive and then swing by to comment when I disagree with the people here. I have no interest in going to all the ”I hate radical leftists” circlejerks to say ”yeah they suck!!” With all other 10 users, so I usually comment when I disagree which makes me look like a leftist who disagrees with everything.

        Yet YOU are the one who started this topic, so you clearly like political topics, you keep responding to people in it and this is far from the only one you have got involved in.

        oh I do like political topics but I don’t like the group mentality that anything your group does, you try to defend until your death but when the other group does something similar you are ready to lock them all up. And you are right that everyone is biased and a hypocrite to an extent, but it seems like very few here are able to acknowledge it.

        Speaking of it, here’s a funny example:

        You understand Alex and others in the Media after saying something had to retract it as well. You understand you saying Alex keeps making things up etc etc. Is EXACTLY what you have done many times on this forum?

        Alex Jones only retracted it after the case. As far as I know, correct me if I’m wrong but even during the trial he still insisted on it. He also committed perjury. That’s nothing like what I have done here, come on now.


        When it comes to the Jan 6th, it’s been discussed so much on different threads and I probably can’t change your minds. All I want is that the people who busted in ahould get locked up just like the BLM rioters. It’s just funny that so many people on the right use the ”mostly peaceful protest” as a sarcastic term when people also burned shit down, yet use the ”grandpas peacefully walking around Capitol building” argument. Like yeah, there were peaceful protestors in both cases but also violent thugs who should be in jail. That’s my overall take, I still think it fits the definition of domestic terrorism, and the head of FBI said the same. But I guess his opinion doesn’t matter to the right anymore.


        As to Alex’s fans, I have already addressed that. They not He is responsible for their actions.

        but… he is still guilty of defamation and perjury… the fact doesn’t change.




        NikoBellic was the one who started like 2-5 threads of conspiracy theories every day about lizard pedophiles and Sandy Hook. His go to line was always calling me a gay leftie communist. He even attacked @DigiCat on a regular basis with really no substance other than conspiracy theories and insults and he disappeared shortly after Jan 6th.

        The Crazy Cowboy was fun to talk with as he was ’t as unhinged with the conspiracy theories, he was just a straight up far roght conservative and a racist (I don’t use that word lightly since I hate how the left calls even white people with braids racists), but this guy was just a real racist in my opinion. In the summer of 2020, beginning of this forum there was a thread where he straight up compared black people to animals. I tried to find the thread but I can’t find it right now so I have no evidence, but I remember there being other users who said like chill out or you’ll get banned. I took a screen shot on my old iPad and I’ll try to find it but yeah, he was pretty aggressive also.

        I have never taken shots at, I liked him. I talked with him a lot shortly after the Jan 6th event and even if we had quite different stories (he said he used to be a leftie feminist before and I used to watch Milo Yiannopoulos and think everything Crowder said was true before noticing they are not being completely honest either), he was able to not be biased and admit when the right did wrong and that the Jan 6th was a catastrophe while Cowboy, NikoBellic and other were busy coping and blaming on Antifa to cover up.

        I crushed you every time. You are not worth my time nor my attention.

        that’s a way to see it if it helps you sleep at night. I take on a lot of people here so I can’t exactly remember who you are or what we talked about, but if it was about the gun thing or if you are the one who thinks gay people are disgusting then I can say I backed out from the discussion because I wrote a long response with sources, only to notice the forum was bugging and my response disappeared. And I was too lazy to write it again because there’s no way I could make y’all reconsider anyway and the thread went to like page 5 or something so I let it be.


        Repeated lies, slander, and defamation by the media that Jan 6th protesters killed officers.

        The media lied repeatedly, and now, the government is authorizing 90,000 new IRS agents with the power to use deadly force if necessary.


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        Sam Seder?

        One of your sources is Sam Seder?

        the guy who defends rape, as long as it is by a celebrity? Dude is Epstein level creepy.

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        Repeated lies, slander, and defamation by the media that Jan 6th protesters killed officers.

        not directly, but indirectly for sure as some committed suicide because of it and at least ine suffered a heart attack from the shock of a near death experiemce as well as severe head trauma. What part is defamation?

        Sam Seder?

        One of your sources is Sam Seder?

        the guy who defends rape, as long as it is by a celebrity? Dude is Epstein level creepy.


        Yup, he is one of them. And that is one way to twist words, he wasn’t defending rape he was making a joke about it. I thought you were all about edgy jokes. You wouldn’t last a second in an MW2 lobby and would probably melt from Eminem lyrics.

        you think Crowder sexualizing 16 year olds is cool? Is this another case of owning the libs? Or is he just being an ephebophile?



        Kyle Rittenhouse was lied about.
        Nick Sandmann was lied about.
        MAGA was lied about by Jussie Smollet.
        Asian Hate Crimes were lied about.
        Muslim hate crimes were lied about.

        The repeated slander and lies against Americans by the media is a track record that goes back generations at this point, where every institution assassinates the character of Americans on the right. Move on .org? Yeah, the people moved on from the lying media and are seeking out alternatives like Alex Jones. All he  has to do is be just a little bit better,  and not lying about Americans in a general sense has made him just that much better than the news.

        This is what gave Alex Jones and Trump power.

        Eminem sucks bad.


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        You are NOT pointing out Hypocrisy, because Alex and Jeremy are not in political power and have no authority position. It takes real courage to challenge things, which is why Jones and Trump are facing adversity.


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        because Alex and Jeremy are not in political power and have no authority position.

        why does it matter? And one could argue that with hundreds of thousands of people watching their content they have authority. Jeremy is also showing his true colors now, going from ”I respect your political opinion even if we disagree” to ”if you support Trump but think he has some flaws, fuck you”.

        It takes real courage to challenge things, which is why Jones and Trump are facing adversity.

        Alex Jones is so brave for telling lies and defaming people and leaking nudes of his wife without her consent. True hero indeed.


        Elections matter. Elections have consequences. Matters a lot. Wouldn’t expect anyone from Finland to get it because their Prime Minister dances and parties and does drugs and does not take things seriously. Doesn’t seem like she thinks Putin is much of a threat. Did Alex Jones leak that or was that an act of incompetence of behalf of his lawyer?

        Alex and Trump are both very brave. Someone just murdered the daughter of Alexander Dugin. Anyone who speaks out against Globohomo perversion is likely to get the Michael Hastings treatment. It’s brave to speak out against lockdowns, vaccines, invader assault, Monkeypox rape of household pets, etc. Speaking of slander, Brian Stelter just resigned in disgrace after CNN lost millions in their quest to slander American boys as racists. Low ratings from CNN Fake News, so when I hear WEF talking points repeated here, they can only be scoffed at.


        The legacy media has been telling LIES and defaming people for so long, I doubt they know how to tell the truth/facts anymore.  They are no longer reporting, they are no longer journalists, they are activists pretending to be in the media.

        When will those media outlets going to face justice for the continuing lies, spreading hatred, causing division?

        Those agenda/propaganda industry will continue to push LIES, while those who question that narrative in any form will be attacked and prosecuted.


        And Brian Stelter was FIRED (given his pink slip) and that they allowed him to have that one last episode to say good-by.


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