Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Movies Alita: Battle Angel (2019)

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    Hello everyone. I’ve been gone for a while because I’ve been getting my life and my library on minds in order. But I’m back now and boy oh boy have I got a good review for you. To show what I’m capable of. Here is my review of Alita: battle Angel. The first of the reviews I’ll be putting here. Straight from my work on Minds.

    Alita: Battle Angel review




      It’s an absolutely awesome movie and very unique. 20 years ago it would have been considered an absolute blockbuster.  Today it’s Citizen Kane level.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by Vknid.

      The movie was ok. There was one element in the 3rd act that could have been handled better IMO…took it down a few notches for me.

      As part of the film’s promotion a company developed Alita-inspired prosthetics for a young lady and made a short of the process. I’ve re-watched this video several times…still brings a tear to me eye.



      This movie is 100% better than that other film that came out that same year.

      Can’t wait for Part 2 – which I hear is gonna happen.



      Oh, and @Animemen73 were you also gonna do a YT vid as well?

      Or just that written up version?


      Hey Legatus I’m surprised you still want to talk with me.

      Well, I’m going to be making YouTube videos the problem is right now I haven’t had time to much of anything because work, TKD, and other writing projects have been taking up all my time. A friend of mine who I helped out when he was having money issues is going to be helping in buoying the cam and some of the equipment I need.

      Meantime I’ll be writing out my reviews. Still, it’s good to hear from you again. Please feel fre to get in touch with me on Discord if you ever have any time.


      Usually US live-action adaptations of anime/manga are horrible but I’ve heard really good things about it although my dad loved it when he saw it on TV a while back. I enjoyed the live action ‘One Piece’ on Netflix which was more than I could say for the horrible live action ‘Cowboy Bebop’ (I admit that I liked the first part of the first episode (the two that played Spike and Jet were good) but the moment they introduced Feye everything went sideways and then Julia kissed Vicious in the end of it, I nearly jumped out of my bedroom window). Sounds to me that if they have the creators on board they’d be getting somewhere with it.


      Hey Legatus I’m surprised you still want to talk with me.

      Why would you think that?

      Have I said anything to you, or you to me, that would cause me or you to NOT want to communicate?  NO!

      As a non-Anime person, hearing from people more knowledgeable on the topic, why would I not talk to?  Read their articles, especially on a movie I enjoyed.


      I appreciate that dude. You can be a troll but you’re still a classy p[erson to me. Thanks for sticking with me. There’ll be more articles here. ANd I havea  few anime movies I’m going to be doing reviews of. I appreciate this. and stick around because more material is coming.

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