Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Entertainment › YouTube › Amala on trans athelites
Amala is great. She is smart and understands much in spite of her young age.
She makes many great points in this video and debunks much of the propaganda of this dude whom looks like an NFL linebacker in a wig and lady glasses.
But Amala falls into the trap of the propaganda words that work against her own discussion points. If you are making an argument that “trans women” are not “biological women” you are foiling your own argument. Every female is biological. There is simply no other kind. And if you cede that point then you must give way to the thought that there is more than 1 type of woman. There isn’t.
I pointed this out in other threads. But what is going on here is not someone’s right to look how they want or hack off whatever parts they want, these are freedoms you clearly have now. What is being demanded is that regardless of what you personally think, feel, believe or logically discern you are required (forced) to treat another person as they individually require. This is not a right anyone has nor should they.
Everyone has rights and a free will granted to them by God. No one gets to take that from you, and you don’t get to take that from anyone else.