Amateur Photography

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    Hey everyone! I don’t if this would be the right place to make this topic but since photography can be considered a hobby I figured why not. Anyway, I’ve been wanting to get into photography for some time now but don’t know where to start. I know most phones have decent cameras on them but I want the good ol’ classic actual camera in hands. The problem is I don’t know where to start and/or what’s a good camera/brand that is easy to get a feel for. Any photographers wanna help me out with some advice or heads up on, like, brands to avoid or anything you feel like sharing I’d really appreciate it. Also, if it matters I’m interested in Nature photography as well as time-lapse photography.

    BTW, I respectfully ask that people only reply with serious responses since I’m genuinely interested in photography. I mean, joking is all well & good to an extent but I’d appreciate not being misled. Thank you! ^_^


      If you get a DSLR remember it is a whole system, and glass > body. You can use the same lenses for ever but you will probable upgrade your body. Look at the whole system, Canon EOS, Nikon, other. Find a system you like. I went with Canon and have a 1Dx. I have the 28-70 f2.8L mk1, 100-400  f/4.5-5.6L IS mk1 and, the 85 F1.2L

      The good thing about Canon and Nikon is they are everywhere so ever you ever want to rent a lens if there is a shop that rents photo gear they will rent it.


      Thanks for the heads up but I forgot to mention that I have absolutely no knowledge of photography terms. I know I said I’ve been interested in getting into it for some time but I actually hadn’t even thought about looking up the terminology, lol. I looked up DSLR, though, so that’s a start. Pardon my newbie-ness. :P

      BTW, what does “I have the 28-70 f2.8L mk1, 100-400  f/4.5-5.6L IS mk1 and, the 85 F1.2L” all that mean?


      I was watching this video of a squirrel trying to get his baby back into the nest.  Now this other squirrel was like laying down on a roof.  And you could see almost right up its butt.  And then he zoomed out, and I was like “Whoah”  He was like so far away.  So I asked him and he recommended the following camera.  Now I could be a dick and just order myself.  But the only reason I even searched for it was because of your question.  I was going to buy previously, but its a little pricey for a unemployed person.   I actually did my research already and it is about $250 unused.  I called my uncle who used to be a photographer in college, “is it a good price and blah blah.”   Because some cameras run over $1000.  His opinion was he did not like the digital cameras.  He prefered to use the “regular” film ones.  They still develop them apparantly.   And then he takes the negatives from those and then digitizes them.  I was like.  “cool”.  And then lo and behold, he said he had a camera from an old job that went out of business, and he is going to bring it to me for FREE!!!    But with all this covid shit, I dont know if he can pull a “Snake Pliskin”.  Anyway  also I think one of  the recent Amazing Lucas videos had a one month amazon prime free trial, so maybe you could get the camera fast?  But dont dawdle too much.  Cause I just may change my mind!!!!



      Nah, you go ahead & get it. I was looking on amazon & this caught my eye:

      The reason for it is, well, for starters I’m a newb as previously stated & since this is a bundle for a decent price I don’t see anything wrong with making this my first camera. I read some of the reviews, both good & bad, & the “bad” reviews are mostly 3/5 & are for what I’m going to chalk up to as just bad luck. None of the bad reviews had anything scathing to say about the camera or it’s features. The zoom function and/or quality of pictures taken while zoomed in were the brunt of the issues but if I do get it I’ll find out for myself.


        That is the list of lenses I have. for example 28-70 f2.8L mk1

        28-70 is the focal length of the lens. since this is a zoom lens the two focal lengths are listed. The bigger the number the more telephoto it is. So for taking a photo of a flying airplane I would use something more in the 400 or longer range.

        the f2.8 is the max aperture of the lens. The smaller the number the wider the aperture will open, this happens because the f number takes focal length into account, so F4 is F4 on any lens even if they are different focal lengths (they let in the same amount of light) . This will change the amount of light hits your sensor and the depth of field, what is in focus in the shot. The smaller Fstop will let more light in, allowing for faster shutter speed or lower ISO, and give you a narrow depth of field. So shooting at F2.8 will have a small amount in focus in front and  behind where you focused then if you shoot at F4

        The L is what Canon uses to mark the high end lens. This is the best lens they can make.

        I have an older version as they came out with a updated version so i have the mark 1 version.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Hokie95.

        You are correct. Photography can be a hobby.


        I don’t recommend DSLRs for beginners, unless you are really into it and have time and money to invest.

        I did that mistake myself a few years back, bought an expensive one and was just a waste because I didn’t have time to study it, and ended up selling it lol

        Recently, I became interested in street photography (specially taking black and white shots), but I didn’t want something expensive, so I made some research and found out about the Ricoh GR cameras, they are considered budget cameras with very decent photography capacity, specially for street shots (their lens are really good for that). So I went ahead and bought the Ricoh GR II and I can recommend it. It’s great for photos but not good for videos.

        Many japanese street photographers use that one and they take amazing shots (like this one:

        But if budget ain’t a problem, then well, go ahead and buy the sony alpha 7s iii and you’ll be set for life :D (i wish i could afford it haha)

        Good luck, and hope to see the pics you guys take ;) (actually, do we have a thread to share our photography shots?)



        Personally I use a D90 Nikon camera.


        I do photography. I want to get models (people) and expand. I have many ideas. Mostly darker imagery and or cosplay related.

        I have a Canon 6D Mark II and a 24-105 lens.

        My deviantart :


          Hi, I know DSLRs are more versatile than point and shoot, but I’ve seen really good point and shoot photos. Framing becomes more important than most other aspects of photography in my opinion especially when someone has an idea of what they want to see. I try to use the rule of thirds.


          Never take a photo of a vehicle side on at a perpendicular angle

          this is taken on an iPhone 11pro:



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