amazon is about to reboot start gate

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television amazon is about to reboot start gate

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    warning this is a gatekeeped channel when news of mgm came and we voiced concerns about amazon they banned us …and a ton of us was like wtf.

    now we see they will erase the entire fun we used to have….

    its why i dropped my fan project of it in unreal and have unsubbed to them.

    the entire comment system for this video is 100% negative cept the gatekeeper types they wrangle a post here and there…


    told you all , hollywood and big tech are NOT GOING TO CHANGE….you have to support that change and be the change…


    I do hope they look at doing the adaptions from the novels written by Bill McCay (Stargate: Rebellion, Retaliation, Retribution, Resistance), which were the official sequels to the movie.  (And the movie tie-in novel written by Dean Devlin & Roland Emmerich)


    That was one of the few issues I had with Stargate: SG1… other than ancient Egypt culture, none of the other cultures of Earth (especially those that came into being AFTER the Stargate was sealed) should never have developed on other worlds to match Earth’s.

    Otherwise, I enjoyed SG1 for what it was.


    One of my favorite scenes of any movie ever made because it respects intelligence.


    Re-watched parts of it because you guys mentioned this as a topic. That original STargate movie makes you wonder why they didn’t get Roland Emmerich to direct Dune. Everything about it looks like Dune. Kind of frustrating when you see a real cinematic masterpiece like Stargate and then, wonder why they can’t get Dune right.


    I’ve got my SG-1 and Atlantis on physical media. Let them make poor terrible versions that no one will watch. They can’t take away what I have on my shelf. They can’t take away decades of enjoyment with an inferior new version. Not to mention, there is no where NEAR the talented actors available both as  stars and guest stars anymore to make something like this work. The SG-1 cast was incredible and the endless great line of guest stars can never be matched.

    These are no talent hacks that couldn’t write their ways out of wet paper bags already open in a corner. Peter Deluise was a masterful show runner  and  allowed his creative team and actors work wonders.

    Let Amazon try to do this. It will fail.

    Fuck em.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Roas.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by Roas.

      I am sure it will be “Woke Gate”.


        There is so much behind why they haven’t been able to adapt dune to theatrical releases.
        SG does not need to be remade, Atlantis needs to be brought back though.


        I pay zero attention to the new rebooted shows these days. If by some slim chance in hell they end up being decent, then after a couple of seasons, I may check them out, but  otherwise having any hope at all for this shit just makes you Charlie Brown getting the football pulled away by Lucy.  Even one good season means nothing as the shitheads in the entertainment industry wont look at the positive reaction from fans and realize they should make more stuff like that. No, they will see a large following and decide it’s a prime place to insert woke bullshit.


        There is so much behind why they haven’t been able to adapt dune to theatrical releases.
        SG does not need to be remade, Atlantis needs to be brought back though.

        No one has the balls to truly adapt the Dune Books. I have no faith in this remake anymore. Once I thought they might have had a little vision with casting Mamoa as Duncan Idaho, considering his importance to the entire saga, but now…now I think it’s gonna be crap.

        Zendaya as Chani…..shitty casting choice. Not pretty, not a good actress…more gingercide!

        And yes, Atlantis needs its proper conclusion. The lack of economic recovery from 2008-2016 killed the at the time straight to DVD movie market, so we never got Stargate: Extinction which would have tied up the Atlantis storyline with some help from the SG-1 crew. Now…now it’s too late. Everyone is too old at this point. Best to hope Stargate remains dormant until maybe someone without woke intentions gets a chance to revive it within a proper story in mind to continue it forward.

        Frankly, I’m fine if we never get anymore Stargate at this point.


          Mamoa was actually the last thought on my mind with casting. Yes I also know Chani is a Ginger and she has it, She also is the most elfin looking of all the people who played Chani, Batista as the Monster, can be awesome.I am fine with all But Sharon Duncan-Brewster as Dr. Liet-Kynes, that is a Gender swap and I am getting sick of those, but willing to give her a chance (she better fucking earn it and make me believe she is Kynes).


          I did not know that Chani was a ginger. She was a Fremen? It would make more sense that she would be darker if from that planet. Yeah, Momoa seemed to get his start on Stargate: Atlantis. Then, he was Aquaman. It is weird how thins work out. Now, he gets to be Duncan Idaho. The guy gets to have really a great career in terms of the characters he gets to play. What a great franchise Stargate turned out to be. You see that first Stargate movie and it  was definitely worthy of it and, looking back, they really did it the right way because those shows were good. They went to TV instead of doing movie sequels. I think it was the right move. So much film footage of Stargate stories.


            Ya if you read all the book material, there is good if not great character descriptions. There is no reason or need for Hollywoke to have or to change anything from the original works. That is why Kynes has me pissed off, and she better earn it or the entire movie will be shit to me. Gender swaps should not happen especially to classics.

            My take an bet is Mamoa got the role because Duncan is prominent in all the books  and they are banking the star power carries at least the first 2 shows, an if they o really good, his name will carry sequels. Alia Atreides will be the other one we need to watch to see whom they find to play after Dune.


            I watched the Dune Trailer and have given my thoughts.

            Visually it looks good, and I can feel myself wanting to buy in, but there are just a few things here and there that have me…hesitant. That armor, wtf?

            I think the normies are gonna eat this up, though, on further reflection.

            I dunno. Maybe the good parts will out weight what bugs me about it.


            Stargate Lore: The Reign of Ra

            Nerd Cookies

            A discussion of the history of Ra and the effect his reign had in the universe of Stargate. (Ra Explained) As the first entry in the expansive Stargate mythos, the 1994 Stargate film starring Jaye Davidson, Kurt Russel and James Spader serves as the introduction for the powerful and mysterious antagonist Ra. As the lore of Stargate was expanded through the various TV series, books and games that followed much was revealed regarding this memorable character including a few tweaks from what was presented in his first on-screen appearance.


            I think we should all expect those in the movie industry to take stories we love and destroy them. If you are going to destroy Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who, why wouldn’t you destroy smaller properties?

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