Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Community Hub › General Discussions › America can be great without policing the world
Yes I know there is soooooo much geopolitical junk with the USA having troops everywhere and how that is wrapped up in the petrodollar.
But all that aside there seems to be a confusion between America being successful and dominant.
We DO NOT need to control or influence the world for the United States to be successful. And by successful I mean having prosperous people.
In fact it seems to me that as we have grown to influence more of the world or dominate it our people have suffered.
My point here is to say the USA can do very well by making it’s own things, keeping it hands to itself and concentrating on the prosperity of it’s people and NOT it’s influence.
Just my 2 cents.
I fail to see why we “need” to police anything other than ourselves. Don’t families take care of themselves first? Isn’t America a family? Why do we give millions or billions to other countries when we have SOOOO many problems here? A epidemic of homeless, a mental health crisis, the dollar going down in value to all time lows, outrageous medical costs and education (college) costs, an astronomical national debt, stopping porn being put in our kids faces at at school and ending the indoctrination of LGBTQ being shoved down kids and our youths throats, etc. Shouldn’t; those things come first? No, I guess giving Ukraine more tanks and guns is more important. I guess trying to tell everyone else how to do things, when it’s not our business, is more important than running things better here.
You know what? The rest of the world is NOT my problem. Russia and Ukraine are their own problem, not mine. Iraq and Iran, not my problem. Walking the streets I pay taxes for safely without homeless or mental cases attacking me IS my problem. Walking those same streets without smelling feces and seeing trash piled up in homeless camps it on my streets IS my problem. Paying 5-6 dollars for a F**KING box of cereal or a bag of chips IS my problem! A cheeseburger at Carls Jr being 8 bucks (not including fries or a drink) IS my problem. My electricity, water, and garbage bills going up because of all the high prices on everything IS my problem.
So, I say F**K the rest of the world and especially being the worlds police. Butting our nose in everywhere. Giving money away to piles of other countries, when they need to learn to take care of themselves.
“You know what? The rest of the world is NOT my problem. Russia and Ukraine are their own problem”
^^^Yes, this for sure.
I am with you 100% we need to keep to ourselves and make ourselves prosperous. And we can do so without trying to be “dominant” on the world stage.