American media hypocrisy

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    A black thug shoots a white cop or a kid, and certain people rage about leftist media trying to sweep it under the rug and not covering it.

    Incompetent pig shoots a 13 year old autistic kid and it’s been pretty quiet from Breitbart, The Daily Wire, Foxnews and from certain people on this thread as far as I know.

    It’s astonishing how the media as a whole is based on propaganda, lies, exaggerations and hiding things on both sides and pointing your finger on the other side, accusing them of doing the exact same thing you are doing yourself. Absolutely mental.

    And the worst part is that there are crazy people on both sides believing their side is only spitting facts while the other side is completely evil and only spreading lies. Ffs.



    “A black thug shoots a white cop or a kid, and certain people rage”

    >certain people

    This just in – certain people have a heart.


    Guess what asshole; The Breanna Taylor warant was official. It had her name on it, her address, her licenseplates. They knocked on the door and were fired on from inside the apartment.


    I frankly dont fucking care that a DRUG DEALER was shot while firing on the cops.



    Guess what asshole; that fuck in Kenosha who drew a glock on the Kenosha kid was a felon. Ironically so were both of the other two fucks he ended that night. One was a rapist. Of KIDS.

    Why hasnt that fuck been arrested and charged for possessing a fierarm while being a felon? I know your ignorant but thats what we call a felony.


    No you want me to cry cause some criminal got ventalated by a cop? During a warrant? Not happening. EVER.


    You mean this story? Well of course this is a tragedy. Obviously that kid shouldn’t have been shot. I mean he shouldn’t have a gun either, but I can’t blame him for his mental condition. It was a bad thing all around.

    But when we talked about the Cannon Hinnant story, we were upset that mainstream media outlets weren’t covering it because it wouldn’t fit their narrative. But mainstream outlets are covering this story (as they should). So yeah, of course this is tragic, and I feel awful for this kid, but if this were a black man shooting this kid, the media would ignore it

    Once again, I’m not trying to downplay the tragic nature of this story. I’m just trying making a point


    Oh, the problem is not a person’s mental state (illness), it is ALWAYS the guns that are at fault.

    I hate that biased narrative as well.

    Take the guns away from legal people, and the mentally ill and criminals will still have means of getting them.

    And if the mentally ill can’t get a guns, they can always attack with a machete, or other weapon.  (Think London terrorist.)


    nice try…


    Some people here probably misunderstood the whole point. I’m not downplaying the death of Cannon Hinnant, I mean I ”raged” about it too since it should’ve been covered but it didn’t fit the leftist narrative. 100% agree on that one.

    But the same goes the other way. When incompetent cops fuck up, the media on the right tries to do everything to cover the problem America has with numerous shit police officers, and admitting that the police system has some problems (not talking about ”systematic racism” or anything like that, but the fact that there are way too many cops who are simply incompetent) doesn’t fit their narrative so they won’t publish articles about it. It’s the same thing the leftist media is doing, protecting their narrative.

    I know for sure the cowboy with the funny mustache missed the whole point, and started bringing up Breanna Taylor etc. Oh well.


    On the other hand, how many prople can you kill with a gun vs with a knife etc? Just asking. I’m not gonna take America as an example since it’s gone so far that taking guns away would lead to more deaths, but where I live, there was last year a ”very tragic school murder incident”, one of the most horrible ones in our country’s history.

    A man with a machete went on a rampage and managed to kill one person before the rest of the class ran away and he got wrestled down and arrested. Imagine if he had access to a gun, there would’ve been more deaths for sure.


    My point in short is that you can’t apply the same gun laws to different countries. In America, I would say yes to guns. In my country, absolutely not. But it’s just my opinion.


    Except Fox News and Breitbart, at least, did cover it:

    And while I haven’t found any article published by the Daily Wire on this particular story, I know Ben Shapiro has at least acknowledged cases of police brutality in the past.

    If your point is that the American Right is trying to suppress facts, I can’t say I agree: They don’t hold the kind of institutional power that the Left does to stop certain information seeing the light of day. If the Right is ignoring or glossing over a story, it’s because the MSM is already covering it and there isn’t any contradictory information or lies by omission.

    If you mean the Right is turning a blind eye to police brutality because it’s inconvenient, well, I can kinda see the point you’re trying to make. The Right has a lot more respect for law enforcement, and are tired of radical leftists trying to smear all cops as racist thugs. But in cases where brutality is evident, there’s often silence (or worse, certain individuals start making excuses or conspiracies). But the fact is certain parts of America have far higher crimes rates than other parts of the country and the police there have to deal with this shit every single day. I imagine that starts to wear on their psyches after a while, especially when they hear stories of other officers getting killed in the line of duty because they took a chance with a suspect and ended up paying for it with their life. So of course you’re going to get cops who will assume the worst and take rash action.

    There might be reactionaries who say otherwise, but most conservatives don’t think dirty cops or police brutality aren’t a problem. I personally would say some sort of police reform is needed to weed out corruption and provide better training (in which case, the police require more funds, not less). But it works both ways.

    What certain American citizens don’t get is that they have an obligation to co-operate with law enforcement. Of course there are going to be corrupt cops who might abuse their authority, but in that situation it’s best to just do what they say at that moment and then take it to their superiors later, rather than cause a scene and give that cop a reason to bust your ass. Fighting a long, legal battle would be better than ending up injured, arrested or worse.

    In some cases, it can also just be a misunderstanding: While I live in the UK and we don’t exactly have the same problems, a friend of mine had run-in with the police that could’ve turned out very badly if he didn’t do exactly what they told him to (some idiot reported him holstering a shotgun, when in fact he had his umbrella on his back and it was obscured by his coat). The police let him go once they understood he wasn’t a threat to public safety.

    I, of course, don’t expect an autistic child to completely understand that. I’d like to think that the police could’ve done things differently, but it’s not as though teenage criminals aren’t a thing, so when they heard he had a gun, fake or not, of course they were going to take it very seriously. Sadly, it’s just one more story that has just been swept along with the tide. This would probably be bigger if it wasn’t for everything else going on right now.


    The foxnews article seems to be taken down or something, but otherwise I stand corrected. I didn’t find articles from any of them when I searched, and I checked The Daily Wire’s YT channel and didn’t find there anything either but oh well.

    i acknowledge that the left is much more guilty of spreading lies and and pushing their narratives, but the right media still does it too (whether intentionally or not). I posted lots of different false stories by those three in another thread, I can search them up if you want it.

    In the end, my point is that they aren’t unbiased either, which is a very weird concept for me. The fact that all the media sources are biased one way or another.


    Leave it to soiboi to completely fail to grasp the concept of rights.


    THE GOVERNMENT CANT TAKE AWAY WHAT THEY DID NOT GIVE. My right to self defense inumerated in the 2nd amendment of the bill of rights is not granted by government. These are natural born rights given to all citizens untill they prove they cant handle them.


    But you are a subject not a citizen. You are basically a slave. Mostly to your own fears.


    Oh and while Im here there was a knife attack in a subway station in japan or china the same day as the Newtown hoax. Yes that shit was a hoax. The ‘dead’ kids were singing part of the national anthem at the super bowl 3 months after the fact.

    That perp took out 30 people before COPS with GUNS showed up to end his ass.


    Yes but hypothetically. If firearms were to be restricted in any way, that is. I was discussing whether America, or other countries, would be better without firearms in my opinion.


    Spoken like a true subject.

    Ill remain a citizen.

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