And Then They Came For JK

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Books And Then They Came For JK

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    As you all know, JK Rowling has been in the spotlight for political reasons over the past few years. Now recently she apparently “attacked” the transgender community to the extent that Eddie Redmayned and Dan Radcliffe even came out against her.

    Well, I found this article interesting:

    JK Rowling has always been tone-deaf. Just look at the Harry Potter Universe

    I knew this would happen for I know the left. I know their determination to destroy the lives of others whom they deem “privileged” or “problematic”. It happened to me, for a female (note how I don’t call her a woman) spent seven years destroying my writing career.

    Now, JK’s future appears to be at stake but I think she’s too popular for her career to be over or injured to the extent that some might hope.

    Then there’s THIS article:

    I just had to laugh. Here’s a newsflash for everyone: you’re not going to agree with someone 100% of the time. Sometimes their beliefs are the polar opposite of yours OR sometimes it’s just ONE THING. The question is “can you be tolerant?” and it appears that there are those on the left who cannot.

    Then a third article:

    “The Harry Potter book series helped me realize I’m nonbinary. Now I know that had nothing to do with J.K. Rowling.”

    You mean, you figured it out for yourself and made a choice as an adult? I think you’re reading a little too much into it all.

    This third author seems much more ANGRY over what she said.

    So, I see that they’re mentioning that JK is facing “massive backlash” and such but is it as big as they claim? Twitter isn’t reality and the number of people who are actually offended might be tiny.

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by JonDavid.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by JonDavid.



      You can never be woke enough.


      It’s curious how those who cry out against censorship when their own views are being marginalized will then cry for censorship to silence any voice that dares to disagree with them.


      This is what happens if you pander to SJWs. They are your “friends”, but sooner or later they’ll come after you.


      This kind of growing fragmentation between centre-left neoliberals like Rowling and the Hard-Left has been building for a while, I’m just surprised at how quickly it’s deteriorated so suddenly. Thought it would take at least a few more years.

      Anyway, while I see this as a kind of comeuppance for allowing the Hard-Left to piggyback onto their movements and conceding so much ground to them, and I don’t really agree with Rowling’s politics at all, I still can’t help but take her side on this. Because she’s just basically correct. The transgender activism has gone too far and a stand needs to be taken against them.

      There’s nothing “transphobic” about Rowling’s stances. She’s been very cosmopolitan on this issue – But this insistence on erasing the distinction between male and female, to say there’s no difference between the two genders besides your body parts… It just demeans the very concepts of masculinity and femininity, and seems to undermine the whole desire to live the lifestyle of the opposite sex to begin with. Transgenderism, as a political movement, basically eats itself. It’s no wonder so many of its advocates seem so confused and keep making up more and more ridiculous terms in an effort to accommodate everyone. It’s going to collapse under its own weight before long.

      I personally find the advocates, transgender or not, very sad people. For all their screaming about “pride,” they sure as hell don’t seem to have any. Just megalomania on full display.

      Oh, yeah Radcliffe and other young actors should’ve just kept their mouths shut. No-one would’ve known who they were if it wasn’t for Rowling, so this comes off as throwing her under the bus for political clout.

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