Angry Joe Canceled

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      Angry Joe was banned from ResetEra for alleged “bigoted” remarks. More accurately he didn’t like TLOU2 and we all know if you dislike anything that has any semblance of LGBT culture attached to it you are an ist and must be destroyed. I would love to see him turn it around on them and accuse them of racism then sit back and watch it burn while all the virtue signalers freak out over what is the worse SJW offense and try to decide who they are supposed to support.


      I wouldn’t call that cancelled. Resetera is a super far left nut house run by a bunch of mental misfits.  Resetera is at least a dozen times more far-left and woke than Twitter. They are the loons that overran NeoGaf years ago, then they all ran off and started Resetera where they could be even more extremist.  Basically they are the internet version of CHAZ/CHOP.


        I have never went to resetera but I’m gonna say it’s not a far stretch to say Angry Joe has a bigger fanbase than it does. He has tremendous support from his viewer base. Youtube could cancel AngryJoe and he’d be fine.
        Personally, I hope these idiots turn up the attack on beloved figures in the gaming community. Every time a Dr. Disrespect, AngryJoe or ProJared get “cancelled”, the number people against Cancel Culture grows.

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