Anime Music 2

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Anime Anime Music 2


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  • #185163

      Thanks for posting Butter-Fly live, Digimon’s my favorite anime :) Actually posted the original Butter-Fly Digimon Adventure OP on Anime Music part 1 (link at begginning of thread), along with the Tri version of the Digi-destined sining it :3


        Also tons of other cool anime music to listen to on part 1 while browsing G+G, though it does take a while to load


        I just lost a lengthy list of anime stuff because it took me a while to look something up and then my post didn’t get posted because Geeks+Gamers logged me out due to inactivity. How is it that YouTube never logs me out due to inactivity? Screw it – I’m just gonna share the best:


        Here are 3 more of my face anime songs  and 1 j-rock song one of my fave.


        oh and sorry this vid didn’t make in the first all girl band scandal. one of my fave songs take me out plus few more, dont  know may be we should make seperate blog about japanese music ?



          There’s a music section on the forums here on G+G if you want to start a J-Rock topic, i already have my fave J-Rock song ready to post ;)


          ok can you drop link


          I’ve not watched Initial D, but I know of a couple of good songs thanks to the memes.

          GAS GAS GAS

          Running in the 90’s (This used to be everywhere on back in the day).


            If you want i’ll start the topic, but if you want to start it, just click on the forum section you want, there’s a blue button on top wich says “Create New Topic”, from there it’s pretty straightfoward, even someone who sucks with tech like me managed to create my first topic with ease :)


            ok might take a while but will try set something decent. for first post mean while will keep anime music going


            not thing beats good entrance theme for kira yamato with freedom

            • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Darkjan230. Reason: forgot

            Listening to endless mixes of Eurobeat helped me learn to write thousands of kanji. By the time I would take a break there would be a mountain of papers full of different kanji (one written over and over on each page). This was in the early 2000s. I tried watching the anime but gave up after the first season – I found the story a bit too one-dimensional.


              6 Fullmetal Alchemist post in a row… well, when i get obsessed with something i really go all out, that beats my record of Digimon post in a row (Anime Music 1) 😅

              Here’s the second OP of Digimon Data Squad/Savers, that i’m slowly re-watching (2, maybe 3 years since last watch) as i binge Fullmetal (10 years is way too long between watches), anyway, my Digimon obsession may seem calm at the moment, but come the end of next month i’ll be posting Digimon like crazy, ’cause Digimon Last Evolution will finally be out in english (i love watching anime in original language too, but as i really suck at reading, i’d rather keep the OV for re-watch)

              • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by DigiCat.

              well i perfer subs then dubs.  band-maid glory from ygo vrains



              plus this year i finished first elementary school level for japanese langauge. was diffcult but love it

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