Anime Music

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  • #177270

    Yes! Gundam Wing had solid music. Just Communication was catchy, White Reflection is one of my favorite songs and Last Impression was good, however not as good as White Reflection.


    Rhythm emotion was a bit weird, as the opening changed only 9 episodes before the end and it seems like it was an insert song which they made into an opening. I’ve heard it as an insert song in many episodes before it became the op, and the op version kind of cuts off out of nowhere which is a sign that it wasn’t originally meant to be an opening


    This one is such a banger and fits the theme of the show (like pretty much every AoT op), but this one is just so intense



      HeartCatch Pretty Cure used to be on TV when i was in high school, one of my classmates nicknamed me Chypre 😄



        Watched the original Pretty Cure before going to school in elementary school, watched HeartCatch Pretty Cure after school in high school 😁 Guess some things never change


          Digimon Frontier, i want to say that it’s my favorite Digimon season, but at the same time i don’t want to compare it to Digimon Adventure. Frontier was my introduction to Digimon, so it holds a special place in my heart. Just finished re-watching it a couple of weeks ago, and learnt that even after having watched it so many times that i remember the whole season off by heart, the ending still makes me cry my f***ing eyes out 😭


          Had a friend years ago recommend an anime to me, being big into the medieval genre, this anime is a mix of medieval, modern and isekai if you could classify it as that. anyway I really enjoy the Op for the first season, and after watching the show in its entirety, made me go back and read the manga, which had a bit of a slowdown due to the author dying, but its still going now. That anime is Gate,


          Sorry double post

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Metouchi.

          i wanted to get it to where the actual video is in the message but it wasnt working so its just the link sorry.


            One of the coolest thigns about Digimon Frontier’s that the Digi-destined get to turn into Digimon themselves 🤩 I remember watching the show at 4 years old dreaming about being able to Digi-evolve, those were good times… … Who am i kidding, i still want to turn into a Digimon 😁


              Digimon Frontier evolution themes, only audio. Wanted to post the videos of the full versions, but they contain major spoilers and i don’t want to ruin the show for anyone who might want to watch it 😸


              Few more of my favourite AoT/SnK soundtracks:


              HAI YAI FORCES

              HAI YAI FORCES

              I never get tired of this song.


                Here’s my second favorite anime, Detective Conan, to state the obviouss, i wanted to be a detective as a kid after watching this 😺🔎 This one’s my favorite OP of the series, and as i was searching for this on youtube, i came across a top 100 Detective Conan OP/end songs, guess now i know where to go once i run out of Digimon songs to post ;P



                  you really love south park


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