Another fantastic review from the Drinker

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube Another fantastic review from the Drinker

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    Drinker gets a lot of shit these days. But damn, he constantly surprises me with how succinctly he is able to break down movies while keeping it entertaining. Lots of people talk shit these days about this youtuber or that youtuber just being a no talent hack. But I just wanted to take a moment to say that these guys do a damned good job and make damned entertaining content.

    Much more than their haters give up to this world.

    Anyway, that’s all I’ve got to say, GO AWAY NOW


    One of my songs was about him:

    Came naturally, too. Just certain youtuber characters gradually make their way into your life. I see streamers and youtubers as the sitcoms of old and the authentic characters of our times. What’s wild is you say a good thing about one critic and all the others get jealous and clamor for your attention. What they don’t get is, like old time TV, watching critics is just like flipping thru shows at this point.

    Just the fact that he’s Scottish makes him like a novelty with that accent. He’s a legit writer and author. He dabbled in film but didn’t break thru yet, but I hope he sticks with it. Same with Eric. To be a public figure is to take in on the chin every single day, but say what you want, up and coming youtubers know how hard it is just to get to 100K and that guy has 2 million followers.

    Youtube looks nonchalant and slacker, but a ton of work goes into production, from the writing and editing, lighting, etc. The video content creators pretty much replaced the pundit class, the editorialists and it’s one of the better things that have happened in this lifetime, to see the snob faux intelligentsia get totally out-shined by kids on their web cams. I am super grateful to see it. They get bonus points for roasting the media and any other grandstanders from the occupied media of movies, TV, radio, or print. It made me realize that so many big names of the past were just a result of few options, massive control, and lots of spam exposure. Nothing pleases me more than seeing TV or radio people jealous of influencers.


    I enjoy Drinker’s reviews especially when he starts roasting something. Even if it’s something that I like and a lot of people don’t like because guess what? I’ve a sense of humour. His joke about “If ‘Napoleon’ was anymore inaccurate it’d be f***ing ‘Braveheart’!” had be in stitches and I’m sure that my dad- a fellow Scotsman himself- would whole heartedly agree with Drinker on that remark (dad hated ‘Braveheart’).


    Fun song!

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