Anybody Here In The Publishing Business?

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    I’ve always wanted to talk to somebody who’s involved with publishing. As a writer trying to get my books published, I (and I’m sure many others) would find it to be a very educational talk.


    Here’s the thing.

    Those of us who are writers in this community want nothing to do with traditional publishing anymore. We’re sick of the gate keeping, and we’re sick of their woke SJW agenda that is putting out nothing but garbage now. At this point, I personally don’t care what anyone from traditional legacy publishing would have to say about anything.

    This is the conversation I started about how we need to get away from traditional legacy publishing: Calling my fellow Novelists…We need our own Comicsgate

    I believe the Comicsgate model of direct to customer is the future, because 1) why would you want anyone but you to own a piece of your IP?, 2) sticking with traditional legacy publishing would mean you have no control over how your IP is used, 3) the Gate Keeping Agents are bullshit artists who are the perfect example of failed artists who “can’t” trying to direct and control actual artists.

    But one has to not only create a good product, but you have to earn an audience. To build that audience, you have to get out there and be your own publicity machine, which means, right now, being entertaining on YouTube with a channel. I’m doing my damnedest right now to fight through the YouTube algorithm, and I am committed to it, but even if My Channel finds any sort of traction going forward, I know I cannot do it alone, which is why I believe in creating a Comicsgate like network where everyone, as Jon Malin says, grabs an oar and helps get us where we need to be.

    So check out my thread. We cannot count on the shit eating legacy publishing to do anything for us. We have to do it ourselves.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Roas.

    EVS and Clownfish TV promote/publish there own stuff.


    They can help (view their stuff/channel/etc) when it comes to crowd funding and finding/recommending a company to print your products.


    Thank you, very much. Do you know of anyway to talk to them personally, or should I just go over to their YouTube channels?


    I would talk/contact Clownfish TV first.

    Go to their y-tube channel, under “about” you can get their email.

    They do mention in some of their vids about self-publishing, put not as the main point of the vid.

    They might be more approachable than EVS, but EVS is the pro and is showing others how to publish independently from the main stream sources.


    I can’t thank you enough. This is the type of thing I’ve been looking for.


    Just two questions, because I’m completely inept.

    I went under “About” on Clownfish TV and couldn’t find an E-Mail. If it’s no inconvenience, would you mind being a little more specific? Also, what does EVS stand for?


    I went under “About” on Clownfish TV and couldn’t find an E-Mail. If it’s no inconvenience, would you mind being a little more specific? Also, what does EVS stand for?


    Ethan Van Sciver, of ComicArtistsProSecrets, is the pioneer of crowd funding comic books and the template for all of us who plan on crowd funding our IPs in the future. He will likely not respond to you, because his email is for business purposes only. The best thing to do is to watch his live streams and pay attention to how he sells himself and others for crowd funding. Everything I’ve learned I learned over the past almost three years watching him.


    I went under “About” on Clownfish TV and couldn’t find an E-Mail. If it’s no inconvenience, would you mind being a little more specific?

    Scroll down, and there is a section called:


    For business inquiries: [VIEW EMAIL ADDRESS]

    You need to click on the [view email address], click you are not a robot…


    And EVS = Ethan Van Sciver.  He works for DC for a long time, doing artwork for Green Lantern and Impulse.

    He now runs his own comic book “Cyber Frog”, which he sells via indigogo crowd funding, and helps promote other creators who believe in the comicsgate sphere.


    I can’t thank you enough for all your help. I just have one more question.

    So you don’t think EVS would answer back, but do you think Clownfish TV would?


      EVS has answered my emails before. So has Zack.

      Just be polite and don’t write a 10 page email.

      Be concise and don’t ask questions like “how do I publish?”



      EVS would probably not answer because he’s a busy dude and would not likely see it.

      Also, EVS is a comics guy, not a writer of books. While his crowd funding methods present a good framework for everyone, he would not have any real suggestions on how to crowd fund a novel outside of build a base on social media first. So because he has no experience selling novels, he would basically believe he has no real advice to give.

      As I’ve said, if you want to learn a good framework for crowd funding, just watch his streams when he’s selling his own or shilling other Comicsgaters. It is especially educational when he’s starting a new campaign.

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