Anyone interested in Dungeons and Dragons (possibly Star Wars themed.)

Geeks + Gamers Forums Gaming General Gaming Discussion Anyone interested in Dungeons and Dragons (possibly Star Wars themed.)

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    Is anyone here interested in playing Dungeon and Dragons, possibly using the sw5e rules (should be top result when searching.)

    Unless there are enough interested in South Florida, it would have to be remote through Zoom or something similar. Feel free to private message me if you don’t want to announce it to the world :D

    I’ve been playing D&D for about 20 years and have been running games for awhile. I’m very used to introducing new people to the game. No prior experience needed.


    Yes, I would be interested in a D&D, just my schedule is too unpredictable to be able to actually join. :/ I’ve played a few times with… I believe 5e rules.


    If it weren’t for my being on call for work I’d love to, but being on call 2 weeks and then off for 2 makes it hard to get more than once a month gaming sessions. I have played D&D since the 90’s, and many other table top RPGs. Sadly I’m also in Oklahoma.

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