Anyone see “M3GAN”?

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      I ran across the trailer for this by accident and I went into that assuming the movie was moronic.  But I found the premise interesting and the stuff in the trailer seemed to be well done and creepy as hell.  This seems to be like a modern Chucky where there are equal parts mystery, surprise and dread.

      Just curious if anyone enjoyed or hated it yet.


      I was going to go see this Thursday, but now I have read they are doing a Unrated Cut for later release. So, I’ll wait.


      Saw it. Enjoyed it. What people didn’t like about it are the exact things that I liked about it. Some call it “average.” Exactly. I was not sure a movie could do well that was not in some superpower genre, or had a big brand. It’s an original IP. Some could argue that they gender-swapped Chucky, but they did their own thing with the premise and they were subtle and nuanced about it.

      Like Joker, the budget for it was not very much, so overhead was kept low and thus, it was profitable the very first weekend. To me, that is masterful business and the marketing for it was almost ideal. They used Taylor Swift music for the trailer, so I can only think that they must have targeted those fans and that generation. They hired a bunch of dancers to do CosPlay of the character. Again, brilliant. Between M3gan and Wednesday, it kind of bothers me that I am watching creepy, spooky little girls.

      Then, there was questions brought up in the movie that apply to today’s technology. There is screen time and screen addiction issues. Also, A.I. and the rate of learning. Also, the whole “attachment theory” concept because with so much talent online, I think that a lot of unqualified teachers are going to find themselves replaced.


        Thanks for the replies.  I find it an interesting and fairly original concept.  I am very intrigued.


        I heard reports that this PG-13 might get a rated-R version.

        Yep, a full CHUCKY as it were…. but with an AI instead.

        What ever happened to Asimov’s Rule of Robotics? ! ?  🤖


          I get the comparisons but this does not seem like Chucky to me.  Chucky was just a doll but with the soul of an evil man inside that got there via voodoo as he was dying.  So “technically” Chucky was a person.

          M3GAN is essentially an android created by humans but not human. It’s more or less a computer program gone wrong.  I think this is closer to “I,Robot” than “Child’s Play”.

          And these things are why I think it looks cool. But that’s just me. I am always suspicious of movies now a days.


          Very much agree. One person said it was actually a sci-fi movie hidden inside a horror movie. Others spoke of the fact that low budget horror films like Smile and Barbarian are doing well right now. I am not even a horror fan have have to agree that genre is the most creative right now in terms of budget and just going for it.

          The M3GAN writers are smart and already working on a sequel, but I wonder if M3GAN is not already writing her own scripts? Scary!!!

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            AI is only as fallible as the people that create it.  And since to err is human, if we give AI any power it WILL go badly.  There are countless movies warning of this, M3GAN is just the latest.  And I for one am happy though someone did something new and pretty original low budget or not.


            Looking forward to see thing and like you I am not generally a horror fan.



            It was basically a milder, less interesting take on Chucky. Servicable, but nothing special. The doll design is fantastic though.



              On paper it seems not like Chucky because “Child’s Play” is about a human soul inside a doll whereas this is about AI gone wrong as I understand.  But going by your description and others, functionally it must be like Child’s Play regardless of the technicalities.  Too many folks have mentioned it that way as you have.


              Good point, though the Chucky remake was also about an AI going wrong (or rather being manipulated by a disgruntled employee).
              I meant in terms of superficial ingredients and feel of it. Killer doll, scenes of unsuspecting to-be victims mistreating the doll or not being afraid of it when we as the audience know how dangerous it is, etc. Same method of generating suspense.

              The big difference narratively, aside from the AI angle, is that in Child’s Play, Andy is the one who realizes the doll is evil, and the grown ups dont take him seriously. In M3gan, the child grows attached to the doll, which on its own is actually a better message. Absent parental care, kids will become attached to technology. But emotionally, I found Child’s Play to be more efficient. That poor kid is put through the wringer in that movie, even suspected of murder and locked up in an nuthouse – and even there Chucky comes for him. In M3gan, the danger comes from the doll / robot being able to overpower grown ups. It’s like a mini terminator, which is less interesting. I would have preferred if the kid realized its AI companion was evil, but the grown ups didn’t believe her, because they blindly trust technology. What bothered me was that the movie didn’t really seem to know what it wanted to be. It wasn’t scary or brutal enough to be a horror film, it wasn’t emotional or deep enough to be a drama, and the sci fi angle was never more than the usual hollywood techno-babble. Chucky committed to being a horror film, and the other aspects, the drama, the dark comedy, the consumerism or mental health or voodoo aspects never took center stage. It was a killer doll movie. M3gan tries to be more by doing more stuff, but ends up shining at none of them. Still, it’s a nice little thriller with a decent message.

              • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Wisdom.
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