Aquaman Comics Recommendations

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Comics Aquaman Comics Recommendations

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    Do you guys got any Aquaman Comics that you can recommend?

    Tell me how many Volumes and Issues that each Aquaman Comics has


    To answer your second question:

    If you want to know many “aquaman comics” there are, I would suggest visiting mycomicshop . com

    The current run (known as the re-birth era) are issues 1-55 (2016-Aug to now)

    Before re-birth era, we had the new-52.  Guess what, it only ran for 55 issues. (2011-Nov to 2016-July)

    Series 4 has 57 issues (2003-Feb to 2007-Dec)

    Series 3 has 75 issues (1994-Aug to 2001-Jan)

    Series 2 was only 13 issues (1991-Dec to 1992-Dec)

    Series 1 has 63 issues (1962-Jan to 1978-Aug)


    Reason 1:

    I want to consume more Comics

    Reason 2:

    I want to make sure that I get the right kind of Comics. Like for example, Non-Woke Comics.

    Reason 3:

    I plan on making a Wishlist.



    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by VinzingerG.

    Aquaman was one of the handfuls of characters to benefit (and heavily at that) from the New 52 era at DC. Geoff Johns (surprise surprise) did an absolutely phenomenal job of fleshing out the character and making him interesting and an absolute beast. So I’d start there with Vol. 1: The Trench, followed by Vol. 2: The Others, and Vol. 3: Throne of Atlantis. These are all great stories and you can continue with the run after Vol. 4 as well, although I’m not as big a fan of Jeff Parker’s 2-volume run in Vol. 5 & 6, or Cullen Bunn’s Vol. 7. I like Dan Abnett’s writing well enough (Vol. 8), but Johns’ work on the book was the best.


    DC Rebirth Aquaman was solid up until Kelly-Sue DeConnick took over, and even she introduced some really cool ideas, but Aquaman feels far more Aquabro than I personally care for you can take it or leave it. As a side note, the Mera miniseries in DC Rebirth is actually quite good!

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