As of right now, Nintendo STILL doesn’t have a Fall 2020 lineup. What gives?

Geeks + Gamers Forums Gaming Nintendo Hub As of right now, Nintendo STILL doesn’t have a Fall 2020 lineup. What gives?

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    2020 has been a crazy year, and the gaming industry has certainly been majorly affected by it.  But even with that being the case, Nintendo has been INSANELY quiet about their Fall 2020 lineup.  What do you think will end up releasing this Fall?  I’m still hoping those rumored Mario 3D remasters see a release, but outside of that, I’ve got no expectations.  Metroid Prime 4 and Breath of the Wild 2 are absolutely not happening anytime soon, and I can’t imagine Bayonetta 3 is either.  This should be interesting.


      It’s Nintendo, they can announce something new tomorrow and release it 2 months later, don’t forget Paper Mario Origami King.

      Pikmin 3 Deluxe releases in October.


      I’ve kind of put Nintendo on the back burner for right now, so I haven’t been paying much attention to them. Mainly because of just what 2020 has been in general, so I kind of expected them to be somewhat quiet. I personally don’t believe the Mario 3D remaster rumors, but I’d love to be wrong. I don’t normally take stock in Nintendo rumors. Been there done that. I’m not even expecting the Ps5 and Xbox Series X to release this year. I’d be shocked if those two aren’t delayed because Microsoft has lost their big launch title with Halo Infinite being delayed. There will be no reason to get the Series X at launch unless they have more exclusive content coming at launch that I don’t know about. Metroid Prime 4 and BOTW 2 are my next big interest from Nintendo, and those are 2021 games if that.

      Who knows though, they’ve always got a trick up their sleeves. Like MusouTensei said, it’s Nintendo. They march to the beat of their own drum, no matter what.

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by MrMay2113. Reason: typo

      I totally forgot about the Pikmin 3 announcement!  Still, only one game!  And a Wii U port at that.  I gotta think Nintendo’s gonna pull out a big Direct at some point before the summer’s over and announce the full Fall lineup, whatever that may be.


      Oh trust me, I take Nintendo rumors with grains of salt the size of my head.  Can’t even count how many rumors got me excited over the years that turned out to be untrue.


      Yep I know the feeling. I still remember the rumors about Twilight Princess that it would take 45 minutes to get from one end of the map to the other. Though rumors back in those days were kind of fun because they were things you heard from your friends at school or read in a magazine. One of my friends always thought you could get the triforce in Twilight Princess for some reason. I never heard it myself, but he was always convinced it was in there, much like the ol’ Ocarina of Time triforce rumor.


      On the bright side, I have more than enough Switch titles to catch up on.


      Those early internet days were crazy.  So many rumors and secrets floating around.  It made for some crazy wild goose chases and I definitely miss it.


      Too true.  I have an Xbox One and PS4 as well, and I’ve lost count of how huge my backlog is.  It’s not even funny at this point.


      It kind of is. xD

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