Aunt Jemima

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  • #165582

      This fucking political video came up in my YouTube feed under news… Can I just get rid of the news section.. YouTube promotes all these fucking videos


      REEEEEEEE I have to scroll but I see things that upset me!! REEEE get rid of it so I don’t have to see upsetting things when I scroll please.

      Jeez soyboy, it’s not like they’re making you click. Grow a pair.


        Soyboy? You probably live with your mom LMAO eat shit and fuck off




          0 to autistic in 2 posts. That has to be a record.


          The OP doesn’t like scrolling past ads that hurt his feelings. Sorry, but he’s soy. “Your mom” is a great comeback though. Glad to see I’m triggering the right people.


          Pretty autistic at the beginning when someone is whining about scrolling past ads that hurt his feelings and nobody is forcing him to click on. He or she would never make it in the real world. I call it like I see it. Sorry if it hurts your sensitive wittle feelings


          So, ok…the stupid bullshit aside.


          Aunt Jemima is racist, so the socialtards seem to think.  Because of a depiction of a black woman.  That same black woman credited with the recipe.  That same black woman who was one of America’s first RICH black people.


          FUCK these tonedeaf, ignorant morons.


          “That same black woman who was one of America’s first RICH black people.”

          Wow, this fake piece again.

          Do some more research instead of getting info from internet memes. According to her biographers (M.M. Manring for one), she was still a housekeeper before she died and the millionaire stuff is an internet fabrication. Check out her obituaries as well.

          You just posted fake news.

          You KNOW how much Trump HATES fake news.

          He would be VERY disappointed in you right now.



            I agree YouTube isn’t what it used to be. It’s becoming more and more mainstream. I hate CNN and these corrupt news companies. I use YouTube for Geeks and Gamers and Nerdrotic.. But now Youtube promotes CNN and mainstream news. YouTube is only going to get worse. I started using Bitchute. You should try that. Dont worry about these idiots talking trash.

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