Australia votes “NO!” to enshrining racism in their constitution.

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub Current Events Australia votes “NO!” to enshrining racism in their constitution.

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    I didn’t even realise this was a thing until it started showing up in my feeds. Called “The voice” referendum proponents claimed that it would give the country’s indigenous peoples a direct say in Governance while critics said it would divide the country constitutionally by race. Furthermore those opposed asserted that any resultant creations (committees etc.) could be usurped and used to circumvent established laws and other legal mechanisms in furtherance of certain (woke) agendas under the guise of “indigenous rights”.

    But in my opinion the most sensible position was taken by the cynics who found: “The idea that people who stole this land and then those who have directly benefited from it are now going to a referendum to think about recognizing the people who they stole it off is insane.”

    It was heartening to see that most Australians saw though the BS and voted NO to division. As expected, the meltdown on the left has been hilarious.





    Saw this this morning on Sky News Australia. I think the journalists on there were trying their hardest not to start laughing at the meltdowns that were taking place.


      This is the thing I think about.  Is this a law/change people asked for?  Or is this something the government decided to push?  I would imagine it is the latter which insanity to me.  And if that is the case I promise you this was a way for the government to gain more control.   This is why evil groups back small minority groups and want to give them power.  They are easy to control given their small size.

      This “stolen land” crap needs to stop.  It’s a tool of division and a way to guilt people en masse into doing what others wish. Nearly every nation has conquered others when they could to expand and grow.  It is not only the way of the world but it is something written into human history. And while it has indeed resulted in bad things it has also resulted in positive things.  There seems to be an assumption that one nation taking over another ends with killing and destroying every thing.  That has happened but usually not. Many nations when taking over another will bring their technology, knowledge and society with them.  Overall, people are lulled into this idea that because the world has been relatively stable and consistent since WW2 that that is it’s historically normal state.  It is not.  So to look back to only very recent history and say that is wrong and this is stolen land is so shortsighted as to be comically wrong.   Yes war is bad, harming people is bad and it’s good we more or less do not do that now globally.  But to accuse only certain groups of doing something EVERYONE did is just trying to tilt history such that you can gain power.


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