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    @Kaizersurus No worries about your questions. I like a good conversation. Since I’m not live streaming, yet, and I don’t do dedicated book videos (because I just don’t have a large enough audience yet to make it worth it) I love to talk about this stuff here.

    are they all going to be between 200-500 pages like standard fantasy books, if you don’t mind my asking? That’s the length of a lot of the best books out there in the genre.

    At the start, yes. My first book, Guardian of Innocence, tops out at 247 pages and 110,794 words. As a new to publish fantasy author, I stuck with the rule of keeping it at/under 120,000 words, because I haven’t earned the right to make you all purchase and read a 400+ page book yet. At 247 pages this story is tight, stays on track, and hits all the marks I want it to.  Now, if left to my devices, I will go long in the page count total, especially if it’s a stand alone book. Guardian is book 1 of 5/possibly 4, so I’m not trying to cram the entire adventure into one book. All of my foundation series will be 2-3 books long, so none of them will be massive in size. When I start to get to the mainline stories, that’s a different situation.

    Here’s the thing. As I said, the main storyline is adapted from my D&D days. Within foundation series books will be character introduction books to the central characters from the main storyline, some of them getting their own books so readers grow with them as they start out, others appearing in the foundation series as, for lack of a better term, party members so you are introduced to them slightly. By the time you get to the first book of the major old D&D session/story I want to adapt, you will see the first generation of the main storyline hero cast assembled. You will have traveled with them on various adventures, along with the supporting cast that has been built. Then it’s a series of big event books that are stand alone which will easily pass 400/500 pages, yet meant to be a series, if that makes sense. Each books has a solid ending, but you know the story is going to continue. That’s kinda how it all goes til we get to, I guess, the third generation of our heroes and their friends and family, then I go back to trilogies (and in one case a dualogy) until we reach the end of the entire saga which isn’t a total ending…I’ve just finished what I consider the main story. Course…we talking a couple dozen books here in total…so…I’ve got a lot of work to do…fortunately at least 4 of them are already written…just need  massive rewriting to remove what I don’t own and the fact they were written over the past couple decades before I settled on my current writing style.

    Frankly, one of my dreams is that if this universe is successful enough, and people enjoy it, I would love to allow others entry into it to write stories. I mean, I’m literally creating a universe, which means as long as someone doesn’t write something that messes with my main storyline, there are countless stories for a creative writer to come up with if they like the lore I’ve set up. Fallout from so many of my stories will be felt on countless worlds, there are endless possibilities for other creatives to have fun and add to the texture of the universe. I mean, I would love to set up a playground for others to have fun in as well where they can add rides of their own to only make it better.

    are you over on mythicscribes.com

    I don’t know what that is. I tend to be very routine in my internet travels and interests, so I don’t stray far from my habits, especially when it comes to reading and writing. Considering what I want to try and do, I seems a resource I’ll likely have to become familiar with down the line.


    I’m also obsessed with my routine and love to stick to it, so I get that. Wish you the best with your writings, and hope all goes well, to be frank I’ve the same mind-set; if it’s successful then I want others to try their hand, and do what they want in my world, so long as they play by the rules of the lore.

    Hmm, might be interesting to have a fantasy-authors podcast between various channels, discussing lore, how they would do it, what kind of lore they like and otherwise discussing the nitty-gritty of it, their views on the subject of fantasy stories and otherwise chatting about fav fantasy movies, games or books. Might look into that some time, on the CultureCorner or something.

    Oh, and gonna be on here a bit more, as I’ve been permanently suspended from twitter, for marketing the channel and otherwise posting mocking/spoof videos we made called ‘Deconstruction’ on twitter. Notably we like to subvert things like homosexual characters into straight ones and bad movies/stories into good ones just for sport, and have now tried to clean up the MCU, but twitter apparently didn’t like some of these videos so have come after us. You can run with that story if you want, on yours Roas, might give you something to talk about on your channel. If you need a link, or an image I can provide it to you.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Kaizersaurus.

    Hmm, might be interesting to have a fantasy-authors podcast between various channels, discussing lore, how they would do it, what kind of lore they like and otherwise discussing the nitty-gritty of it, their views on the subject of fantasy stories and otherwise chatting about fav fantasy movies, games or books. Might look into that some time, on the CultureCorner or something.


    As a total lore nerd, that sounds like a good time. We all have different methods and choices we make when world building. When you can get a group of nerds chatting about the lore of a franchise, to me that is a sign of success.


    Maybe, we should consider doing that some time like next month or something (we can’t do it sooner, as we’re in the middle of moving, and registering for school and other stuff happening right now)? Might help both channels, to do this and promote ourselves and our works this way, as Nerdrotic and HeelvsBabyface, and the rest had to start somewhere.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Kaizersaurus.

    I’m thinking of making a start on a few fantasy short stories on a website that I’m working on. When I get the one I’m working on finished and on my site I might see if there’s away of allowing people to pay and download it as a sort of ebook. At a relatively cheap price like £2. It means that I can at least make some form of money as I’ve not been to work since last March due to the pandemic so it would be nice to have a little side project to work on. The thing is, I’m using a blogging site so I’m not sure if that would work over there or not as I’m not exactly tech-savy!


    @Kaizersaurus Sounds like a plan. I have zero experience live streaming, but I’ll have to get used to doing it sometime, and this kind of topic sounds perfect as a focus for what we all seem to want to do. As soon as you think the window is open, I’m ready to discuss and work it out.

    There are many paths to what we all want to accomplish in terms of creating a space where we can share our stories. Sounds like maybe set up something using Paypal might be the simplest path to creating what you want on that small scale for the selling side. I dunno about the tech side of it, but at least that’s a simple way of exchanging product for price I can think of.



    Its supposed to actually be steam-punk fantasy with a bit of Arthurian legends thrown in that I’m working on. I’m guessing that I got too tired of the woke nonsense and decided to create my own stories for a change. And I read. A lot. On the website that I’m working on I’m also putting in some film reviews as well. So basically a bit of both. I’m not going to use YT for any of this for obvious reasons and plus I’m very camera-shy and hate being at the centre of attention lol.


    @DragonLady Hey, nothing wrong with Arthurian legends. I love that stuff. I had a dualogy on the shelf planned for an Arthur story for over a decade, focusing on the one line of the legend that no one ever told a story on…the once and FUTURE king. Had a great idea all set up, but I always put it off because I wanted to see and do a few more things for experience to write it. There was gonna be a kid merlin, some Morganna action, Avalon, a semi-immortal Galahad who’d been living til modern times, a sorta reincarnated Arthur, and loads of new stuff I had thought up.

    Now, now it’s never going to happen, because I’m doing my universe thing, and since this is a universe where our universe does not exist, there is no room or time for me to write it anymore.

    Plus….the ultimate villain I had planned already has a place in my story plans, so without him it kinda loses a bit of its punch.

    But it would have been fun.



    That actually sounds good! I’ve always had a soft spot for the King Arthur legend (I’m going to pretend that ‘Legend of the Sword’ doesn’t exist, especially with that silly David Beckham cameo on it. I don’t think I laughed so hard😂) and I’ve always enjoyed the Clive Owen version of the character. Zack Snyder directing an actual King Arthur film would be amazing as it’s my favourite British Legend (a dozen apologies to Robin Hood even though he’s at a close second).


    @DragonLady I was interested when Snyder announced he was making an Arthur movie…until I heard he’s adapting it to the American Old West…no thanks.

    I’ll stick with Excalibur for now for my Arthurian movie fix.


    I highly recommend Merlin 1998 Roas, it’s awesome and perfectly embodies and captures of the majesty and greatness of Fantasy, with Sam Neill in the lead role, and with the emphasis being on his relationship with Nimue and his father-son bond with Arthur, and how the latter’s death broke him.

    And DragonLady, I’m also fairly camera-shy, which is why on my channel, I’ve chosen to keep my face hidden, and just do podcasts and what not, doing essentially the Mauler or ItsaGundam thing.

    As to the team-up thing, yeah will probably post when available, though first need to get set up in the new house, and finish 2 books that are due for the end of this month, and get prepped with some friends, whom I’m starting a VG company with, so there’s lots to do.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Kaizersaurus.

    @Kaizersaurus I didn’t really like that Sam Neill Merlin series. It wasn’t terrible, but it just never sat well with me. I think part of it was the styling choices. The clothes, armor, the look of the series never agreed with me.

    Whenever you are ready, just reach out to me. My email for the channel is at my channel site and at the end of every video, so just fire off an email when you wanna start working it out. All I ever need is time to make sure I’m ready, and the only qualification is that I can’t do late night streaming because my loud ass voice would wake up the rest of the house, and the walls of the complex I live in are damn thin, so I gotta respect the neighbors.



    I liked that version of ‘Merlin’ with Sam Neil in although I hadn’t realised for years until I started watching ‘Peaky Blinders’ that he was Irish😳😂. And it had Helena Boham Carter playing crazy Morgana so her playing crazy is always a plus in something. I’ve always liked the idea of her being Harley Quinn but I think Helena is too old now sadly.

    Some more ideas for my story have popped through my head this afternoon so I’m going to see where they take me.


    @kaizersaurus and @roas

    If you are considering starting a podcast of some sort, and you are not planning on doing any video, you should check out cleanfeed, at least to start. It is one of the best free options for having more than two people record audio online. Maybe there is another out there, but I haven’t found it yet. (You just have to make sure no one is messing around on their computer when recording. The audio can get a little wonky if that happens.) About six months to a year ago I used to do a weekly writing podcast. I tried to get a guest on about once a month, and that is what I found worked best.

    (I can’t even remember what I used for video chats when I started to do them. Damn)


    @Roas and @Dragonlady

    Another option for setting up something on the side is Amazon, B&N, or another platform that allows you to publish ebooks fairly easily. I don’t see it as a long term solution to publishing. My eventual goal is to detach myself from these larger companies and do everything myself, but if there is a tool that makes it easy, I would suggest using it. Always have a back-up plan though. Because big companies do have a tendency to censor. But I am not above using the Amazon to destroy the Amazon. lol.

    If anyone ever needs any helping getting started with any of these platforms, I would definitely be willing to help you out. Honestly, publishing on them isn’t the most difficult step in the process. I think that writing, editing, book formatting, copy-editing, cover-design, etc. . . are a bit more difficult. If anyone ever wants help or wants to share secrets in those areas, I am an open book. One of the dream goals for my life is to make self-publishing as easy as possible and make the indie-publishing industry the place most people go for reading.

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