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What’s good, Geeks + Gamers Community?
Wanna ask around if there are any fellow authors/artists here who use original stories to critique, defy or challenge the narratives of SJW’s?
I’d love to connect with y’all, make friendships, and hopefully together reclaim the Narrative in our favour so as to preserve the art of quality storytelling.
I’m an aspiring novelist who wants to write fun, action-packed tales. I use art or storytelling to both fight back to the SJW Narrative and to have good times with readers.
It wounds me when franchises we love (e.g. Star Wars, Terminator, DC Universe) become abused and degraded by SJWs in power, so writing stories is an outlet of my outrage whilst also giving a big Middle Finger to those SJW writers that dominate the current media atmosphere.
The Stories I Plan to Make
So I myself am gay and non-white. The novel I’m currently working on has a non-white (hell, even non-human) homosexual lead. The difference between I and those SJWs is that I don’t forcefully add diversity/sexuality to please the masses. Instead I add those elements to build up my main antihero’s background arc, maturity and mentality. In other words, let diversity grow organically.
The story(s) I intend to write include elements of historical fiction, horror and mythology together with a touch of current events. It also deals with themes on life, death, undeath and enlightenment.
Truth be told: I’m sometimes fearful that the SJWs would corrupt and censor my stories. However, given current circumstances that piss me off big time (such as the further abuse of Star Wars, fucking ‘Gotham High’, cancel culture bollocks running amok, etc.) and with a drive to bring back decent storytelling, I’ve decided to get out of my comfort zone and begin writing my stories to challenge their Narrative. I’ll keep you all updated on my current story that’s in the works. Until then, here’s a preview of my main antihero character:
Stories I’ve Written:
I tried to get into making comics… but in the end, making comics isn’t for me. Drawing takes up too much of my time and writing for me is easier.
Nonetheless, I made a comic series where I critiqued toxic relationships (including toxic femininity); expanding on the Good vs. Evil dynamic; and writing in favour of free speech against censorship.
My comics are free to read, but I have discontinued them so I can move on to my novel(s):
However, all the characters in the above comic will be transferred to my upcoming novels. These characters form the foundation and ground mythos for the novel’s universe. It was fun making this comic but I’m just sad that it didn’t get much readers so I got discouraged. Hopefully all of you in the Geeks + Gamers community can enjoy these comics, and decipher the messages behind them. Sharing these comics around to new readers would also cheer me up and motivate me to keep critiquing the SJW narrative, so if you could please pass the comic around I’d appreciate that greatly.
In the future I also invite all of you in the Geeks + Gamers community to advise me on how to keep my stories safe from SJW corruption and to keep making engaging stories. I have faith that many of you here know what good quality is and what keeps a good story moving.
Now enough about me. What stories do you write and what artworks do you make?
Most of all… how would you use your art or stories to flip the finger at the SJW’s and resurrect good ol’ fashioned storytelling?
And if you can help me answer this question, too: how can we overcome the SJW narrative and have our stories empower the people?
Love to hear and read your masterpieces!
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