Baby Yoda

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Star Wars Baby Yoda

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    It’s because his species is commonly referred to as “Yoda’s Species”. So it is, in a way, a Baby Yoda. If Luke were the only human in the galaxy that we have seen and we didn’t know the word human, we would say Baby Luke.






      Ryan Kinel isn’t allowed here >.>


      You must be a Sith


      Blade99 is right. In spite of the Mandalorian being a step up from the rest of the Disney dumpster fire, it’s still heavily feminized. Cara clocked Mando right in his helmet. In reality, you’d break your hand, but Mando falls over and she keeps right on fighting as if she slugged a sack of flour. Cara is a heavily feminist character with no basis in reality. Strong women and weak men are still prevalent in the series. Mando is walking the line between ardent defender/hero and feminized bitch boy. It’s as if he can’t make up his mind what he wants to be.

      This is one of the key flaws in the entire series. If you can’t see that, then you’ve been successfully feminized. In which case, shut up and go make me a sammich.


      I’m surprised DDayDoggy hasn’t joined just to rip on this thread.


        Sorry @RebelSquadron, but with Cara and Mando i see strong woman and strong man

        “Mando is walking the line between ardent defender/hero and feminized bitch boy”, i can see that Mando has his moments of being really tough and also has his moments of weakness, but having weaknesses doesn’t make him femminized, everyone has their strengths and weknesses, also the show has flashbacks of Mando’s childhood, so i’m not surprised by his behaviour throughout the series, he has some serious shit to deal with, it might make him look “weak” on the surfice, but being able to survive the way he did and protect Baby Yoda despite all that actually makes him really strong


          Honestly the worst part of the Mandalorian is that so many people like it. It has really short episodes full of filler. Cara Dune is so cringe. The female mandalorian blacksmith is eye rolling and a joke. The Mandalorian should be a cool character. But he’s pretty lame in this show. It has catchphrases like “I have spoken” lol and low quality writing. And it’s full of feminism. It’s not Star Wars it’s Disney Star Wars


          If the worst part of the show to you is that other people like it, you are an SJW. The Fandom Menace is not the thought police. Anyone can like and dislike whatever they want. Come on, dude. Don’t let people with different opinions be what gets you upset.


            It reminds me of when so many people liked The Force Awakens. I hated that dumb trash. But now most people see it for what it was. The same thing will happen with this show.stoormtroopers-sudeikis-pally-1201122-1280x0.jpeg


            I disagree. You’d just call him the baby, or the child.


            Ok, admit it!912b3793dd45cc1fb00edb0a6176cc68


              And people have the right to like or hate Mandalorian or Force Awakens, just like they have the right to continue to like or dislike them, just like they have the rifht to change their mind on whether they like or dislike them



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