Geeks + Gamers › Forums › Gaming › Xbox Hub › Banjo-Kazooie needs to make a comeback on the Series X
Banjo-Kazooie is a classic franchise that Microsoft is just sitting on. The characters’ inclusion in Smash Bros. was a huge hit, and Microsoft needs to take the hint and fire up this series again for next gen. Xbox is often ragged on for not having much in the way of exclusives, and Banjo-Kazooie would be a pretty surefire way to start changing that narrative. Thoughts?
Shhheeeeit…with Banjo appearing in Smash, they need to make a comeback on Switch too.
If Sony can let their MLB game go multi-platform, Microsoft can do the same with bear and bird.
I’ve thought the same. Microsoft and Nintendo seem to be really buddy buddy lately, so maybe they can work together on something.
Unless you’re loyal to brands, no it doesnt.
Just play the Yooka-Laylee games.
It’s more Banjo than any Banjo current day Rare would put out because it’s the actual people that made Banjo-Kazooie
I think you are WAY over estimating Banjo-Kazooie’s relevence in 2020.
Youtubers that get clicks by hyping up classic nintendo nostalgia care about the characters. No one else, really.
Sure, they’re in Smash. So is Terry Bogart and next to no one outside of Mexico cares about that character.
You’d think everyone and their mother wanted Shenmue 3 before it was released and no one cared.
Medievil, which it seemed everyone wanted and when it actually released, no one cared.
If they released a new Banjo game and charged over 30 bucks for it, no one would buy it.
Even at that price, I’m not convinced it would sell that great.
Besides, the team behind the Banjo games are at Playtonic making Yooka-Laylee now which is Banjo in every way, except the character models.
Remember Banjo Nuts & Bolts, or as I call it Banjo Cocks and Balls? Because I do :(
I would have no faith in modern day Rare to make a good game.