Batman Beyond/Batgirl…

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      So apparently they are going to make a live action Batman Beyond movie. But they are going to gender swap him and give his storyline to Batgirl… This is really bad.. Im so sick of this shit. We need someone to stop this woke garbage.


      Totally fine with that possibility as it looks like we’re gonna have two concurrent Batman franchises going with Batfleck rumored to be coming back for something on HBO Max and neither continuity will likely get around to introducing Batgirl, so potentially putting Barbara in that role would make sense. If they set it post-Killing Joke and the batsuit allowed her to walk, it would create an interesting dynamic and a call back to M.A.N.T.I.S.


      Also, having Barbara in that role would allow a Wayne vs. Gordon scenario where she’s caught in the middle of her mentor and her father who not only feels guilty for her injury at the hands of the Joker, but resentment against Bruce when he learns he supported her vigilante endeavors and has allowed her a way to get back in the game. It’s not “woke” when the character actually deserves a spotlight, and would add so many elements to an otherwise generic story while we live in a world where Batgirl and most of the Robins are pretty under represented in live action form.


        I’ve been waiting a long time for a Batman Beyond live action movie. The fact that they are making it Batgirl Beyond is bullshit


        Barbara Gordon is a much more interesting character than Terry McGinnis, and offers more to that role.


          I disagree


          Yeah, I’m sorry, but Terry McGinnis deserves to be Batman Beyond. It is the only true story where someone else besides Bruce actually pulls off wearing the mantle of Batman. Terry earns his story and his place while developing a decent rogue’s gallery of his own that doesn’t need the crutch of the classic Batman villains.


          Whenever I go through a watch of my Justice League/Unlimited dvd set, I always stop right before the end of Unlimited Season 1 and do a full watch of Batman Beyond, because the final episode of Unlimited season 1 is a perfect epilogue to that series.


          So yeah, this is pointless gender swapping to pander to…I don’t know who. Batgirl is a heroine all her own that shouldn’t need to steal from another character to get a boost. Babs deserves better. Terry deserves better.

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Roas.

            Batman Beyond is a beloved superhero for a lot of people that grew up watching the show. This is just another example of Hollywood taking a established white male superhero and giving his role to a female. Why cant we just get a live action Batman Beyond movie? Why cant they do something else with Batgirl? Why because they are woke feminist..


            Nothing wrong with Barbara Gordon buy she is NOT Batman beyond, Its Terry McGinnis. Once again a male character is destroyed to elevate a female character, when good female characters are ignored. But as usual they will say its not made for me so I will take my money elsewhere….”Thank you VEERY much!”


            Terry is no different than every other teenage boy turned superhero. He lacks the connections and backstory which make Barbara so compelling and saves us from another run of the mill origin story as Gordon’s history would allow them to hit the ground running and build suspense for the flashbacks of the iconic events that made her the hero she eventually became. Not to mention Batgirl is a much more of a mainstream character, so it’s understandable they would go that route in light of their other projects. Would you care if they decided to go with Damian Wayne or one of the other Robins?


            His connection and backstory is great. Artificial inseminated by Candmus (Amanda Waller) to make Bruce Waynes son.  Because she new that Bruce would get to old someday and they would need another batman.


            He’s a second rate Damian Wayne.


              How about making a Batman Beyond movie with Batman and giving Batgirl her own movie with her own story instead of having her steal Batman Beyond’s story!!

              batman wtf


              Thank you sir.

              • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Lancearies13.
              • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Lancearies13.
              • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by Lancearies13.

              It’s not as though I don’t think Shiftygism has some good points (though I still disagree), but if you’re gonna have Batman Beyond movie, it’s a perfect opportunity to introduce Terry McGinnis to a larger audience. Just swapping him out with Barbarba/Batgirl seems like being afraid to take a risk.

              But then, it’s Hollywood. Of course they’re not gonna take that risk.

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