Batman Can Save Downtown Gotham But Can’t Go Down on Catwoman, DC Says

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television Batman Can Save Downtown Gotham But Can’t Go Down on Catwoman, DC Says

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    Batman Can Save Downtown Gotham But Can’t Go Down on Catwoman, DC Says

    DC told the creators of the animated series Harley Quinn that under no circumstances could Batman go down on Catwoman

    This is not soft porn.

    And yet the people defending this for the Harley Quinn show had this to say:

    Harley Quinn has plenty of violence and gore, and they sell toys based off of that no problem, but Batman can’t pleasure his on-again off-again lover? Well no one can tell us what to do with our Batman and Catwoman action figures in the privacy of our homes.

    We don’t need a GoT moments on these shows.

    Why perverts need to sexualize everything to help fully their perversions.


      When I hear such questions as yours, looking for the very root of the situation. I think of the movie “Tombstone” which I believed nailed it.

      Wyatt Earp: What makes a man like Ringo, Doc? What makes him do the things he does?
      Doc Holliday: A man like Ringo has got a great big hole, right in the middle of him. He can never kill enough, or steal enough, or inflict enough pain to ever fill it.
      Wyatt Earp: What does he want?
      Doc Holliday: Revenge.
      Wyatt Earp: For what?
      Doc Holliday: Bein’ born.


      is there any BJ scene in the mainstream comics, ever? I would like to know…

      it’s fine to have romantic scenes, it’s cool. but explicit actions might be a little too much, unless the show says it from the beginning that is only for adult audiences. But it’s not that big of a deal, I guess. I wouldn’t cry about it if i saw it, i would just find it weird, since some kids might watch it.

      Anyway, harley quinn tv show is stupid, i tried to watch, gave up 5min later. Kaley Coco can’t do the typical harley accent. and she just swears all the fukin time. it’s not funny and it’s not cool, it’s just cringy. Swearing sometimes is okay, is normal, but in every single dialogue is just too much and it just shows the writing being lazy.

      This kind of shows are just watchable if we watch it as a parody.


      I would’ve thought that what with it being a show for ADULTS this wouldn’t have mattered too much?


        Personally, I find injecting sex, foul language and violence into a movie just for the sake of injecting it cheap, easy and tasteless.


          Ya, lets just inject sex, female more powerful than man, and language where it is not needed.
          Told my kids growing up, cussing when used correctly is fine and in some cases needed to get a point across, but never use it just to use it “Hollywood has lost the fine art of the swear word”.
          Also told them, I know your having sex, I do not need to know about it, see it, and better never happen in my house “Hollywood uses sex to sell, not move along a plot or story”.
          Violence I told my boys only fight if you have to, never not fight to defend a woman or someone weaker, it is the last resort. “Hollywood, If it Bleeds it Lead and sells”.


          I think DC also wants to prevent a #MeToo moment for their IP.

          What better way to destroy DC’s most popular character than to have him MeToo’d.



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