Beard’s in Lotr whamen

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  • #257724

    So for the Amazon Lotr beardless whamen all you need to do is just watch the desolation of Smaug when Gloin tells legolas that this wife and son in a locket he had. They both thad beard’s. I ask you, am I just to ignore that.

    • This topic was modified 3 years ago by Nick.11.

    Hmm I don’t think the people mad a the knew rings of power trailer are mad because they have beardless women.


    I am surprised they did not make ALL the male characters without facial hair, because of the so called patriarchy, non-toxic masculinity.

    What I was expected from this woke trash is them shoving in the viewer faces armpit hair and arm/leg hair on BOTH male and female characters.

    Most likely, that is yet to come.

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