Best Gaming PC?

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      What’s the best gaming PC? I don’t really like the PS5 or the new XBOX. I’m thinking of becoming a PC gamer for the first time. What should I get and how much will it cost?


      Heyas DisneySucksBalls (love that name, btw!)

      There’s actually a whole lot that goes into a gaming rig.  I wish I could give you more info but I’ve really lost track and have been out of touch on this topic.

      I can however say, that if you’re buying prebuilt machines, somewhere, they company will probly short change you.  Either on something like a lower end power supply, heat sinks, or something like that.

      My personal opinion is to build your own.  That way you can decide what you want right up front, and what you can put into it later on down the road.

      My other personal opinion, which may not be popular, is not to get AMD as your video card.  I don’t like the fact that they have certain limitations in their software.  Especially in relation to FPS control.

      Also as far as how much you will spend, it really depends on what you’re looking for.  What priorities you have for the machine, what tier of performance you put into it, etc etc etc.  I will say tho, for a pretty decent machine, pre built, you’re gonna spend at least 800-1000 dollars to get a mediocre gaming machine.


      Another thing I’ll recommend, is don’t worry about if it has solid state drives or not.   Those, the price is really coming down on them, and you can get solid state drives that you can install yourself, a lot cheaper than paying the mark up that a company like IBM, SONY (Don’t buy Sony.  **CK Sony!) Dell, HP, etc will charge you.

      Also say this, if you’re ever looking at laptops, don’t buy HP Laptops.  Entirely too many of them have overheating issues.


      Really depends on a few things:

      1).  Your budget

      2). The resolution you want to play at (ie 1080p, 1440p, 4k)

      3).  What kind of games you’ll be playing, and if you’ll be doing anything else like streaming, etc

      You can make a 1080p gaming rig for pretty cheap nowadays, but if you want to get up into the 4k territory it’ll become a good bit more expensive


        Pre-built PC’s will often short-change you, especially if you buy them at places like Walmart – where the people who work there might know their stuff, but the people who spec the systems don’t. Some pre-builders do a better job, and there are acceptable pre-built systems to be bought. So if you don’t feel comfortable building your own, there’s still options which are better than others.

        Supply chains have been a bit backed up in the last few months, so components and computers have been in short supply some places, but it’s getting better. Now is probably the worst time to buy a new PC in terms of bang for your buck, but if you already have a PC that you can stick a mid-to-low range graphics card into, then that might be the way to start.

        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by gunnarre.

        If you don’t feel like building one, or learning how to build one. I suggest using NZXT Bld This is a well known PC parts manufacturers and won’t scam you like some other prebuilts I have seen being listed on Amazon or other places. As far as price, that all depends upon how much you want to spend for the PC.


          NBA Live 2000



          You need the same PC I started on.

          A 486 DOS PC.

          Just play Wolfenstein 3d, Duke Nukem 3d, point & click adventure games.

          Who needs Window’s 10 when you can just have a black screen where you have to type in every command.

          Than you get a game that needs extra system memory? Well you have to pre set that up in the settings.

          You can play a Lucasarts game called Loom, where you play as a Wizard that can turn white fabric green.

          Why get the Command & Conquer Remastered that just released when you can get the 1995 DOS version.

          Than get the original Doom.

          Or get the original Prince of Persia side scroller (this one’s actually really good).

          Than finish with the classic Sierra games, Police Quest, Kings Quest, Space Quest, all the quests.

          • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Cerabelus.

          Pre-built computers also come with a lot of unnecessary software that the manufacturing company installs, for example McAfee antivirus. It’s just bloatware that adds no benefit to you, and a lot of times you might not even know what else is on your machine unless you know what you’re looking for.

          I’d say there are a few key areas you need to understand with what makes a computer so you’ll know what to buy if you decide to build your own:

          1. The case, like a small, mid, or full sized tower
          2. CPU – the processor (Intel or AMD)
          3. GPU – the graphics card (Nvidia or AMD)
          4. PCU – the power supply
          5. RAM – memory that allows your computer to run more programs at once
          6. Storage – a mechanical hard drive, a SSD, or a M.2 drive
          7. And then extra stuff like the monitor, keyboard and mouse, and speakers.

            There are a ton of videos you can look up on YouTube to get an understanding on different products, like Linus Tech Tips, JayzTwoCents, Gamers Nexus, etc. I would recommend Carey Holzman for learning how to build a computer. He’s done countless build videos and he’s how I got started into building my own PCs.

          Computers can be cheap, or expensive. It just depends on your budget. And unfortunate for you, now is a bad time to buy computer parts thanks to the pandemic. I imagine computer parts have sky rocketed in the last few months.


          As someone who is also wanting a new gaming PC (borrowing a friend’s which I want to give back to him) around Christmas time, I’m always trying to keep my options open. I don’t have a big budget, but I’ve been saving money recently to get one months down the road.

          At the moment I have two PCs I’m keeping my eye own, hoping one of them will come down in price when December arrives. I’m not getting a Playstation 5 or Xbox Series X, as I’m transitioning to Nintendo and PC at this point.


          Madden 2000

          Madden 2002

          NBA 2000

          Star Trek :Starfleet Academy

          EA Sports NHL 2003



          MSI’s are the way to go.  See for yourself:

          They start at about a grand, but are worth the price for sure.





          • This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by Greg81742.

          R (6)

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