Best Marvel show ever? DareDevil Season 1

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment Television Best Marvel show ever? DareDevil Season 1

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  • #294975

      I have been rewatching this series again as I enjoyed it initially when released.  I honestly think it is one of the best superhero shows.  At lest for maybe just Marvel. Clearly it is FAR superior to current junk.


      Just curious if I am the only person who thinks this.


      It was great. Enjoyed it a lot. I also really liked Luke Cage and also, The Punisher. I did not know there was a Punisher season 2 and whoa, it was bad. Don’t know what happened. Yes, probably the best show. Solid writing. Good legal drama to go with the action. They also did a good job at what scenes to show at what moment.

      You are right about what you say. Netflix has the touch when it came to Marvel shows. They did a better job.

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