[BIG NEWS] FNT with guest Alex Jones 2021-09-10

Geeks + Gamers Forums Entertainment YouTube [BIG NEWS] FNT with guest Alex Jones 2021-09-10

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  • #240146

    FNT has already broken their all time number viewing, and this is BEFORE Alex Jones comes on.

    Jeremy from the Quarterly has jokingly is taking credit for this.  LOL 😂

    9700+ and counting!


    InforWars is testing audio-connection, as per G&G-Jeremy.

    11K viewing.

    History in the making.



    For those needed the link to FNT:



    HE’S ON!


    80 million Unvaxxed mentioned in Joe Biden speech.

    Exactly the same number they say that Joe Biden got in voters. Always a lie. Always double-speak.


    Great point made by TheQuartering who said you can see the change in the talented when they take the deal. He mentioned Kimmel and Colbert.

    For me, I saw it with Phil DeFranco, Phil Hendrie, Brian Stelter, Chris Matthews, Howard Stern, etc. When those guys started, I liked them. They had good takes, believe it or not. Later, it was just radical hatred of Americans. Just pure lies and propaganda.

    Trying to think of more entertainers I saw it with, Where you see the person go from truth to lies.


    FNT got over 16K viewers!

    FNT got over 11K likes!



    Gary said Alex was worth risking his whole channel. Nerdrotic said that if Alex Jones got him kicked off youtube, he would go do something else. That is guts. That is balls. Remarkable thing to say. Strong.


    The good news is if Gary is kicked off YouTube, a hundred new channels may pop up to mirror Nerdrotic videos and Fandom Menace videos and everything else onto YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc…….


    As Kenobi said to Darth Vader said in Star Wars: A New Hope, “If you strike me down, I shall become like very very very powerful, more powerful than you can ever imagine.” So, imagine Nerdrotic TV and Nerdrotic Radio. Imagine going onto The Alex Jones Show, The War Room with Owen Shroyer, American Journal with Dr. Harrison Smith.


    I encourage everyone to encourage Gary, Jeremy, etc, to try their best to appear on Infowars at least one time as soon as possible. I’ve had around five of my channels suspended off YouTube going back to 2017, we are talking about losing thousands of videos which I’ve been making since 1996.


    So, even if some of you guys are terminated off YouTube, perhaps you guys will be given opportunities to stream videos and shows and podcasts onto radio, television, phone apps, iTunes, other apps, other websites, social media through the art of being mirrored and reuploaded and everything by the fans and others, etc, etc. New opportunities and bigger opportunities come all the time.




    Please ask Alex Jones and his team to be given video channels on his Banned Video platform website, then you can mirror your videos there too:





    To upload videos there, click on upload and fill out the form:



    You should upload videos onto the Alex Jones website, you can request for a channel there, they might accept you.


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by joeyarnoldvn.

    Even EVS mentioned the show!



    Currently at over 14K likes for the FNT stream!


    Screenshot at 2021-09-10 21:04:17 Infowars Geeks


    Wanted to hear Jones on Shang-Chi. Kind of bummed because I thought that was the main point of his appearance?

    The real MVP is Pierry Chan. The video introduction skills are like episodes unto themselves. Video Memes. He has a true talent.

    Saw that the New Warriors or something was considered too gay. There was a gay ad that youtube put on my feed for Hulu and it was totally repugnant. Why should a straight, heterosexual man ever get gay stuff in his feed if the algorithm serves the people? It should never happen. One thing though is that Milana Vayntrub, who they were going to get for Squirrel Girl was attractive. Definitely a head turner and it was a bit surprising because normally she’s some corporate shill on commercials for ATT, but go to her twitter and she’s your typical left-winger. Sucks. https://www.google.com/search?q=squirrel+girl+milana+vayntrub&hl=en&sxsrf=AOaemvL5VOoIvb9UwOf5yYilhSy7fbYzRQ:1631350256185&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjI_JekxfbyAhWAJTQIHY0fBWkQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1858&bih=967

    Went to her twitter and immediately see the bloated obese scary face of Democrat Stacy Abrams which almost made me vomit and retch. I do not appreciate that, Squirrel Girl. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=squirrel+girl+milana&t=newext&atb=v241-1&iax=images&ia=images

    The Hollywood questions Jeremy asked about might be best answered by Mark Dice or Jay Dyer. Can’t recall who is the specialist in that area.


    Gary Nerdrotic said that he used to trade and talk comics with Michael Chang, who was The French Open tennis champion in 1989.

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