Black Man executes 5 year-old White Boy and the MSM is silent

Geeks + Gamers Forums Community Hub General Discussions Black Man executes 5 year-old White Boy and the MSM is silent

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      A black man in NC executed a 5-year-old white boy at point-blank range and the MSM has not reported on this.





        The communist news never reports on black on white murder.

        We need to fing this banger and end him exactly as he ended the kid.


        This kind of bastards is the reason you should never get rid of the death penalty. Why do you allow 16 steps to go through so people like Frederick Bear and this shithole are kept alive. Baer slit a 4 year old´s throat with a knife plus her mothers (24)… he was on death row (IN State prison) but NO, not anymore.  Take them out, NOW… make them have their day at court and have hem their appeal if applicable and then give them 24 hrs to say goodbye and throw them in a pit to rot. I would volunteer to be the executioner.

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