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What the ever loving fucking world does this crazy bitch live in?
I seriously do not understand how someone can be this fucked in the brain.
In my 50 years of life, I have never even seen a white supremacist. The closest I guess I ever got was a guy painted his truck with the words the “South will Rise Again”. The entire concept of white supremacy is bullshit. Now, I do know people completely pissed off at black people. Those are growing daily.
I think the riots and SJW nonsense is mobilizing a lot of pent up animosity towards blacks. After all, there is an affirmative action and a lot of preferential treatment for blacks in America. Blacks get help everywhere and always. Stuff white people could never get. Then Hollywood and sports are literally dumping gasoline on the fire. MLK got it all right. Peaceful, non-violent protests are the only way to make strides. Violence and rioting just pisses people off.
God forbid if they literally give reparations. We will have a shooting war. Could you imagine seeing your black neighbor getting $100,000 for being black when you worked your whole life to put food on the table, buy a house, buy a car, and put your kids through school?
To me, I think that is more of a problem than “white supremacy”. People are tired of the unfairness of life. Sick of it actually. That is where the anger is coming from. That and the MSM.
There is only so much a society can take and the fools in the MSM don’t truly understand what they are playing with. They are going to push and push and push until something kicks off. But I hate to tell them, I have seen chaos. Know who gets dragged into the streets and killed? Members of the government and members of the MSM. A ton of scores are settled when chaos hits.
America has had it so good for so long — people truly do not understand how the real world works. We really don’t. If I was a woman, I would vote like hell for Trump because frankly, the chaos the left is creating is not good for women. I have to laugh when I see the articles of suburban housewives voting for Biden. Those women must be stupid as fuck. Although, I think those articles are fake. Women arent stupid. The last thing they want to see is riots and their cities burnt to the ground.
BLM has set race relations back against the black community 50 years, easily. I grew up color blind in the 90s. Love people of all kinds, and still do. But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t get nervous going around black people now. Because they’re either going to be A. Conservatives B. Decent moderates, or C. Lefty nutjobs. Thankfully I’m in a very conservative town, and most of the black people here are conservatives. Though the fear has started to creep into my head. I won’t even look at black women on dating sights. I instantly swipe left. It’s just not worth it until this whole mess settles down.
I have an uncle in Serbia who is very bad with money. He has worked as a security guard for 40 years and he lives with his wife who doesn’t have any education and doesn’t work, yet they spend all of their money on alcohol, cigarettes and lottery tickets. My mom keeps sending them money every month – up to a thousand dollars a month for ten years and they haven’t changed one bit. They keep asking for more money every time. Here in Australia Aborigines get a lot of welfare money that most of them spend on drugs and alcohol and gambling, and their communities still have the highest crime, poverty, rape, child abuse, childhood deaths etc. I think many of our societal problems can’t be solved with money.
Reparations might shut some people up for a while but if you really want to solve a problem I think there has to be a national forum on how to implement nationwide cultural changes to really uplift blacks out of poverty. Single mothers getting pregnant from five different men – all of whom have the state pay the woman’s child support for the kids even though she might not even love the kids and raises them in the ghetto for the gibs – this only perpetuates the same problems ad nauseam. Everyone in America would benefit from black people doing better, so I really don’t understand why this hasn’t been done yet.
The first thing I would suggest is banning violent lyrics and depictions of mistreatment of women and drug abuse in music videos. I would also mandate that every athlete playing in pro sports and every Hollywood celebrity be contractually obligated to do public service announcements in prime time on the dangers of gangs, STDs, drugs etc. like they had in the 80s/90s. I would also introduce more severe penalties for violent crime offenders, especially for repeat offenders, but would show on prime time TV stories of people who have turned their life around by leaving a life of crime behind to become upstanding citizens and I’d have a program where people like that would be awarded medals by the president and by celebrities. There are many ways I think life could improve, such as by promoting family values and decency, but I don’t believe in reparations from what I’ve seen in my life thus far.
It hasnt been done cause the DNC loces having their slave state.
Welfare which is unconstitutional as fuck is the new slavery. These bitches get paid more to have 5 kids with 5 different dudes.
Black LIES and their Antiqueefa friends need to be shut down. Fry them all on a RICO charge and while you are at it track down the ringleader Soreass and fry him too. That piece of shit has been funding these riots for 10 years now and he has been undermining the country for more than 70.
Black Lies and Antqueefa are noting more than Terrorist Groups that need to be snuffed out, and anyone who supports them should be snuffed out
If they wanted to end racism, they’re doing it wrong.
Imagine being a kid nowadays, no matter if white or black. There’s a huge probability that you’ll hate each other just because of the stuff you are watching 24/7 on tv/social media.
“white people are bad white people are evil”
*videos of people burning and looting cities, fighting and shooting each other*
*videos of black people bullying, assaulting, hurting random white people*
*videos of white cops shooting black people*
“white people are bad white people are evil”
If you want to know how to create racism, this is it. For both sides.
The only real benefit of communism is that you couldn’t make money out of destructive things like this. You couldn’t get donations from corporations, or Nike money from China, or money based on TV viewership for showing riots and fueling hate 24/7 because the government would take all the money and give you the bare minimum required to keep you alive.